Winners of November's Mega-Tek Giveaway Have Been Chosen!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

The winners of the November Mega-Tek Giveaway have been chosen!!!!


The winners of the Prospective User drawing are.........

ImFree27 and katote!!!!! :clap: :clap:


The winner of the Current User drawing is.........

wannabelong!!!!! :clap:


Congratulations to our 3 winners!!!!!

Winners, I will be sending you a PM with instructions on how to claim your gifts!

To the rest of the ladies who entered in either the September, October, or November Giveway drawings, you will automatically be entered into the December Mega-Tek Giveaway Drawing. However, if you have changed from being a prospective user to a current user between now and then, send me a PM and I will change your group placement.

Keep an eye out in December for the final Mega-Tek Giveaway and the OCT Giveaway.

Love ya'll! :rosebud:
Whoo Hooo!!!! Thank you EbonyEyes!!!! I'll have to change my screen name from Wannabelong to Iamlong when I'm finished using MT. :spinning::spinning::spinning:
Congratulations to all you winners out there!!! HHG


I truly hoped you are blessed beyond your imagination for your acts of kindness!!!!

Everyone have a wonderful weekend!!
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