Will he really leave his girlfriend for her?


New Member
*SIGH* One of my good friends has a friend who is seeing this guy that's been in a relationship for four years and has a two year old daughter with her. This friend (let's call her Pam) has also dated this guy a year before he got with his current gf, so Pam has been knowing him for five years. Sooo....

About a year ago Pam and her ex got back in touch, and lately he's been saying that he doesn't want to be with his gf anymore, but doesn't want to abandon them because of their daughter. Me, my friend and Pam were having a pow wow about the situation this past weekend and I asked her how does she feel about him and his gf having sex still? She said that he told her that he doesn't - that she doesn't like to cook and has changed since having their daughter. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I said "So, when is he gonna move out so that y'all can be together? :rolleyes: Pam then said "They're doing month to month lease now and that he'll be moving out at the end of this month. :yawn:

I asked her if he told his gf about their situation, and she said "No, why would he? It's none of her business". :rolleyes: I said "Girl, you need to leave him alone" and she then said "No. I'm not giving up on my man."

I just said ok, and left it alone.

So how is this thing here gonna turn out? Will he leave his gf and mother of his two year old daughter for Pam? Or is he gonna stay put?
He's not leaving his girlfriend and kid anytime soon; not saying that it won't eventually happen...just not anytime soon. There's probably more information that the guy is keeping from your friend.
All I can say is that until he is physically out of the house of his live-in girlfriend, she needs to let him go.

It couldn't be me.
He's not leaving his girlfriend and kid anytime soon; not saying that it won't eventually happen...just not anytime soon. There's probably more information that the guy is keeping from your friend.
Right...his gf probably thinks all is good and that they're so in love.:rolleyes:
So she really believes that he isn't having sex with the woman that he sleeps in the bed with everynight?
Sounds a hot stinking mess for all involved whether he stays or leaves the gf.
Sure does. I asked her if she would feel comfortable once he does move out but goes back to visit his child and she said "Yes, I'm gonna support him on being a good father. We have to support our men." :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
So she really believes that he isn't having sex with the woman that he sleeps in the bed with everynight?
Yep. :ohwell: She believes everything that he tells her from how they don't have sex to how she doesn't cook or clean, and he pays all the bills (mind you she works full time also). All she does is pay attention to their daughter and forgot all about him, but yet he's not ready to move out because he doesn't want to abandon them.

I said to her "Well, if he's paying all the bills then she should have enough money to stand on her own two feet."

THEN she said "Well, if he moves out right away she's gonna slap him with child support and things will be too rough for him." :nono:
Yep. :ohwell: She believes everything that he tells her from how they don't have sex to how she doesn't cook or clean, and he pays all the bills (mind you she works full time also). All she does is pay attention to their daughter and forgot all about him, but yet he's not ready to move out because he doesn't want to abandon them.

I said to her "Well, if he's paying all the bills then she should have enough money to stand on her own two feet."

THEN she said "Well, if he moves out right away she's gonna slap him with child support and things will be too rough for him." :nono:

:nono: That's what men do, they lie to make it seem like it's so bad or paint the SO as a bad person. Hopefully your friend will get hip to the game and let it go, otherwise she will be the sidechick for a while, at least until the main chick leaves.
i can't even light up a newport one hunnert cuz a bit-- is at work...:ohwell: *sighs* but anywho.....

first of all, he's not her man, or the woman he had the baby by man. until he puts a ring on someone's finger, whether it's his baby momma or the chick on da side, he's a free agent..he just has an obligation. a baby. second, if ur friend thinks that he is not sleeping with his baby momma, and is so unhappy cuz she don't cook, and blah blah..then she stuck on stupid and broke down on dumb. he's screwin her and screwin his baby momma too cuz a) he can, and b) the ex allowed him too. he only screwin with the ex cuz he bored and he knows he can get it..das all shuga. otherwise, dat bama ain't goin no where....

bottom line, she's just a chick on the side and that is all she will ever be to him. this is going to be a hotmess when the shyt hits the fan...summer time ain't even here yet and negroes actin up already...

trust me if he has been knowing her longer than his current girl friend then hes not leavin her BC if she meant somthing to him she would have been #1 A LONG TIME BUT INSTED A NEW CHICK GOT HIM SO WHAT DOES THAT SAY IT MEAN HE'S JST NOT THAT INTO U! LOL COULDNT RESIST!
really...is it even worth asking that question?

This is like the oldest man-trick in the books....shoot it's probably on papyrus reeds!
trust me if he has been knowing her longer than his current girl friend then hes not leavin her BC if she meant somthing to him she would have been #1 A LONG TIME BUT INSTED A NEW CHICK GOT HIM SO WHAT DOES THAT SAY IT MEAN HE'S JST NOT THAT INTO U! LOL COULDNT RESIST!

valid point.
I hope so.

So he can turn around and cheat on her. HELLO!?!? Why do you want a cheater as your man?!?!

Sometimes women need to be hurt to learn about men.
What is making him stay besides his daughter with his baby mama, Or does he suffer from cake and eat too syndrome =/.

All, I can say is she must go by his actions and a little of his word(s). Your friend is limbo and she really needs to know where she really stands if this is "her man".
I hope so.

So he can turn around and cheat on her. HELLO!?!? Why do you want a cheater as your man?!?!

Sometimes women need to be hurt to learn about men.

This is what I'm thinking. Why would you want a man who is cheating on/deceiving the woman he is currently with? But according to her stankin', retarded @ss "that's her man" and "it's none of the girlfriend's business". I hate when lowlife men and women say crap like this.

If I have a home and a child with you and I'm sharing my body with you - everything you do is my business. That chick is a dumb whore - seriously.

So, I take it if he ever leaves his current SO, and gets with her, it won't be her business when he has a few on the side, right? Once again - dumb whore.
I hope so.

So he can turn around and cheat on her. HELLO!?!? Why do you want a cheater as your man?!?!

Sometimes women need to be hurt to learn about men.

So true HoneyDew:yep:

The old saying goes "If he'll do it (cheat) with you, he'll do it (cheat) to you".
He will probably move out at the end of the month. He'll get his own place. At which time he will have a relationship with Pam while still continuing (because he is still sleeping with her) the relationship with his daughter's mother.

Pam will eventually find out about Shondra, or Shondra will find out about Pam. They will fight with the ex or eachother or both... but neither woman will leave him alone.

Pam might end up pregnant and baby mom #2.

And the saga will continue as he moves on to baby moms #3.

If it's a month to month lease isn't April paid already? Why does he have to wait until the end to leave? If he's really fed up he would've left without anyones help. Seriously, this chick is delusional right about now. He's just blowing off steam and at the end of the month it will be a new excuse.

And you tell her that child support is for the child so she isn't slapping a daggone thing on his arse!

Furthermore she's trifling cus it matters not if she was there first cus he's with someone now, clearly it didn't work for her she needs to move on and stay out of his relationship. I can't stand homewreckers! Lol.
i can't even light up a newport one hunnert cuz a bit-- is at work...:ohwell: *sighs* but anywho.....

first of all, he's not her man, or the woman he had the baby by man. until he puts a ring on someone's finger, whether it's his baby momma or the chick on da side, he's a free agent..he just has an obligation. a baby. second, if ur friend thinks that he is not sleeping with his baby momma, and is so unhappy cuz she don't cook, and blah blah..then she stuck on stupid and broke down on dumb. he's screwin her and screwin his baby momma too cuz a) he can, and b) the ex allowed him too. he only screwin with the ex cuz he bored and he knows he can get it..das all shuga. otherwise, dat bama ain't goin no where....

bottom line, she's just a chick on the side and that is all she will ever be to him. this is going to be a hotmess when the shyt hits the fan...summer time ain't even here yet and negroes actin up already...


Sorry I missed your post :yep:. Tell it, tell it.
It's really not that hard to tell when a man has emotionally detached himself from someone and that is clearly not the case here. The fact that he is still living with this woman, but complaining about and exaggerating how bad things are between them to your friend says that he wishes he could change the way things are because he still cares about her. She should leave him alone.
Yep. :ohwell: She believes everything that he tells her from how they don't have sex to how she doesn't cook or clean, and he pays all the bills (mind you she works full time also). All she does is pay attention to their daughter and forgot all about him, but yet he's not ready to move out because he doesn't want to abandon them.

I said to her "Well, if he's paying all the bills then she should have enough money to stand on her own two feet."

THEN she said "Well, if he moves out right away she's gonna slap him with child support and things will be too rough for him." :nono:

And your friend is sticking by this man because she "loves" him, right?

Sometimes, I wish women stopped believing in "love" and just decide to use their heads in relationship.