
New Member
Hello All

looking for tips on hair care for those of us who do not like buns, or french rolls or other protective styles. How do we super-charge our regimens for autumn and winter. For sure my hair/ends will be rubbing up on wool coats, scarfs and hats. I am starting to steam 2x per week instead of 1 with one of these being a castor oil steam. Any other tips from those who never wear protective styles. TIA
when i was relaxed i never protective styled for the winter. my hair was past apl and i would just flat iron weekly and call it a day as far as style went. but for moisture i deep conditioned, pre poo'd and lightly shampoo once a week. along with moisturizing and sealing twice a day.
I used to roller set and wrap my hair. I've never heard of protective styling before LHCF.:lachen: I believe I'll be doing the same this winter.:yep:
BUMP. I'm chilling at shoulder length and want to be APL by Feb 1..protective bunning caused some breakage so I'm looking for other alternatives
just make sure you protect your hair (particularly the ends) with a heavy sealant-castor oil works pretty well for me.
also, even when i don't protective style in the winter, i try to cover my hair when i actually go outside-satin scarf, and then my hat.
low manipulation works during the winter as well-i try not to wash more than once a week, and often choose to stretch it out to two weeks.
Yea, I tried to wig it and it lasted a week, lol. So far, I just wash my hair on sundays, after moisturizing I put it on 4 cornrows. If I'm not going anywhere it just stays in those cornrows. And if I have to go to like class or my mother's or any place where I don't have to let my hair out I wrap my satin scarf around my hair (starting from where your headband would be) and put a knitted hat on over it. And if I do have to go somewhere I just rock a cute braidout and braid it back down when I come home moisturize, seal and go about my business, lol.

Until I find something else I like I'm just going to keep it like this. It's low maintenance and since it's getting cold I'm mostly focused on getting from point A to point B. Plus I look cute with the knitted hat/beanie thing, lol.
Low mani styles: braid outs, flexi rod sets, twist outs, bantu knot outs...I usually wear these styles in up-dos...and they're very cute, easy, and don't require heat :yep:
I've used half-wigs and wigs for winter. By hiding most or all of your moisturized hair, you can retain length yet wash it as you like! (I DC 1-2 times a week).
if i wear my hair down, i try to not let my hair lay on rough textured clothing. like i'll wear a silk blouse that day... or a fine knit sweater. i keep my ends moisturized and sealed with a little bit of oil.

when i commuting to and from work, i will sometimes put my hair up in a clip or a few bobby pins. just to keep it off my wool coat.

i think this is more of an issue for people with shoulder length hair, as their ends are probably brushing right on top of their shoulders... as opposed to those with longer hair who's hair just lays against the back.
I had a bad experience with my hair getting tangled with a button on my coat a few years back. So, I will be keeping the majority of my hair under a partial sew-in. I can wash weekly, moisturize, and still wear a "hair style" with my hair down.