Woo! I made my first milestone! (new album with updates)


old head
Yay! :yay:

I'm on a long journey to waistlength hair, so I gotta celebrate every milestone along the way :lol:

My bangs are officially at chin length, and the back of my hair has reached armpit :woot: I put progress pics with 2 and 4 month comparisons in the LHCF gallery.

I also have a new album which includes pics from my relaxed days, transition, bc, regimen/products etc. Some are old pics I used to have in the LHCF gallery and my old picturetrail account (if you were around back in those days...), and there are some never-before-seen pics as well (trust, I take way more pics than I ever include in my albums. :lol: )
The link is in my profile.

OT: If you're looking for a pic hosting site or you're running out of room in your current one, you might check out the place where I have mine. It's really cool :yep:
WHOA!! I was just looking at your album in the LHCF gallery. I was looking forward to the grand opening today of your album! Nice progress, you will be at waistlength in no time.
Thanks, ladies :D

I forgot to add that the site where my new album is is flash-based--I'm keeping my LHCF album updated in case people have problems with flash or have a slow connection etc. It's a fairly new website so I'm just covering my butt in case they have issues on their end...
Peachtree said:
GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! Ur hair is groooowING!!!!! I really need ur growth rate right now...
if anything me!!!!! all this trimming since my BC has got to stop lol. Cardinal hand those inches of growth over :rofl:
I'm telling you guys, don't slack on the con washes. Con washes are the TRUTH. That's why my hair is growing so fast (fast for me, at least). Seriously. Check it out:

Look at the BC pics. That's how much hair I grew in 18 MONTHS. That's a year and a half = a little over 4 inches. Nothing special at all. I always thought I was just one of the slower growers, getting 1/4" per month--figured I'd just deal with it and focus on retaining what I grew (which is what worked for me while I was relaxed--I wore buns like 98% of the time).
BUT once I chopped, I knew I could airdry successfully every day (my relaxed hair wasn't keen on airdrying; it caused too much breakage for me), so I started the daily con washes, just wearing a wash n go puff every day. Now for the past 4 months I've consistently gotten 3/4" growth per month. That's TRIPLE my old growth rate, people.

And I know I haven't done anything else consistently in my regimen that would explain it, and I've never had a "summer spurt" that would match this. Nobody can tell me otherwise; it's the washing that increased my growth. It must be the clean scalp/scalp stimulation. That's all I can think of. All I know for sure is that it worked for me, and I'll tell anyone who will listen!
Do your con washes and be consistent :up: :up:
Thanks for Sharing this! I do believe we are hair twins... Your washed transitioning pics, look exactly how my hair looks when I wash it. That's encouraging for me :)

Congrats on your growth! That's really awesome and again, thanks for sharing your album... it is really cute!
BlackCardinal said:
I'm telling you guys, don't slack on the con washes. Con washes are the TRUTH. That's why my hair is growing so fast (fast for me, at least). Seriously. Check it out:

Look at the BC pics. That's how much hair I grew in 18 MONTHS. That's a year and a half = a little over 4 inches. Nothing special at all. I always thought I was just one of the slower growers, getting 1/4" per month--figured I'd just deal with it and focus on retaining what I grew (which is what worked for me while I was relaxed--I wore buns like 98% of the time).
BUT once I chopped, I knew I could airdry successfully every day (my relaxed hair wasn't keen on airdrying; it caused too much breakage for me), so I started the daily con washes, just wearing a wash n go puff every day. Now for the past 4 months I've consistently gotten 3/4" growth per month. That's TRIPLE my old growth rate, people.

And I know I haven't done anything else consistently in my regimen that would explain it, and I've never had a "summer spurt" that would match this. Nobody can tell me otherwise; it's the washing that increased my growth. It must be the clean scalp/scalp stimulation. That's all I can think of. All I know for sure is that it worked for me, and I'll tell anyone who will listen!
Do your con washes and be consistent :up: :up:

I just told myself I was going to up my frequency of cw's...to keep my hair more moisturized. I'm starting to get a dull look to my hair... :ohwell:
BlackCardinal said:
I'm telling you guys, don't slack on the con washes. Con washes are the TRUTH. That's why my hair is growing so fast (fast for me, at least). Seriously. Check it out:

Look at the BC pics. That's how much hair I grew in 18 MONTHS. That's a year and a half = a little over 4 inches. Nothing special at all. I always thought I was just one of the slower growers, getting 1/4" per month--figured I'd just deal with it and focus on retaining what I grew (which is what worked for me while I was relaxed--I wore buns like 98% of the time).
BUT once I chopped, I knew I could airdry successfully every day (my relaxed hair wasn't keen on airdrying; it caused too much breakage for me), so I started the daily con washes, just wearing a wash n go puff every day. Now for the past 4 months I've consistently gotten 3/4" growth per month. That's TRIPLE my old growth rate, people.

And I know I haven't done anything else consistently in my regimen that would explain it, and I've never had a "summer spurt" that would match this. Nobody can tell me otherwise; it's the washing that increased my growth. It must be the clean scalp/scalp stimulation. That's all I can think of. All I know for sure is that it worked for me, and I'll tell anyone who will listen!
Do your con washes and be consistent :up: :up:

Preach girl, My hair grows like wild fire wwith CON washes...!

You growth is awesome! and your hair is beautiful ....Keep up the good work !
angellazette said:
I just told myself I was going to up my frequency of cw's...to keep my hair more moisturized. I'm starting to get a dull look to my hair... :ohwell:

you have to clarify , at least once or twice a month if this happens ... Or....

I was my hair once a week with CON shampoo .. so I really don't get build up ...
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Congrats, Congrats!! :dance7: I am so happy for you!. I just looked at your pics, great growth!!

Now, as for the CW's.. I am relaxed and I started the baggie method for 3 months. Do you know if I can CW daily and baggie while wet? Any idea how that will affect my hair? I would think I would need time to air dry to prevent it from souring.

Any thoughts?

Congrats Again Girl..I am celebrating with you!! :dance7:
honeisos said:
Have to clarify , at least once or twice a month if this happens ... Or

I was my hair once a week with CON shampoo .. so I really don't get build up ...

I just clarified about a week and a half ago...I'm starting to wonder if it's just my hair color. I don't mean to hijack your thread BC, but if anyone has anymore suggestions, I'd appreciate it!
Oh BlackCardinal, girl thank you so much for the inspiration. I'm going back to the daily con washes ASAP. You have made me a believer! Congratulations!:yay: And by the way, your website is off the chain, very nice.
Thank you, ladies, for your compliments and encouragment. I never would have even thought about con washes or known about my beloved Jason cons if it weren't for LHCF :Rose:

I don't know about con washes with baggies...I've never tried the baggy technique. I'm not sure if it would be good for your hair to be wet and in plastic all the time. I mean if I put my hair in a puff right after washing, the very middle might still be damp at the end of the day, but I've never had any problems with that. Maybe if you let the ends dry a little first, or just gently soak up some of the water with a towel before bagging it would be okay... :scratchch