With ends like this what would you do? Pics inside


New Member
I dusted my ends yesterday for the first time ever and what I saw was not good. The pics included are from today which the ends snipped where not as bad as yesterday. Yesterday let me tell you I had loops and straight up L's in my ends. There where loops looped around other strands of loops and a whole lot of hooks. What gets me is some of these misshapes in my hair where not only at the ends, but in along the shaft also. This makes my think that I may have to cut my hair all the way up to my ears (since some of the loops where that far up the shaft)
This is why I can't run my hands through my hair with out a having to pull out a tangle.
What am I doing wrong to my ends
I would hate to have to cut my hair and start over after a year and some change in progress

It looks like some one took a number 2 pencil and wrote nonsense on the papers lol but that's my ends and that 1st pic sure looks like a number 2

I forgot to add i saw like 2 or 3 splits it could have been from the products on my hair right now but i really don't no
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I'd probablly trim about 1" to 1.5" inches off, then rotate deep moisterizing and protein deep conditioners every other week and baggy until I see a change. If it didn't stop, I'd braid it up for a while, take care of my hair and scalp, and trim the dead ends when I take the braids out. Repeat until problem is gone. That's how I got rid of all my damaged relaxed hair.
This may be what i'll have to do since I can still see and tell that I did not cut all the hooks and such out
:nono: :cry3::sad:

I can't even get the back middle part

Maybe I should start going to a salon for regular trims since cutting my own hair does not help i just cut it some months ago to even up my slant

I realize cutting your hair isn't fun, especially if you just did it. It usually helps me to get a weave (so you don't have to see it) or some other new hair related thing to take my mind off of the hair cut. I had to cut more than 4 inches last year because of end damage. For what it's worth, it was worth it.:)
I'd probablly trim about 1" to 1.5" inches off, then rotate deep moisterizing and protein deep conditioners every other week and baggy until I see a change. If it didn't stop, I'd braid it up for a while, take care of my hair and scalp, and trim the dead ends when I take the braids out. Repeat until problem is gone. That's how I got rid of all my damaged relaxed hair.

I agree:yep: ! I think a trim would do a world of difference.
It's going to have to be cut. There was a piece about 2 inches short of a small twist flex rod. It had loops and doops right in the middle of it I put some Giovanni direct leave in on it and it formed a loose S shape.

of course it was a broken piece
No worries! i just cut btwn an inch and inch and half off my hair, but i anticipate it back in no time. Like others have said take care of your hair (and diet) it will grow back plus be healthy!

Idk...I don't think it's that bad. I mean it's bad, but I know if I counted the hair out my comb, it might be similar. Is that supposedly bad? I just stop combing my hair until wash day. It's worked for me. Now if it's falling like that and you arn't even touching cut IMMEDIATELY! :ohwell:
I can't really see the hairs that good but if you don't want to lose length I would suggest you dust every 4 weeks or every 6 weeks.
THOSE WERE MINE GIRL! I just trimmed about two inches off...need to change my siggy.. I hope i make it apl by dec. now.. errrrrgh. but oh well. I needed it I haven't had a trim in over two years.. haha a professional one at least. shame.

Is it often hard to style your hair like due to your ends? That's a key sign.