Will my hair fall out after pregnancy


New Member
I am so worried about my hair falling out after pregnancy.My hair was growing before I became pregnant and started shred then proceeded with more growth. I would like to keep the length I have achieved plus more... Is this possible? Also I had to stop taking my hair growth vitamins and switch to prenatal vitamins instead. What should I do to keep my hair healthy and stay growing to gain more length.
Some of your hair will come out some time after your baby is born. However, do not get too concerned. While you are pregnant your hair grows a lot because of all of the hormone stuff going on. Your hair does not really shed so much when you are pregnant. After the baby is born, the hair that you lose is hair that would have been shed anyway if you had not been pregnant. This happens because after the baby's birth, hormone levels decrease sharply. The amount seems overwhelming to some women because it seems like a great deal of hair coming out at once.
Hi atmo,

You will retain the length, so long as you continue to care for it properly. But the hair that would normally have shed, but didn't because of the added prenatal vitamins you were taking during pregnancy will shed and it will appear to be a lot at first, but it will taper off. That's normal.
I didn't notice any significant shedding after pregnancy. I think nursing helps your body readjust in many ways. I also continued to take prenatal vitamins for a few months after I stopped breast feeding. Interestingly, there was a notable change in my hair texture both during pregnancy and afterwards. It now seems more pliable, if that makes sense. Did that happen with anyone else?

Also, if you relax, make sure not to do so after the 7th month. I think that's the correct milestone.
I did notice significant shedding around the temple areas after both of my pregnancies. But the length remained. The temples grew right back in. Don't worry too much, worrying causes shedding. Just marvel in the fact that you're carrying a new life inside. Good luck.
The pre-natal vit's your taking are really good for hair and nail growth so I wouldn't worry about shedding now. Once you've had the baby, if you will nure keep taking the prenatals if not switch back to the hair vit's.
Not necessarily! I obtained a LOT of growth during my pregnancy. I made sure I took my prenatals and then added iron pills (doctor recommended). I kept my hair in protective styles and steered away from heat. I did have some shedding when my son was 6 months that my doctor said was related to my pregnancy (temple area) but that has since grew back.

I currently take Prenate GT. Should I also start taking iron pills. I used to be anemic, but the doctor hasn't suggested anything.
My daughter is almost 2. I did shed some hair after I stopped breastfeeding her. I retained my length.

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ok, this happened to me too! i thought i was weird. everyone thought that my hair would have been shedding while i was breastfeeding (baby taking nutrients from my body). i'm glad that i am normal (relatively speaking
I'm currently pregnant also, but I've stocked up on the biotin, which is supposed to help with hair shedding. I'm not due until September but I want try to get in the habit of taking it now just in case I do shed a lot after having the baby.
MissM, should I start taking biotin also? I am due in the beginning of November. The only vitamins i take are the Prenate GT... I don't even know if thats contributing to my hair growth or is it the overall hair care, and salon visits.
Hello Mommies-to be...

First of all, I would check with your doctor about the biotin. I am sure it is safe, but I would still check. Before I became PG I had a nice vit regimen going on, but immediately put it aside when I became PG. I will never forget when my friend's daughter was born with a vision problem. According to her doctor, the (whatever name was given for this probelm) happens when woman is in first trimester and it is becuase there is too much (whatever vitamin, herb, whatever...) in her system. That was all I needed to hear. The bottom line is this... Just until you have the baby, maybe you should stick with just prescribed medication.

In regards to the iron pills...

The first three months my hair wasn't doing anything special, but once my doctor put me on iron pills, that is when my hair grew really long and thick. I actually obtained most of my length from my pregnancy. But please, check with your doctor about iron pills also before taking them.

Breastfeeding/shedding... Well, I JUST recently stopped breastfeeding (breastfeed for 16 months). My PG shed began when my son was 6 months. It started gradually and then all of a sudden, I got up and my sides (temple area) were partically bald (no kidding). But now, after using ORS temple balm and vitamin E they are pretty much back in order (wispy hairs).
leejure, thanks for your concern. Currently I only take the Prenate GT, but I wanted to ask if you took a prenatal vitamins along with the extra iron. As I said before I was once anemic but he hasn't said anything recently about my blood needing more iron. Come to think of it I haven't had blood work done since last Monday and that was for the alpha protein test.
I too had low blood. The first three months, I was not taking iron pills. But then I changed OB's and my new doctor prescribed iron pills along with the prenatals.

One, if you are low blood, you will definitely need iron pills for the obvious reason (birthing...bleeding, etc)

Two, like my primary physican said before...if you are low blood, your hair will suffer (iron in relation to hair)

So, I would ask your ob just to make sure.

Atmo718 - I'm due in November too! 11/20/03. Good luck! When I found out I was pregnant I stopped my hair vitamin regime except for my hair skin and nails vitamin. I take my prenat and an extra dose of folic acid and periodically vitamin e.

Thank you im gonna ask my prenatal doctor,but everytime I go there he is in such a rush. He might say the prenatals you are taking has enough iron. He seems to think I worry to much...I worry because when I used to menustrate;I would get very weak and unable to function through out my whole cycle.Also if he says no I will then look for another doctor to prescribe one for me instead.