"Wives: Part 2 - Loving His Body"


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Hello Beautiful Ladies:

Loving His Body, Part I - There are several parts I've written to this.

This post is dedicated to the men we love and their precious, wonderful bodies that we 'love to love.' This post is about getting to know your husband's body. Exploring areas where you haven't been before (inside and out); areas about him you briefly visited and never returned.

Before we start, this is your time to relax. Get a cup of your favorite tea, coffee, spring water. If you can, have some low, soft music, for it's your time to rest from the stress of this day. ;)

Ladies this is 'your' husband! This is no one else's man. And for your husband, there are so many ways of making love to his body; ways that out number his fantascies. I will share as much as I know.

But the number one way of loving him is making love to his health. We have to take care of our men...health-wise. Don't think we know it all. We don't. There's too much out there in sickness, disease, and stress, that are killing our men. Men who were never sick a day in their lives and sudddenly, they get sick and die or just drop dead.

The reason, is that we take too much for granted. Now it's time to make a change for life.

Know why men don't go for regular check-ups? As little boys it was Mommie who took them to the doctors. When she stopped, they stopped.

Now, it's up to us to make sure that they resume good health care. While I prefer holistic healing and natural remedies, we can't take chances. Until we have a qualified, certified specialist in this area, we have to depend on traditional medical doctors. And they are doing a good job; the good ones are. :)

Anyway...let's begin:
  1. Begin a Health Journal for your husband
  2. Begin noting your husband's habits and behavior patterns.
  3. If he sees this and wants to know what's up, kiss him and tell him, "I'm making love to your body..." :)
  4. In the journal, what are your concerns?
  5. Note what and how he eats
  6. Is he over or under weight?
  7. What are his medications, Does he take them as he should?
  8. What are his vitamins and herbs
  9. How much does he sleep
  10. What are his bowel and urine patterns
  11. His hygiene (body, dental and hair care)
  12. Who is his barber? Is the barber shop acceptable? (Clean, safe, etc.) This matters...
  13. What does your husband drink (both non- alcoholic and alcoholic)
  14. Does he smoke
  15. Any drug use (No condemnation here - this is for your personal check list for his health journal)
  16. Does he snore? And how strongly? Does he have sleep apneia (sp?)
  17. How is his temperment? Easily upset? Calm and easy going?
  18. Does he enjoy his job
  19. How is his social and extended family life
  20. How is his energy level
  21. How often does he want sex? Do you have any concerns?
The point here is start being attentive to him completely. Not to nag, but to keep on top of his health and well being.

Now: Plan day for the two of you to visit his doctor for a complete physical. Full lab work and prostate screening. Also arrange for his colon to be tested.

You are not going as a nag or his mother. But as his friend and companion. Be there with him all the way. Sit with the doctor which your list of concerns and share the discussion together. Make notes. Follow the doctors advise. If unsure, always go for a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th opinion. Doctors are not God. So you may have to see more than one.

Angels, do what you have to do to keep him healthy. I'm sure that many of you are doing so. But life becomes two things, 'routine' and 'taken for granted.' As our bodies change, our health needs change. Our husbands have not been programed to take care of themselves. Mom always did it. Now it's up to us.

Oh, and before the thought even comes. Do not stress over finding out something bad. That's not the priority here, nor your focus.

Keep your heart here..."I'm making love to my husband's health' for he is my gift form God and he's worth it."

You will always have God on your side.

Love, Shimmie...;)

Loving his body part 2 coming next..more fun.
"Loving His Body, Part II" ;)

"Discovery Zone"
Okay, here's some fun for the two of you. You will need the following:​
  • 2 Flashlights (with good batteries)​
  • 1 Yard of Pink Ribbon​
  • 1Yard of Blue Ribbon​
  • 2 Pillows​
  • 1 large blanket​
  • 1 large bed quilt​
  • Silk Rose Petals (craft Store or Walmart's Wedding Section)​
  • Pink Sticky notes​
  • Soft music​
  • Soft Skin​
  • Pretty 'You'​
  • Empty Closet Space​
I think you've guessed this one :lol:. While he's away from home, empty one of your closets. Just put your shoes somewhere else...:lol:

Place the large quilt on the closet floor to make a pallet. Lay the pillows and blanket on top.

Put fresh batteries in the flashlights. Tie the pink ribbon around one flashlight and the blue ribbon around the other. Put the blue flashlight in the closet.

Place the pink flashlight on the floor in front of the closet.

Sprinkle the flower petals from the hallway to the closet door in your bedroom. A delicate trail for him to find you.

Shower and get yourself all pretty and soft. Very little fragrance. He needs to smell your natural clean skin without perfume. Lotion or oil is okay.

Now, this is where you become creative. If he's downstairs watching TV, call him or text message him..."Baby, I'm lost. Come find me...."

Hide in the closet...*naked". Place the 'pink' flashlight outside the closet door with a stickie note that says, "Discovery Zone"...

When he opens the closet door, pull him in, take off his clothes, toss his clothes out of the closet. Close the closet door with the two of you inside...'Ahhh, yes...'naked'. :eek: Softly kiss him, pick up the flashlights, and whisper, "Let's Discover Each Other..."

And do just that..Discover each other and enjoy this personal and very private time together. This is YOUR husband. Discover him; let him discover you. The flashlight is the only light you need. (No candles) :lol:

Spend the night in the closet...:lol: A new Romantic get-away...


Ladies, would you believe, that I just thought of this one. AND there's More Romance to come....

"Loving blessings and happy marriages,

" Shimmie..." ;)

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ShimmieGirl said:
"Loving His Body, Part II" ;)

"Discovery Zone"
Okay, here's some fun for the two of you. You will need the following:​
  • 2 Flashlights (with good batteries)​
  • 1 Yard of Pink Ribbon​
  • 1Yard of Blue Ribbon​
  • 2 Pillows​
  • 1 large blanket​
  • 1 large bed quilt​
  • Silk Rose Petals (craft Store or Walmart's Wedding Section)​
  • Pink Sticky notes​
  • Soft music​
  • Soft Skin​
  • Pretty 'You'​
  • Empty Closet Space​
I think you've guessed this one :lol:. While he's away from home, empty one of your closets. Just put your shoes somewhere else...:lol:

Place the large quilt on the closet floor to make a pallet. Lay the pillows and blanket on top.

Put fresh batteries in the flashlights. Tie the pink ribbon around one flashlight and the blue ribbon around the other. Put the blue flashlight in the closet.

Place the pink flashlight on the floor in front of the closet.

Sprinkle the flower petals from the hallway to the closet door in your bedroom. A delicate trail for him to find you.

Shower and get yourself all pretty and soft. Very little fragrance. He needs to smell your natural clean skin without perfume. Lotion or oil is okay.

Now, this is where you become creative. If he's downstairs watching TV, call him or text message him..."Baby, I'm lost. Come find me...."

Hide in the closet...*naked". Place the 'pink' flashlight outside the closet door with a stickie note that says, "Discovery Zone"...

When he opens the closet door, pull him in, take off his clothes, toss his clothes out of the closet. Close the closet door with the two of you inside...'Ahhh, yes...'naked'. :eek: Softly kiss him, pick up the flashlights, and whisper, "Let's Discover Each Other..."

And do just that..Discover each other and enjoy this personal and very private time together. This is YOUR husband. Discover him; let him discover you. The flashlight is the only light you need. (No candles) :lol:

Spend the night in the closet...:lol: A new Romantic get-away...


Ladies, would you believe, that I just thought of this one. AND there's More Romance to come....

"Loving blessings and happy marriages,

" Shimmie..." ;)

oooh lala lala...this is romantic!!!!
I likes this! :)
MisTami and Starian: Have a cooler on the top shelf of the closet. Fill it with bottled water and fruit. Your husbands are not coming out for quite awhile. Men love 'flashlights'. And now they have a new use for them....discovering beautiful you.

Enjoy, angels. Enjoy...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't forget the health post though. These are our sweethearts and we have to keep them strong and healthy. Living and loving them Longer, that's all. I care about each of you and your happieness.

Just for love's sake check this out and ask for God's wisdom and guidance.

Now start clearing out that closet. Your Romantic Discovery Zone....;)

More Romance to come.....

Love, Shimmie...;)
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JewelleNY said:
wow, you can't do that in a NY apartment, you'd have to sleep standing up;)

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I didn't think of that and I was born in New York. That's my home town. Hmmmm, let's see how to work this one out.

How about this? Make the kitchen or dining room table into a tent. Drape extra long sheets or blankets along the table, allowing them to reach the floor. At the one of the corners, create a tent opening.

Inside of your 'tent', create a wonderful bed setting, with the quilt, other blankets, and pillows. Also, create a little 'picnic' basket of waters, drinks , fruit and light snacks. You're going to be there for quite a while.

(After all, you both have quite a lot of fun and discovering to catch up on) :lol: .

Create a trail path for him to follow with the rose petals, leading to the tent. Place the 'pink' flashlight either on top of the table or on the floor in front of the tent with a large note that says, 'Welcome to Your Discovery Zone."

To lead him there, you can create little notes, that say, "Find me" or "Guess what I've cooked for dinner".

If you have children and have to do this after the children are in bed, this is even better. Because when he discovers that you haven't come to bed, yet, he's going to get out of bed and start looking for you.

Don't answer...let him find you...in the "tent" waiting for him...and him alone. :Blush2:

When he finds you, bring him in with you, and get to loving and discovering each other. This is your husband...enjoy him and allow him to enjoy discovering you.

Love and blessings....

"Shimmie..." ;)
Wow...today is my husband's birthday - looks like he's getting an extra special treat with this one! Love it Shimmie...love it! :love:
klassykutie said:
We are going to the justice of the peace TOMORROW .....

Congratulations. All the best to you and your husband....

"I'd rather have a happy marriage than the debt and expense, and stress of a large wedding, anyday."

"Love, Shimmie..." ;)
Shaniquah said:
Wow...today is my husband's birthday - looks like he's getting an extra special treat with this one! Love it Shimmie...love it! :love:

Ohhhh, happy birthday to BOTH of you. Blessings, blessings, and more blessings and joy...

"Love, Shimmie..." ;)
Supergirl said:
Whew! Thanks again Shimmie. Have you ever thought about writing a romance book?!?!

As a matter of fact, YES...This is it!

I see these Romantic tips as a loving weapon to break down the barriers and the walls of fear and shame that we, as women, have of being intimate with our husbands.

Our sizes and looks do not matter. What really matters is making the men we love feel that we are excited about being one with him; that we are happy to take interest in HIS entire being as a man and that we are holding nothing back.

Our husbands want to feel desired and respected -- not rejected. And when we hold back, for fear of our not so perfect bodies, not so perfect hair, or if we are stressed or tired, etc, all our husbands feel is rejection. They don't understand what really unlies our reasons for not being agressive when it comes to making love.

These are fun ways for us, as women, to forget about body and hair perfection, and make these husbands of ours feel like Denzel...:lol:

As for my book, I can't believe some of the things that I have written, but if it can be a blessing to other wives, and future brides, than I'm happy to share them.

Love to all, Married and Single...

Shimmie... ;)
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I'll be back this evening for two special Father's Day Treats...

  1. "Butter Him Up..." :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. "My Boo's Tool Box"
Be back soon. On my way home...

Love, Shimmie...;)
Great idea :think:
Wow did you think of all of this? Because if

you did, this is for you: :cheers: Cheers because I am not
:woot: :up: :alcoholic :clapping: :thumbsup: :notworthy :notworthy
the romantic fantasy type. Keep the ideas coming girl

When I read this I was like :blush: :blush: :blush: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :blush: :blush:

But now my husband better look out cause it's on and

poppin so I guess after try this I can expect feel oops, :lachen: I mean be like this :D :drool: :drool: :bud: :bud: :censored: :love: :love: :love: :trampolin :o :o :Blush2: :Blush2: :kiss: :eyebrows2 :eyebrows2 :eyebrows2 :kissing4: :kissing4: :kiss2: :kiss2: :dinner:

And then some more :kiss2: :kiss2: :kissing4: :kissing4:
Dark&Lovley said:
Great idea :think:
Wow did you think of all of this? Because if

you did, this is for you: :cheers: Cheers because I am not
:woot: :up: :alcoholic :clapping: :thumbsup: :notworthy :notworthy
the romantic fantasy type. Keep the ideas coming girl

When I read this I was like :blush: :blush: :blush: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :blush: :blush:

But now my husband better look out cause it's on and

poppin so I guess after try this I can expect feel oops, :lachen: I mean be like this :D :drool: :drool: :bud: :bud: :censored: :love: :love: :love: :trampolin :o :o :Blush2: :Blush2: :kiss: :eyebrows2 :eyebrows2 :eyebrows2 :kissing4: :kissing4: :kiss2: :kiss2: :dinner:

And then some more :kiss2: :kiss2: :kissing4: :kissing4:

Hello "Lovely" Lady: I'm so happy that you are being blessed by the Romance thread. Many others ladies here are sharing their tips as well.

To answer yoiur question, Yes, I DO think of all of these Romantic ideas EVERY DAY :lol:. "...a tranquil Rendevous for a man and a woman, coming together as 'One' as husband and wife. ( See my reply above to "Supergirl". The truth comes out...;) )

I'm also sharing what I've learned about relationships between a man and a woman. Emotions that I experienced when I was married (years ago), and how I would react or respond to these issues now. I think about these things a lot and I write them down. For with time comes wisdom, we all live and learn.

While I can't turn back the clock, I can prepare for the future and not make the same mistakes as I did when I was younger. If my past can help someone else's present and future life, than I am humbled and honored to share.

Here's where it all began, my first thread: "For Wives Only..." "Making Love to Your Husband's Heart"..This thread has a 'Shimmie Lesson", Romancing Him with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and many ideas that the wonderful women on this site shared as well.

Post #79 is one very close to my heart. I couldn't wait to get home to post this one for the ladies here. How does a wife handle her husband when he wants to make love and she doesn't. How can a wife make something Romantic out of that? God put a solution into my heart and I wrote down.


And this one is for Father's Day: (See posts: "Butter Him Up" (Post #1 and "The Tool Box", Post #5, more ideas for Romance.


More is coming. Shimmie lessons and all.

Enjoy your life and marriage. I wish only good things for you and your husband. Have a long and happy marriage.

"Love, Shimmie..." ;)
Shimmie, I'm loving this tips that you're giving for marriage...you're very inspirational...now while I'm not married, could u also give some tips that could be used for those who are dating- and trying to stay away from pre-marital sex (like the things you've been using with your SO)? Thanks girl..**Be blessed**
naturallady said:
This is so sweet Shimmie! I too am romantically challenged so gimmie some more tips! :lol:

I've been going through my journals. There's so much I have to share. Monday, I'm going to post a poll with a list of Romance topics for you to select from. I have several categories and some have come to me 'fresh' over this weekend. Many of the topics come in segments.

Many segments I will post but other segments I will have to PM to the Wives Only and those Adults taking notes for marriage, who request it. There are some things where the content is strictly adult.

I have some concern for some of what I've posted so far. In my heart, I am speaking to "Wives and Wives-to-be" Only and I feel like I know each of you personally and that we are related. Anyway, I will be happy to PM those segments. Maybe I can put them my journal and list the members who want access to it. I have to learn this forum. I'm still a newbie. I just want to keep this thread for it's original intent, the beauty of love between a man and a woman.

There will be new 'Shimmie Lessons' on the list, More Romance Tips; A section for Not-Yet-Married Ladies (such as myself), as I have several Romance tips for that area; and most important communication and prayers for all of the men we love. Prayers that bear fruit in the lives of many. We need this. I will share prayers that have gotten my loved ones through many trying times. Especially my 'Sweetheart'.

Naturallady, I've learned that one of the most intimate and Romantic things that a woman can do for the man she loves is to pray for him. For Prayer takes her into a deeper dimension of understanding him than anything else.

And men gravitate towards the women who will go 'there' (in prayer) for him. Prayer is actually the core of true Romance, for it goes beyond sex...it's takes you beyond his flesh, and into a place where no other women can go with him. It's just that deep...it really is.

So this Monday it begins again for new Romance posts. I may have a chance to at least post the poll tonight. It's so hard to stay away from this forum. I'm supposed to be prepping for tomorrow "Father's Day"......

:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh Well....back to the kitchen for tomorrow's big day....:lol:
Now, Where did I put my apron :confused: :lol:

Watch me creep back to this computer... :lol: ...I'm too hooked to this site.

Much love to you, Naturallady. Much love to you and yours. I mean it most sincerely.

"Shimmie..." ;)
Nubianrose said:
Shimmie, I'm loving this tips that you're giving for marriage...you're very inspirational...now while I'm not married, could u also give some tips that could be used for those who are dating- and trying to stay away from pre-marital sex (like the things you've been using with your SO)? Thanks girl..**Be blessed**

Nubianrose, I will be honored to share with you all that I know. And I promise no lectures or comdenation. I'm so far from perfect and what I know is still limited, but I will share my heart with you.

I'll give you this key for a starter: "You never have to fear losing him..." Nor do you have to fear him going to someone else for sex.

Now why is that? Hmmmm, you've given this man to God. Our God will lead him NOT into temptation and deliver him from ALL evil..." Our God who leads and guides him into All truth and Our God who leads him in the paths of Righteousness for His name's sake."

I shared this for a reason, for the biggest fear we have is losing our men if we don't make love. Yet, look at the many who have lost them anyway after giving in? There's too much heartache and especially for those who end up pregnant and he's gone. When I wake up after making love, I want him to still be there and not have to 'wonder' what's next?

I'm not condemning or judging any single women who have been or are sexually active with her boyfriend. I was 'there' once myself. I can only love and be their sister and friend and wish God's best for them. I won't lose my friends over this. Even those here on this forum.

It is only by the pure Grace of God, that I am able to remain celibate until marriage. It's not easy at all, but it's so worth it.

Blessings Sweet One,

"Shimmie..." ;)

God bless you, precious one.
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ShimmieGirl said:
I've been going through my journals. There's so much I have to share. Monday, I'm going to post a poll with a list of Romance topics for you to select from. I have several categories and some have come to me 'fresh' over this weekend. Many of the topics come in segments.

Many segments I will post but other segments I will have to PM to the Wives Only and those Adults taking notes for marriage, who request it. There are some things where the content is strictly adult.

I have some concern for some of what I've posted so far. In my heart, I am speaking to "Wives and Wives-to-be" Only and I feel like I know each of you personally and that we are related. Anyway, I will be happy to PM those segments. Maybe I can put them my journal and list the members who want access to it. I have to learn this forum. I'm still a newbie. I just want to keep this thread for it's original intent, the beauty of love between a man and a woman.

There will be new 'Shimmie Lessons' on the list, More Romance Tips; A section for Not-Yet-Married Ladies (such as myself), as I have several Romance tips for that area; and most important communication and prayers for all of the men we love. Prayers that bear fruit in the lives of many. We need this. I will share prayers that have gotten my loved ones through many trying times. Especially my 'Sweetheart'.

Naturallady, I've learned that one of the most intimate and Romantic things that a woman can do for the man she loves is to pray for him. For Prayer takes her into a deeper dimension of understanding him than anything else.

And men gravitate towards the women who will go 'there' (in prayer) for him. Prayer is actually the core of true Romance, for it goes beyond sex...it's takes you beyond his flesh, and into a place where no other women can go with him. It's just that deep...it really is.

So this Monday it begins again for new Romance posts. I may have a chance to at least post the poll tonight. It's so hard to stay away from this forum. I'm supposed to be prepping for tomorrow "Father's Day"......

:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh Well....back to the kitchen for tomorrow's big day....:lol:
Now, Where did I put my apron :confused: :lol:

Watch me creep back to this computer... :lol: ...I'm too hooked to this site.

Much love to you, Naturallady. Much love to you and yours. I mean it most sincerely.

"Shimmie..." ;)
Shimmie, girl you are just too sweet! Thanks so much for taking out the time to help us. You will be blessed. You seem so selfless and kind! May God bless you and yours also! :kiss: And you know I'll be taking notes! :user: :lachen:
naturallady said:
Shimmie, girl you are just too sweet! Thanks so much for taking out the time to help us. You will be blessed. You seem so selfless and kind! May God bless you and yours also! :kiss: And you know I'll be taking notes! :user: :lachen:

Oooooooooohhhhhhh, your new babygirl is so precious. AND she was born on MY Birthday! "Natural Lady, she's so cute and pretty like her 'mommie'.
Oh Gee Whiz, now I have a birthday twin. :) :) :) I love babies. Can't help but to love them and all children as well. Our gift of new beginnngs.

Congratulations to you and your family. I just happened to click on your 'Album' and saw your baby girl. "The blessings of the Lord are upon this child. No evil shall befall her; no harm shall ever com near her. Her health and strength shall be renewed daily as it shall be for each of your children, you and your husband....

Take Special Care...hugs to my birthday twin, whose prayers God will hear for her name means 'Grace of God..."

"Love, Shimmie..." ;)
Shimmie said:
As a matter of fact, YES...This is it! What you are reading is a book that I have written and it is dedicated to my sweetheart. These are my fantascies about him :yep: :Blush2:. I have them all the time.

Although I've been writing notes about love for years, it really exploded when I fell in love again, with him. There is so much on my home computer, that I have to take time and compile it and have it published.

Romance started in me years ago in my first marriage, but it was 'halted' when we divorced. I just put it all aside. But then, when I became a Bridal consultant, I found myself sharing little tips with the Brides as we talked about their wedding plans....you know, "Girl Talk" ;)

When I fell in love again, it really exploded, I started having all of these day dreams about him. However, until marriage, we're remaining celibate :) and we both love it.

Now, I 'do' have some really nice ones that he really enjoys and keeps both of us out of 'trouble'...;) But until I'm married, I have to be VERY careful...:lol: :lol: :lol: and very selective with the Romance tips that I use on him.

So now, you know the truth about me. I'm not such a genius as I am a woman in love...living in a Romantic paradise. I see this as a gift that God have blessed me with to prepare me for marriage. For deep inside, I had a lot of insecurities as a result of very unhappy relationships in the past.

God says that a woman's body is her husbands and a husbands body belongs to his wife and that we are not to withhold ourselves from one another.

I see these Romantic tips as a loving weapon to break down the barriers and the walls of fear and shame that we, as women, have of being intimate with our husbands.

Our sizes and looks do not matter. What really matters is making the men we love feel that we are excited about being one with him; that we are happy to take interest in HIS entire being as a man and that we are holding nothing back.

Our husbands want to feel desired and respected -- not rejected. And when we hold back, for fear of our not so perfect bodies, not so perfect hair, or if we are stressed or tired, etc, all our husbands feel is rejection. They don't understand what really unlies our reasons for not being agressive when it comes to making love.

These are fun ways for us, as women, to forget about body and hair perfection, and make these husbands of ours feel like Denzel...:lol:

As for my book, I can't believe some of the things that I have written, but if it can be a blessing to other wives, and future brides, than I'm happy to share them.

Love to all, Married and Single...

Shimmie... ;)

I look forward to your book. I so love you ways of beig creative.
This is great! (Am I the only person running for a pen and pad to write these down? I need to have ideas on hand!) You really should write that book, let us know when you publish and I'll be your 1st customer!
shaydufblu said:
This is great! (Am I the only person running for a pen and pad to write these down? I need to have ideas on hand!) You really should write that book, let us know when you publish and I'll be your 1st customer!

:kiss: to you and all of you Angels...;)

With all of my heart to each of you... :kiss:
shaydufblu said:
This is great! (Am I the only person running for a pen and pad to write these down? I need to have ideas on hand!) You really should write that book, let us know when you publish and I'll be your 1st customer!

You aren't the only one! Giiiirrrllll, there's some good stuff here! :lol: