WL 2011

Update: I just trimmed this weekend :perplexed ... a slight setback in length but at least there are no split ends


**My ends are a bit frizzy b/c of the weather .. this is why I don't bother to straighten during the summer months.

Question: Do you think my goal line is a bit high? I am round about 5' even so I guess it's normal for my mbl and wl to be so close to each other right?
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s4ppir3, actually I think your goal line is a bit low rather than too high. You could move it up by .5-1inch, which seems to be the narrowest part of your body~your waist line.
s4pphir3 your hair looks great. I am about 5' even as well but I have a roll so that's how I measure my WL goal :grin:

Your WL however, would be at the narrowest part of your waist so your line does appear to be slightly below this :yep:
*peeks in*

i want this....but i'm thinking i should wait till later in the year to join, just to make sure it is realistic. me, WL? never would have imagined before LHCF....
I am starting to think about putting my hair health first, thus I need a professional deep condition and MAJOR trim from my hair lady, I need to make an appointment on the 24th, these ends are killing me! Not sure if I will be getting a weave after all....I will need to use PS styles till then, ugh! Because my hair seems to be on the weaker end at the moment :/ don't want any set backs but a trim...
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I am starting to think about putting my hair health first, thus I need a professional deep condition and MAJOR trim from my hair lady, I need to make an appointment on the 24th, these ends are killing me! Not sure if I will be getting a weave after all....I will need to use PS styles till then, ugh! Because my hair seems to be on the weaker end at the moment :/ don't want any set backs but a trim...
You seem to be very indecisive as to what direction it is you want to take with your hair. Then again, I guess we are all like that in the beginning. Just curious, what is the benefit of a professional DC as opposed to doing one yourself?
just checking in......

i'm glad this challenge goes on until the end of december so we have over a year to go because i feel like i'll need every second of that time.

this texlaxing is possibly the greatest change in perm process that i've made, but it's so hard to get that flat hair that comes from bonelaxing.

when those roots shrink up, it looks like my hair has reverted to being shorter rather than growing.
then of course, i also have hairnorexia, so this stuff is driving me a bit batty!

(it did grow, btw, after perming, with tons of dc on to weigh it down, it touches my BSB line now....course as soon as it's dry, it shrinks right back up my back though, lol!)
Hey everyone! :D I realized I haven't posted but that's because I haven't been doing anything different lately but regardless I'll still give a brief update. I've been shampooing and conditioning my hair every 7-10 days, no set conditioner since I'm using up my mini stash and doing a lot of mixing but it's all been working out well. I'm thinking of buying some natural moisturizing conditioners soon. I've also been taking my vitamins regularly and even though I haven't seen any increase in hair growth, I will continue since sometimes it takes a few months to kick in and to me my new growth appears to be healthy so that's a plus. Next update will probably be in the late fall/early winter when I relax with pictures included. HHG everyone! :grin:
You seem to be very indecisive as to what direction it is you want to take with your hair. Then again, I guess we are all like that in the beginning. Just curious, what is the benefit of a professional DC as opposed to doing one yourself?

I don't know, she just does a good job conditioning, plus I need a trim!! And heck yes I'm indecisive!!! Ugh!
I don't know if i should/want to join yet. We still have a couple of months before the new year starts. I'm already past bsl. I dunno, i need to find out how many more inches i need.
Honeisos , your hair looks beautiful!! what kind of henna do you use?

Thank you s4pphir and mEmYSELFaNDj !

I really am not loyal to any brand .. and I know that is taboo .. Whatever the indian store has, i buy .. most of the time it is the Jamilia brand .. gives great color and works fast .. I also lighten my hair with Clariol texures and tones Cherrywood 2or 3 times a yr .. That's why you can see the redness of the henna color .. my natural color is black ...
*peeks in*

i want this....but i'm thinking i should wait till later in the year to join, just to make sure it is realistic. me, WL? never would have imagined before LHCF....

SERIOUSLY???? lilsparkle :wallbash: get your butt in here!!! You belong in WL 2011 RIGHT NOW!!!!
I don't know if i should/want to join yet. We still have a couple of months before the new year starts. I'm already past bsl. I dunno, i need to find out how many more inches i need.

Don't be scurred...You're in the right place!!!
ita with Janet!

Come on Lilsparkle825 and Wheezy807!

the more the merrier and you ladies have some great hair that is itching to be WL already!
Ok, this is gonna be long......

I've been feeling REALLY discouraged about my hair, I mean to the point where I felt like giving myself a freakin' buzz cut!

My hair has felt dry, it's been shedding like crazy, and the ssk seem to be multiplying exponentially. The other day I did a WnG and my hair literally MATTED in a matter of hours! I've been on a no heat diet and every time I do that, my hair files for a seperation :wallbash:

I needed to straigten at some point and I just KNEW I was gonna need another 4-5 inch mini chop to salvage my hair :cry2:

So I bit the bullet. I did a steam treatment with Suave humectant, Giovanni SAS, and honey. i followed that with a ponytail rollerset using AOHSR and coconut oil. I sat under the dryer for a little over an hour. Then I flat ironed using Chi silk infusion on each section.

OMG I was blown away!!! My hair looks great (IMO :rolleyes: lol) It's longer than I thought, and the ends look sooooooo much better than I guessed! I know I need a little trim to clean things up, but it's not NEARLY as bad as I thought.

I've been feeling like I was on the precipice of another major setback! But my hair pulled a fast one on me. I'm gonna continue on in this challenge with a renewed vigor and appreciation for my hair! :gorgeous:

I'm gonna invest in a quality flat iron (maxiglide probably) and a gallon of Chi SI lol. And reaquaint my hair with a healthy dose of heat :grin:

Hopefully I'm on my way to full blunt WL by the end of 2011! HHG ladies!
Just checking in ladies since I haven't done so in a while. My hair has been shedding like crazy this summer and I have tried taking garlic pills and tea rinses, but it still sheds. I seriously hope that it does not cause a setback :nono: Anyhow, I am pressing on... Keep up the good work ladies!!!
Hi ladies, I would like to join this challenge. I would *love* to be WL next year after a trim.

My stretched hair from July:

My regimen won't be anything special. I'll wash, condition and DC once a week, and moisturize daily.

I'll straighten in December/January to trim and to more accurately show my length. Good luck ladies! :)
Beautiful hair, LayneJ.

I'm breaking out terribly from the Biotin although I'm taking it with other B-vitamins & MSM. I did slack on my water intake over the last 2 dys so I'll drink at least 64oz from now on out. I took some Doxycycline (sp?) hoping to curb the break out, but honestly, how many pills can a person take? ;) Blech. For the sake of longer hair, I'm committed to trying the Biotin for a month. Hopefully it is clearing the impurities from my system and things will improve.
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oh! :rofl: that caught me off guard! let me get in here before i get my butt kicked...:lachen:

alright, i'm in. i'll put up a pic once i do my official length check.

:woohoo: ... looking at your siggy I think we might be hair twins :yep:

Hi ladies, I would like to join this challenge. I would *love* to be WL next year after a trim.

My stretched hair from July:

My regimen won't be anything special. I'll wash, condition and DC once a week, and moisturize daily.

I'll straighten in December/January to trim and to more accurately show my length. Good luck ladies! :)

Beautiful hair! You'll be there in no time ... :welcome:

Just checking in ladies since I haven't done so in a while. My hair has been shedding like crazy this summer and I have tried taking garlic pills and tea rinses, but it still sheds. I seriously hope that it does not cause a setback :nono: Anyhow, I am pressing on... Keep up the good work ladies!!!

Sorry to hear that .. what kind of tea rinses are you doing?
Hi ladies, I would like to join this challenge. I would *love* to be WL next year after a trim.

My stretched hair from July:

My regimen won't be anything special. I'll wash, condition and DC once a week, and moisturize daily.

I'll straighten in December/January to trim and to more accurately show my length. Good luck ladies! :)

What do you use for DC, moisturizer, and how do you wear your hair daily?? Much thanks hhg
I am still up in my braids wearing my LF V, I will take these out not Labor day but the following Monday :D I am ultra excited. I will braid it up again in a week and so goes the cycle ;)
What do you use for DC, moisturizer, and how do you wear your hair daily?? Much thanks hhg

I DC with coconut oil, moisturize with a mix of water & glycerin, and I usually wear my hair in a french roll.

You're welcome! :)
@ s4pphir3

I am doing black tea rinses with the regular kind of tea (orange and black pekoe or something like that). I do it after I shampoo and before I deep condition.
AA9746, i just love your new siggy!!!

your hair has really grown alot!

looks like you have surpassed the BSL line of the top of your brastrap, too!

Still on the quest!!! I did a length check and although I haven't gained major growth, I can tell that the sides are catching up to the middle. I am just thankful that I haven't loss any ground. This is the first check since I got my triple process color and we all know how damaging color can be.