With Each Stretch...I Learn Something New...What About You


Well-Known Member
I'm approaching 22 wks post:drunk:. NEVER thought that I would go down this road again. I'm aiming for 6 months, but we will see. Overall this stretch has been better than my first 20 wk stretch I think. I've learned that my ng is dry as the safari desert and overnight deep cond does wonders for it. When stretching, you can't have much of a hairstyle. I have learned to deal with this. Nice scarfs in the work place work and I even get compliments. Bunning is a MUST! Using oils are a MUST! Braidouts are a no no for me.:nono: I can still rollerset at 20 wks+ with a lot of patience. I shampoo less and cowash instead. What have you ladies learned?
I am 39 weeks post today and I notice that I need to use heavier not lighter conditioners. I also need to condition for longer periods of time. THe Tangle Teezer has been a godsend for my hair. It use to hurt me to detangle. Now I look at it as Mission accomplished before even starting.

I learned just because I am 39 weeks post doesn't mean I will have a sink full of hair. I get the same amount as being freshly relaxed. :)
I have heard alot about this tangle teezer lately. I may have to order me one and give it a try. Tangles are a nightmare for me.
I find I'm getting better and better at stretching the more I do it.

Regular protein is absolutely key for me. I can get away with using a lighter moisturiser, during the early weeks post relaxer but as I progress I need to use something heavier. Same thing with deep conditioning. In between washes I need to ensure that my roots and that demarcation line is adquately hydrated. I go into heavy duty low manipulation mode and bunning during the last 1 / 2 months.
I co-sign on long tangly strands not breaking excessively with Tangle Teezer. I guard that thing with my life! It's so easy.
Currently 32 week post and I have never been this long without a relaxer.. I learned that conditioner is my best friend b/c my new growth is sooooooo dry and coarse. I am relaxing this weekend and I am going to let the conditioner sit for a few hours before rinsing...
the longest i went was 12 weeks post. This relazer i plan to go 16 weeks post ( 4 months)

what i learned from the last stretch
. lye relaxer leave my hair with more texture and fullness compared to no lye
. protective style as much as I can and just let my hair be while moisturizing and conditioning in between
the longest i went was 12 weeks post. This relazer i plan to go 16 weeks post ( 4 months)

what i learned from the last stretch
. lye relaxer leave my hair with more texture and fullness compared to no lye
. protective style as much as I can and just let my hair be while moisturizing and conditioning in between

I could not have said it better.

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my goal is stretching to 6 months..just finished getting to 4months. I learned my ng is manageable as long as I cw every week after week 12..s curl and ors hair mayo is my bff..and when I can't stand to look at my hair in a ps or bun...band wig!
I haven't used the half wigs yet..how do you style the front of your hair with it when you have so much ng?
Friday will be 23 weeks for me. I will be relaxing this weekend. I was going for 6 months which I was calculating as 26 weeks instead of 24. I can't go any longer because I think my hair may start breaking if I continue.

I never knew I could stretch this long. The longest I've stretched is 13 weeks. I've learned that as soon as I reach the 12 week mark I don't have to run for the relaxer because my hair is still manageable but 20 weeks will be my limit. I've also learned that I shouldn't use Aphogee 2 step when I have new growth that is overwhelming. I used the 2 step last week in preparation for this week and it made my hair a little hard. I also had tangles which never happens for me and my hair is never hard from Aphogee early in my stretch. I slathered on Humecto and sat under the steamer for over an hour and it was as if I had done nothing. Aphogee 2 step will still be in my rotation but not when my new growth has reached a certain point. I will probably use Kpak or DuoTex.

I've also learned that the longer I stretch, the thicker my conditioner must be in order for my hair to listen. The longer I stretch, the more ignant my hair gets. I realize I have rotate my products depending on where I am in the stretch. Also switching to Keracare sulfate free shampoo helps my hair when I am deep in my stretch and I have to stop using Aphogee Shampoo for damaged hair when my new growth gets unruly.
I've learned that when it comes to stretching (12+ weeks):
- Mane n Tail detangler is my bestie :o
- My hair just likes to be left alone, which includes less combing and cornrows
- My natural roots were not meant to lay flat so beyond a scarf and some gel, I don't bother trying to make it do what it doesn't want to do. That will just cause breakage.
- Important to keep my hair in one direction while washing