Word from the Wise

Yeah, let us know how it works out! Good luck!

Thanks i use your tips on my relaxer and.............my hair felt out:mad:....SIKE JUST KIDDING...:lachen:. Thank you Sooo much i love how using the shampoo last and the conditioner first. My hair feels silky and not dry as a bone but it has moisture:blowkiss:

thanks again Sistaslick:grin:
I used to put a conditioner in my hair after I relaxed and before neutralizing I didnt go 15 mins tho. Normally only 5 or so. Vitale has a foaming protein conditioner and also this revive conditioner. They arent a creamy conditioner where I would have to be scared about having relaxer residue and not realize it. When i did neutralize it, I combed the shampoo through already straight/detangled hair and let the second shampoo sit 10 mins or so. I think lye relaxers are better. The hair shaft tends to swell and SOMETIMES get brittle with no lye.

Mid protein is like a mild protein treatment. Mild protein treatments tend to be creamy. Examples of mild protein treatments would be things like Nexxus Keraphix, Motions CPR, Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner, Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor.
hi. what is a "mid protein"?

"Mid-protein step" refers to applying a creamy protein-based conditioner (like Keraphix, Aphogee 2 min, etc.) to the hair in the middle of the relaxer process, usually after rinsing out the relaxer, but before using the neutralizing shampoo, like some of the ladies are discussing in the above posts.
Pre Neutralize Conditioner

Mid protein is like a mild protein treatment. Mild protein treatments tend to be creamy. Examples of mild protein treatments would be things like Nexxus Keraphix, Motions CPR, Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner, Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor.

Are these the conditioners to use post-relaxer, pre-neutralizer? Are there any more? Is there a preferred choice? Does porosity control fit in here at all?
Re: Pre Neutralize Conditioner

Are these the conditioners to use post-relaxer, pre-neutralizer? Are there any more? Is there a preferred choice? Does porosity control fit in here at all?

You can use any mild protein with a pH around 4.5. Porosity control does have a pH of 4.5, but IMO it doesn't have any real conditioning properties. I usually apply porosity control for a couple of minutes AFTER I use the neutralizing poo. My favorite mid protein treat is Affirm 5 n 1, but I will try Aveda DR treatment next relaxer, as the AVEDA representative claims the pH is around 4.
Thanks i use your tips on my relaxer and.............my hair felt out:mad:....SIKE JUST KIDDING...:lachen:. Thank you Sooo much i love how using the shampoo last and the conditioner first. My hair feels silky and not dry as a bone but it has moisture:blowkiss:

thanks again Sistaslick:grin:

I tried to told ya. :lachen:
Re: Pre Neutralize Conditioner

Are these the conditioners to use post-relaxer, pre-neutralizer? Are there any more? Is there a preferred choice? Does porosity control fit in here at all?

Yes, right after the relaxer is rinsed, and before the neutralizing shampoo product is applied. Gymfreak and Kacie listed good ones to try. :yep: You can finish with something more moisturizing after you rinse your neutralizer and it has produced white suds . . . the final conditioning before styling.
Man, sista slick! Ur on top of things! Do u know of any good acidifying conditioners? I might be texlaxing my nieces hair soon and have narrowed the relaxers down to affirm fiberguard, mizani bb and designers touch (all of them lye) and i need all the help i can get?

Pretty much any conditioner you use will have an acidifying effect. They are all pH balanced that way (to help close and smooth the cuticles after a shampoo). :yep: Any good moisturizing conditioner will do . . . KeraCare Humecto, Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner... those are the ones I tend to lean on.
Re: Pre Neutralize Conditioner

Are these the conditioners to use post-relaxer, pre-neutralizer? Are there any more? Is there a preferred choice? Does porosity control fit in here at all?

I don't know if it is mild or not, but, someone here suggested Jheri Redding's 100% Natural Protein, (sold at Sallys), just before I did my last TU. After rinsing I used it for about 7 minutes, rinsed and then used Porosity Control. When I went to neutralize, I got white suds on the first shampoo. I did it again just to make sure.

I'm going to relax again about three weeks from now. This time, I'm going to use the JR Protein again, but mix the PC with my DC of ORS Replenishing mixed with Nexxus Humectin.
Great thread! And I don't even relax anymore. :look:
This should be linked in one of the stickies at the top.
This is so true!! I think this is why Affirm used to work so well for me back in the day. My stylist would always do the condition step and then do the shampoo. It was also a lye relaxer. If I ever go near another no-lye some one please strangle me!!:wallbash:
Wow! Very imformative thread. I self relax now for quite sometime and I like to know why I am doing what I do. What are the end results for me putting ??? in my hair at a certain point. PH levels etc etc.

Thanks for all the information ladies!!!
Wow! Very imformative thread. I self relax now for quite sometime and I like to know why I am doing what I do. What are the end results for me putting ??? in my hair at a certain point. PH levels etc etc.

Thanks for all the information ladies!!!
Yep. :yep: Make sure you thoroughly rinse the relaxer, too there should be no active creme on your strands when you apply the conditioner. Apply the reconstructing conditioner for 3-5 mins, then rinse. Apply your neutralizing shampoo for 5 mins undisturbed as well, then begin rinsing until your color indicator produces white suds and bubbles. :yep:

This is extremely informative.....thank you.
This definitely should be a sticky! :clapping:

Kelcee23: Go 'head and switch to Lye. I'm telling you, my hair has never been better. For years, I couldn't figure out what my hair was always so dry and brittle, breaking and lifeless, not to mention as I learned more about porosity, I found that my hair was essentially damaged and unhealthy. With Lye relaxers, I have been able to retain more moisture, stretch more, and care for my hair much better.

I haven't taken your friend's advice about stretching. I'm stretching through November. It's been almost 16 weeks post-relaxer. We'll see how my hair holds up. I generally stretch for 3 or 4 months, having been told that my hair was too fine for frequent relaxing. Right now I'm not experiencing too much shedding or breakage so I'm o.k. for now. ;)

I though protein would revert a perm

I am one of the FINE HAIR ladies, and would like to know if you recommend the JR protein as the mid con? When do you use prosity control?

I am self relaxing this weekend, so just to recap:

I am chelating tonight, Wednesday, because I have a bunch of cones in my hair
Protein conditioning with ORS
followed by Kenra Moisturizing CON

Applying Lye relaxer Saturday morning
Mizani BB
thoroughly rinse
apply aphoghee reconstructor 5 min no heat
neutralize poo undisturbed 5 min
Kenra MC and my babasu oil

add leave-in and style

anything else?
Last edited:
I've read of two techniques and am wondering which is more effective the mid protein step or adding the protein to the relaxer? Seems that adding the con to the perm would not condition the length of the hair.
I am bumping this thread. I've learned more in this thread than what they taught in Cosmetology School. Thanks SistaSlick.
She sounds A LOT like my former hair stylist who was a TRUE professional and knew exactly what she was doing! She would preach all the time moisture, moisture, moisture...and now I know why!!!!! She has since passed on and I miss her terribly...:sad:


Lately, I have been really considering going back to a lye relaxer! I've been racking my brain, so finally I decided to call my friend (who used to do my hair back in the day) who owns a hair salon (she has owned her own shop since a few years graduating from high school) to get her opinion on switching from a no-lye to lye. She is a very straight forward, no lie type of gal and she said this:

"Babe (she always calls me babe), whether it's no lye or lye it is all the same thing just different type of lye. And actually lye relaxers are better because it provides more moisture than the other. But above all that, it's not about the relaxer, it really about your conditioner and making sure you are using moisturizing conditioner. That's the most important thing regarding black hair care period. So yes, you can get a lye relaxer, and be fine just make sure when you relax you condition the hair before neutralizing. Rinse the relaxer out, then apply conditioner and sit under the dryer for 10 or 15 minutes, then neutralize. And personally, I don't like Affirm relaxer system, it drys the hair too much."

So, I reconfirmed whether or not I would have breakage because of a switch and she confirmed with a no.

Also she said that it's not good on the hair to go longer than 12 weeks post relaxers. If you do, you need to moisturize daily but don't go that long if I don't have to.

SO, I am sooooooo tempted!

What do you ladies think?

Yep. :yep: Make sure you thoroughly rinse the relaxer, too there should be no active creme on your strands when you apply the conditioner. Apply the reconstructing conditioner for 3-5 mins, then rinse. Apply your neutralizing shampoo for 5 mins undisturbed as well, then begin rinsing until your color indicator produces white suds and bubbles. :yep:

Sistaslick--Thanks for the tips. Question... I use Designer Touch Post Perm Treatment (PPT) immediately after rinsing the relaxer out. Would this be the same as applying a reconstructing conditioner???

Bottle states that PPT is a deep penetrating protein treatment that is used after a relaxer treatment to help restore the hair's natural moisture. It's unique conditioning formula replaces proteins and other nutrients that are stripped away durihng chemical peocessing.