Wondering should I relax before or after surgery????????


Well-Known Member
I am scheduled for knee surgery on 12-23, and I am due for a relaxer and I am wondering if I should do my relaxer before or after surgery?
:bighug: Sorry to hear that you have to have surgery, Coffee. I pray that all goes well with you. My opinion... you should get the relaxer BEFORE the surgery. I'm not sure if you plan to self relax or go to a salon but having it done before will help you stay off of that knee. (I had surgery on my right ankle back in '04-I had a metal plant and 7 screws inserted so I know how it is). Anyway, God Bless You, Coffee. I'm praying you'll have a speedy recovery after the surgey.
This is the kind of thing I would think about. If you are due for a relaxer, then I would get it done before because you may not feel like getting it done after surgery - Then this can contribute to you possibly feeling worse because you can't pull yourselff together like you want to.
Before. You're going to be off your feet and vicoden-ed up for a while. Best to get it over with.
OT: Coffee what is the length of your hair in your siggy? My hair is about that length and I don't know what to call it.
I am scheduled for knee surgery on 12-23, and I am due for a relaxer and I am wondering if I should do my relaxer before or after surgery?
I just came in to wish you well and to say that I am praying for a sucessful surgery and a complete and fast healing. You take care Lady. And please have a wonderful and 'pain free' Christmas with your family and loved ones.

Blessings to you Coffee... :pray: :giveheart:

I don't know very much about perms, but perhaps before your procedure so that you can focus on resting and enjoying your family afterwards and not be concerned about your hair. :yep:
I say before.

Just thought I'd share that my mom had knee surgery in September. This was her second. She had the other knee done in few years ago.

I pray your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.
Definitely before the surgery. You don't need to worry about anything but recovering after the surgery.
Before ebcause sometiems you are immobilized after surgery and its hard washing your hair let alone relaxing your hair!! I hope yu have a speedy recovery!
Thanks yawl for the prayers and well wishes:heart2:. I will go ahead and relax before surgery. I was wondering about the anesthesia which is why I asked. This will be surgery #4, so if this one doesn't take, I may have knee replacement:ohwell:.
I was wondering about the anesthesia which is why I asked.

Oh. I know some people are sensitive to anesthesia and lose hair because of it. However, this seems to be due to their personal sensitivity and not to whether or not they have recently had a relaxer.
Coffee you mentioned you were going to do it before the surgery and I highly agree. Long story short... A year ago I had my hair relaxed by this women from the islands who had been in business for over 40 years. We were talking about my hair before and after having my son and she said if you have any anesthesia ie. c-section or epidural then you should wait a considerable amount of time before getting a relaxer as the meds stay in your system for some time. She said that is one of the biggest culprits of shedding and breaking hair after pregnancy. So if your due for a touch up, I would suggest before as well. I hope all goes well!