Women who stretch their hair but love their hair straight.


Active Member
Ok so I'm 10 weeks post. And I need some advice on how I could keep my hair straight via wash and set. I usually blow dry my roots because I love to wear my hair down. I was thinking about using Aphogee 2min every week I wash and set. And I wanna try and blow dry my roots on medium. Any other suggestions??? Look at my pic at 10 weeks post

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HUH? Did you post the right pic? That looks pretty straight to me. How straight to you want it???
HUH? Did you post the right pic? That looks pretty straight to me. How straight to you want it???

I know it's straight. I'm just asking for any advice on how to care for my hair better when I'm stretching. So if you have any advice that would be great.

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If you wear your hair straight and down your best bet would be to flat iron or blow dry your roots. If you don't mind some kinkiness at the roots, you could wear your hair in curls so that it blends better all over.
The saran wrap method always made my head sweat causing reversion. Maybe I did it wrong?

I blow dry and flat iron almost every wash and stretch to about 11 weeks. I keep my roots straight by misting oil only my roots with a light oil prior to heat styling. I use Wonder 8 Oil. The oil helps my roots to stay straighter throughout a week of working out. I like that oil because it's super light and comes in a misting pump bottle for a lighter, more even distribution.
Have you tried rollersetting and lightly tapping the roots with a flat iron? Your hair looks pretty healthy to me so do you really need to find a completely heatless way to get the look you want?
Do you prefer washing weekly or can you not get a press to last two weeks? If you are set on flat ironing weekly I would definitely keep the reconstructor in the regimen.
I second the saran wrap. It works perfectly making your silky without the additional heat. Also just wrap or bun with a silk scarf keeping down your edges.
Your Cheeziness
My hair will sweat if I saran wrap with the hooded dryer on high. I don't have this issue if I turn the temp down to medium. I have a hooded dryer from Sally's.
Have you tried rollersetting and lightly tapping the roots with a flat iron? Your hair looks pretty healthy to me so do you really need to find a completely heatless way to get the look you want?

Well I do have some short pieces of hair that stand up when I get my roots blow out. I might be acting a little anal but I'm striving for perfection. I think i also got scared because my hair dresser is like scaring me because i have sooo much new growth. Thank you so much for your complement.

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