Wondering if my last relaxer has permanently damaged my scalp


Active Member
I'm wondering if my last relaxer has permanently damaged my scalp. After the relaxer, my scalp was numb for two or three days and now I think I may be experiencing slow or no growth; I can't quite tell yet because it's only been a few weeks. I may just be paranoid because I've never had a relaxer make my scalp numb before. Have any of you ever experienced a numb scalp after a relaxer? Did it make your hair grow slowly or stop growing? If it did, did your hair eventually begin to grow at its usual rate again? I searched the forum for answers and found one thread that was on point, but it only had a few replies.
No, I've never had my scalp go numb after a relaxer. That's not normal. Like MsChelle asked, do you have any scabs or burns? Did the stylist base your scalp? Did you self relax? What strength relaxer and how long did you leave it on? As far as growth, it takes about 6-8 weeks for most people to notice new growth.

If you're concerned, I say see a doctor as soon as possible.
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I've never had numbing, just burns . Try parting your hair where it felt numb and taking some pictures of your scalp. I have taken pictures of my scalp recently and I can see the difference between my healthy scalp and the areas that have been damaged. Just and idea.
Thank you ladies! @ No, I didn't have any burns or scabs. But my scalp did feel very sensitive the entire time the lady was styling it. She used a regular strength Design relaxer and she did base my scalp. Maybe the numbness came from her technique rather than the relaxer. She used her nails to scrub my scalp as she washed out the relaxer and then she used a dryer with teeth that scratched my scalp each time she ran it through my hair. Solitude It hasn't been 8 wks since the relaxer yet so maybe I just have noticed the growth.
^^^ yes, perhaps it was her technique. She should have been very careful not to disturb your scalp before or after the relaxer. Most stylist know not to scrub the scalp after a relaxer.

Just be careful to monitor the situation and keep us updated.
I've had that happen before and that was the last two times I relaxed my hair. My hair growth is slow but that may be my genetics, diet etc...
If you don't find the answers you are looking for, and are still worried
I would recommend a visit to the dermatologist cos that doesn't sound

Breathe in, breathe out you still have your hair so that's good :)
melissa-bee, did your hair grow slowly even before the relaxers made your scalp numb?

Yeah, it did according to the average.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. You scalp may be going through a shock phrase or something. But then I was worried enough not to relax again so maybe you could consider that also. Because prior to the last two times I relaxed I had never ever had that feeling before. And as you can see some others have never experienced it. I don't think it's right you head feeling numb for at 2-3 days :sad: it's a scary feeling.
WoW ... I have never heard of this before or experienced this. Also, I would have told the stylist not to disturb your scalp with her nails or the teeth on the comb especially after a chemical process.

The only advice I can give is to baby the heck out of your scalp and possibly even use a little aloe vera gel on it as a gentle scalp massage.

Sorry this happened to you!
I second the scalp massage advice. But first make sure there's no physical damage like scabs etc. Eucalyptus oil will help increase moisture levels in the scalp in case you are experiencing dryness.
Organic Root Stimulator Scalp Scrub may help bring back blood flow and oxygen to your scalp, but make sure to do a strand test first if you want to every try the product. I agree with Malaika, you should go see a dermatologist.