Women Are Messing The Game Up...

I do believe that there’s an abundance of women that make it too easy for men. But, I don’t think that we can completely blame the shift in the dating game on women. While back in the day, courting women was more prevalent, there were still heauxs that made it easy. Men supposedly like the “chase” but, sometimes they give up on the chase and go for what’s easy.
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Another perspectv, also nsfw

I agree its not ALL on women, but lets recognize that men, in 9.9 out of 10 cases, are not going to turn the P down. we as women have to be more discerning when it comes to what we want.

This isn't specifically directed at you, but. Could it also be said that lets face it, 9.9/10 times, women are not going to become more discerning when it comes to what we want? Lol

Men love sex, by any means necessary. They just do.

Women love kind words and gestures. No matter what else is going on. We just do.

So, now what? :lol:
@qchelle ur right. We like what we like. We can both get those things from each other and go our separate ways

I think the idea is... We should not expect to get a commitment and the level of respect we desire if we are going to be so free w the P.
And yes, the catch 22... I see it as a 'warning' from him speakg for the avg man. They wont be excited, they wont feel invested, the connection we want from the man we choose wont be there. They arent getting the challenge they need as 'hunters' from us
Preach. LOL, :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:he's right thou. We have the slut walk, the Kardashians, Social Media, build a butt, tit and the like. The men don't have to work for it anymore. Every other woman is walking around with a brick house and it doesn't take nothing to break that house down. The brother is telling no lie. The way he was looking, I'm coming in here thinking I don't want to hear any ****ery right now but the brother telling it like it needs to be told. Am still laughing on his presentation.:afro:
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I'd usually push back on stuff like this but he has a point. An alpha male friend of mine would often tell me that when he was younger, women ran him. They'd have his head so twisted that he was nothing but a fool for love. But now it is easy and he doesn't even have to work anymore. This isn't just about sex, it is about women going out of their way to please a man who has done zero work. He's had women offer to cook, clean, do laundry for him, and pay for dates early in the courtship process. Women also agree to exclusivity too soon because we don't make the man compete with other men for our time.

But I don't believe the game is messed up for all women. Even these men who can get sex easily are still chasing some woman. There is still courtship going on. If these men are so disappointed in how easy some women are, they need to start pursuing quality women. It's like blaming fast food joints for why you're overweight. There are still farmers markets out there.
Last talk I had with a male that talked like this in real life he was telling me how aggressive white women were and they they were tossing their stuff at him left and right and we need to catch up with the times.

He finally found him someone, black. Big age difference.

But wow.

I assume this talk is directed at blk woman as always.

No further comments.
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He's annoying and I had to cut it off. He's ugly af first of all, so that made it difficult. Secondly, he makes some blanket assertions that aren't exclusively true, but I already know this black man believes he has it all figured out.

I hate it when men try to tell women about ourselves like men hate it when we do it to them. Don't tell me how to be a woman, what I need to do, why I'm doing what I'm doing, and when I'm going to get tired doing what I'm doing. Ugh.

Black men can be really annoying when they start expressing their opinions on black womanhood and gender relations.