Winter breakage

Bun Mistress

Well-Known Member
Over the past week I have had alot of breakage. Now I know that I'm transitsioning but this is not demarcation line it is my ends. So the first thing I did was a Aveda damage remedy last weekend and only blow dried my hair. The end were looking a bit rough so I realized that my kinky straight look needed lot more sealing than my flot ironed hair. Breakage slowed down, alot.

Fast forward to today. Pre-poo with vatika coconut oil. Wash my hair shampoo with dry remedy (I use a lotion and a serum to straighten so I kinda have to). I'm puting on my MOISTURE conditioner cause I can tell that my hair is on the protein side (which is were it is usually happy). And as I'm putting the con on more breakage.

Currently under the dryer dcing. I really don't want to breakage problem to get a bad as it was last year. I'm finally retaining some length and my hair grows as slow as christmas. So I have read all the breakage threads but I want your opinion what should I do?

Do my relaxed ends need more protein? moisture? sealing?
Is it the coconut oil?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
To tell you the truth, when i was transitioning I thought breakage was part of the process. No matter how many times i deep conditoned, proteined, and moisturized and seal. So I accepted it, probuly wasnt the correct thing to do.( but i was in pre natural nazi state of mind, so straight hair breaking was an good thing, plus i didnt have this site as an support group but another. but now i broke out the ocult:blush:) so what i did was did low manipulations styles such as kinky twist, cornrows, and etc, when the breakage got unbearable. So I would do more protective styles, if i was in your situation again.:yep:

Hope I helped.
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I suggest that you switch to Silk Amino Acids for your protein.
Is it cold where you live? If it is then stop the coconut oil. Only do coconut oil overnight when you plan to wash or cowash it out the next day. Don't go out in the cold with it in your hair.

I transitioned for 2 whole years. It is important that you DC every week. That's my best advide.

Also, protective styling. protect those ends.
Thanks for the replies. I think I have underestmated the cold here recently. It is usually around 35 to 40 well today is if 9 yes nine degrees.

I think your right Mook I need to change my protein to a less harsh one. And decrease it slightly. I'm blow drying now and after the moisture DC seeing no breakage again. I'm going to try to get through this transition and BC when I'm ready, not when my relax ends fall off. :lachen:

Also thinking of adding a moisturizer this week to see if it helps.