Will all ladies, join me in calling Gabby Douglas's name daily in prayer?


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

Gabby is coming home to the hatin United States. We are all very proud. When Tiger Woods grew up, he departed from his focus. I am not saying that the same thing will happen to Gabby. I somewhat expect somebody ugly to pick at her. She has great family support and is very mature for her age. Will you ladies join me in calling her name whenever you pray, that God will protect and continue to bless this little girl? Click thanks to say that you will pray! Thanks!:yep:
Thank God for Pink Pebbles. We have 120 views and only 1 lovely lady who said she will pray. We do not have to pray the same. Ask God in your own way to protect and bless this little girl. Just breathe her name and ask God to help her. I am a little surprised that Moms of teenagers have not said yes. Thanks everybody! Happy Hair Growing!!
Thank God for Pink Pebbles. We have 120 views and only 1 lovely lady who said she will pray. We do not have to pray the same. Ask God in your own way to protect and bless this little girl. Just breathe her name and ask God to help her. I am a little surprised that Moms of teenagers have not said yes. Thanks everybody! Happy Hair Growing!!

You said to click 'thanks' and that's what several folks did. :yep:

I just want to encourage you to not be discouraged; people are agreeing with you whether they speak up or not. There are so many reasons why they haven't which are not in rejection of your request. :yep:

Be encouraged... :Rose:
I totally agree with you; I've already place Gabby in my thoughts - ever since I heard about how our own people were making fun of her hair. How awful! While this teenager is defying gravity and making history, the only thing that a bunch of ignoramuses could think of is how her hair needed to be done. :nono:

Well - by the grace of G-d, while they are laughing at her, she'll be laughing all the way to the bank with endorsements.

A special blessing upon ~The Flying Squirrel :cup:
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Hello Everyone,

Thanks to everyone who is thinking about this little girl! I am so glad for her I could just burst. I am so happy to be a part of something positive. Have a great day lovelies! Happy hair growing!!:grin:
Gabby is definitely covered by the blood of Jesus!

Gabby's situation made me think about a book I read several years ago by T.D. Jakes titled "Can You Stand to Be Blessed."

When you are blessed by God and acknowledge the Lord publicly attacks will come to try to steal, kill, and destroy your spirit. But when we you are covered by the blood...no worries because this too shall pass!

This situation will make Gabby stronger and allow God to show Himself even stronger in Gabby's life.