Winter Dandruff


Active Member
So this is my first FULL winter being natural n I am noticing that I have an increase amount of dandruff for the first time since ive been natural (as of December 2011) n I'm guessing the jersey winter has something to do with it because I'm now noticing it n it's BAD

It's disgustinnggg! It doesn't matter how much I wash my hair, for some reason I keep getting a lot of dandruff. I use head & shoulders, spritz with water, JBCO, tea tree oil for my scalp, sulfate free or organic conditioners (not all at once NOR in that order)

I don't want to keep washing my hair because I don't have the time so I need advice on how to fix this!

My hair itself is healthy, soft, n clean but even after. Fresh wash I still see dandruff built up on my scalp! ADVICEEEE PLEASEEEE :)
I have the same problem. I have to wash my hair 2x a week and I get itchies 2 days after a wash. I wash with sulfate's every two weeks.

I've got it under control but it would be nice to be itch-free.
I think you need to hydrate your body more, add more moisturizing deep conditioners, and seal your scalp with a natural oil, pomade, or mix. Dandruff reducing products are excessively drying to the scalp, making the problem worse. I do not recommend them at all.

Could you possibly have build up from all of the products you have tried?
During the colder months I have to use something on my scalp. A few weeks ago I mixed avocado, shea, and mango butter with a little coconut oil into a creamy mixture and placed it into a color applicator bottle. I have been using this on my scalp on the days I use shampoo. If I am CWing I don't need it. I also use an oil blend that contains submlimed sulphur I purchased on my scalp during colder months. By doing this I have no dryness, itchiness, or irritation.
In the winter I find taking Vitamin A, D, and E supplements help with dryness for my skin over all. I think you need to stay away from the Head and Shoulders and Tea Tree Oil as they are not only drying but also can be irritants. Instead think of it as finding something to lubicate your scalp. I like Qhemet AOHC for this purpose but I ave ORS No More Flakes with good results as well
you need more healthy fats in your diet like nuts, avocado, and oils like flax/hemp/evco. sulfate based poos are drying to any in general. drink more water. consider buying a humidifier and a shower filter as well. oiling your scalp is not a bad idea either.
Same problem but I suspect product build up as I use a lot of Shea butter and have not clarified in months. Started taking vitamin e and fish oil as I hear omega 3 helps.
Yea I will try moisturizing my scalp more. It can't be from product build up because even when I wash my hair a lot it's still there =\
Try adding water to your shampoo. Since I have been diluting my shampoo each week I have noticed a difference in my scalp's condition.