"Woman's Braids Land Her in the Emergency Room"

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member

The old adage that "beauty is pain" became a little too true for a North Carolina woman whose braided hairstyle resulted in her making multiple trips to the emergency room.

A few weeks after getting her hair braided at a salon, Veronica Carter started to experience excruciating pain.

"I got up and I was crying in the middle of the night and I was praying and crying like God please don't let me die," Carter told WFMY News 2. "The braid came out and it was like a little white bump. The headaches became just on one side and it was migraines and it was like a heat sensation."

With a swollen face and closed eye, Carter visited the emergency room on two occasions and on the second trip she was handed over medical documentation that stated she may be suffering from a hard-to-treat bacterial infection known as MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

"He told me it's because the braids was too tight," said Carter, on her medical consultation. "He said her nails, anything up under the nail, if her nails was sharp or if she took it and tried to braid it and maybe cut me right here and I didn't notice it."

Celebrity hair stylist Kimberly Kimble -- who maintains the manes of stars like Beyoncé, Kerry Washington, and Shakira -- says that the number one thing to look out for is that the process should not hurt.

"Getting your hair braided should not be painful, before, during or after," Kimble tells StyleList. "If your braids are pulling from the scalp or if you can see the bulbs coming out of the end of the hair shaft, it's pulling your hair out and is too tight."

To prep your strands for this hairstyle, Kimble advises that you go in to your salon with clean and freshly washed hair. "It should also be very hydrated prior to getting braids by using hot oil or moisturizing treatments like Kimble Hair Care Systems Honey and Oatmeal Moisturizing Treatment."

Maintain your braided hairstyle by sleeping in a silk bonnet and on a silk pillowcase, as cotton fibers can dry out the hair, she adds.

To prevent this hair-raising matter from occurring in the future, the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners are backing new state regulation made effective on July 1, 2010 that requires natural hair care stylists to pass both a practical and written exam before becoming licensed.

"It is a strong and appropriate examination in the interest of protecting the consumer in regards to stylists and cleanliness," Executive Director Lynda Elliott tells StyleList. "A lot of the confusion is that [hairstylists] must get their cosmetology license but this pertains specifically to licensing in natural hair care."

And for natural hair care stylists who have been braiding, cornrowing and twisting prior to July 1, Elliott urges you to take the exam within a year or face returning back to beauty school for 300 hours before getting your license.

While an employee of the salon reportedly told WFMY News 2 that Carter should have returned sooner with her complaint, having her hair restyled isn't just going to cut it.

"This right here is going to be a mark for the rest of my life, this scar. My hair is not going to grow back."
This was already posted and as said in that thread MSRA shows itself within 3 days she went to the hospital a few weeks later so she couldn't have gotten it from the braider.
This sounds so painful!
I don't even know what to say because:
1. If it was this painful, didn't she feel any pain during the braiding, towards the end of the styling, on her way out of the salon, when she got home? At any point in time?
2. Does this have to do with money? Meaning we pay so much money for these styles that dang, it we riding the pain through!

I didn't get the nail and cutting of the scalp example. Did she get an infection in addition to the braids being too tight?
OMG I'm cringing right now!

I got my hair braided in cornrows last week and it didn't hurt that much but it did hurt a little bit. I was sooooo scared!!! I did get some little bumps here and there on my head.

My scalp has healed now and I'm just afraid to get braids ever ever ever again.

I would never want to be that lady...
Well, I am glad that a state representative stepped in and made it priority for these beauticians to get more training :lachen:! They don't care about your head they just care about the work they see when they are finished and the money, but the one's in the chairs are the one's often suffering. Cutting too much hair here, pulling your hair too tight there, leaving the perm on too long even if you're telling them it's starting to burn, there are endless horror stories. I learned a long time ago to watch stylists very carefully and go with your gut instinct. And I agree that this woman would have felt the pain immediately from tight braids, I once got the worst headache in my life after my stylist braided my hair so tight for my sew in weave, I wanted to take the whole thing out that night, but it eventually faded within the next 2-3 days so I dealt with it and I don't think I have gotten a sew in since then, I totally DIY now.
This sounds so painful!
I don't even know what to say because:
1. If it was this painful, didn't she feel any pain during the braiding, towards the end of the styling, on her way out of the salon, when she got home? At any point in time?
2. Does this have to do with money? Meaning we pay so much money for these styles that dang, it we riding the pain through!

I didn't get the nail and cutting of the scalp example. Did she get an infection in addition to the braids being too tight?

I believe the point was that the braider may have cut her scalp with her nails and the bacteria beneath them caused an infection
This sounds very unpleasant and very painful. I hope that poor woman will be okay and that she will not suffer permanent damage or hair loss!

Things like this just reinforce in my mind that I will continue to do my own hair! If at some point in the future I want to wear some cornrows, I'll have my cousin or my mom do them! :yep: