Wll henna cause protein build-up? Henna experts, please take a look!


New Member
I'm looking for a cheap way to increase the shine of my hair.

I was thinking of adding a tablespoon of henna to my DC's every other week.

It'd be a henna gloss. I will do the color

Tablespoon Henna
Tablespoon Jojoba Oil
1/4 - 1/3 bottle of aubrey organics honeysuckle rose conditioner

I would just DC with heat for 25 mins like I always do and rinse well.

I also use the aphogee hardcore treatment every 5-6 weeks, so I'm very weary of overdoing it with protein.

Will a henna gloss like this give me more shine? Would it be too strengthening? Is my technique off - is it safe to add to a dc like this? Should I do the color release thing to the henna?
I'd definitely color release the henna first - you can do that ahead of time, and then get a cheap ice cube tray, and freeze your henna in half full ice cubes - just enough for a gloss. It'll definitely give you more shine and more strength, even used 'lightly' as you plan on it.

Urm. There COULD definitely be protein buildup/over strengthening issues - but it so depends on your hair! I don't see a problem with starting to do the glosses, but I would strongly suggest that you take inventory with your hair BEFORE you do the hardcore treatment, every, single, time, because I suspect there WILL be some times when your hair is close enough to the 'edge' to really not need it.

As long as you keep an eye on your hairs moisture level, and skip the hardcore treatments when your hair doesn't need them, I think you'll be fine.

The main danger (in my mind) of mixing henna and protein treatments is getting into a 'habit' of doing them, and doing it because the calendar says it's time, despite what your hair might be saying, ya know?

Good luck!