Anyone who sits or stands under a rain cloud will get wet. HOWEVER, it doesn't give us license to take it for granted. There are actions that hinder our blessings. That rain upon us, causes what we do to grow, for we reap what we sow...good or bad.
With love to Sexy C....
As for the drugs, you have more than God to be concerned about. You have the law as well. You have a precious baby who is placed in harm's way whether you are actively smoking or not. The job you are concerned about may wish to give you a drug test. It's not God who is punishing one who takes drugs, it's the choice to take drugs and it's consequences.
Each time you make an illegal drug purchase, puts you in a postion to be arrested. Or, have drug dealers and other users aware of you and your residence. You have no protection from them should they choose you as a target to harm or rob. You have an addiction which needs to be dealt with.
What you are smoking is being absorbed not only in your system, your outter body, hair, clothing and skin, but is also being absorbed into your baby's system, by your contact with your baby, the air your baby breathes, and in the food your baby consumes.
What you are smoking is also clouding your clarity and should you become so strung out that you cannot attend to your baby, or even yourself, then this too has placed your child in harm's way.
Drug use by anyone is constructive abandonment to life's responsibilities, and if by a parent it is abandoning ones child (children) in more ways than one. Attention, protection, nurture, and financial abandonment. For what is spent on that drug, be it time, or money, is time, care and money being stolen from the family and the child. Why support a drug world who could care less about; you're being robbed not only of your money but your life.
It robs your child and family and friends of your value to them. God is not going to bless you with a job to support a drug habit.
It's a set-up by satan, to get you into a non productive position at work, which will only get you fired and leave a bad mark on your employment. The stress of any job will only increase your desire to escape via drug use.
People who use drugs have been deceived that it is harmless and that they can take it or leave it; they claim to be 'recreational participants'. Yet in truth, it is a creation of wrecking one's life.
Sexy C, God is merciful. He loves you so much that He is now convicting you of what your life needs change in. We love you and no one here is condemning you. God has better for you and He wants to bless you more than you can imagine.
Sexy C, You are precious and loved beyond any measure that any high from any drug could ever give you.
And Dearest one, I admire your character of bravery and honesty to come into a public forum and admit what's going on in your life. I applaude you
. Angel, you are now ready for change and change is ready for you.
You know in your heart that a life of drugs is not for you and it never was and you are ready to get it right and never go back.
And in Jesus's name, I proclaim your deliverance and your total peace, for you are worth every good thing and good blessing, and heart beat of love that God has to offer. From this moment on, you will not rest, until you walk away from the drug use and receive God's best. The conviction which has already begun will not cease until you walk away and stay away from all manner of drugs and their destruction.
God bless you baby girl. Get free and always know that you are indeed loved and blessed...never condemned. God is reaching out to you and you can sense it, and you will not be turned away. You are His, forever. :heart2: