Woohoo! Got my mtg a few minutes ago


Active Member
Okay with all the posts about how bad mtg smells I opened my bottle with trepidation. It doesn't smell that bad to me. I used to use glover's and sulfur 8 and the only person that was bothered by the smell was my mom when I visited her. If I do find it a bit strong later I already know what to do thanks to you ladies. By the way I thought it kind of funny when I read the brochure that came with the product and saw that they apply the baggie method on the horses.:lol:
Good luck!!
I just starting using mine last night. I will apply it mixed with Surge and Wild Growth oil 2-3 times a week.
I just sprayed some on. I was expecting my son to say something smart about my hair but he didn't. I think his allergy is bothering him. I plan on using mine with wgo and surge too. Big afro here I come!:lol:
I got mine today too. Didn't smell too bad to me either. It kinda reminded me of this grease my grandmother used called APEX...they had this special scalp treatment that was black and stinky just like this MTG. Granny always had some lovely hair! :D
Can't wait to see some glorious results.
I just got mine this Monday :D , but I cannot use it until a few days after I get my touch-up on (which will be on Sunday) :ohwell:

Can't wait to start!!!!!
Will post progress pics!!!!

Stay tuned.........
