Wild Growth Hair Oil


New Member
Well, I just bought my Wild Growth Hair Oil. I am currently in braids and do not want to really use it because I do not want to cause build up at the root of my hair. But, I was wondering, how many people use this oil? Does it really work? How does your hair feel after using the product?
i used this for over a yr and loved this product. I used it when I wore braids b4 too. it felt very soft. but the smell!!! however its not too bad if add abt 10 drops of your fave EO. I used lavender or hibiscus which made it smell like candy. blve it or not coworkers wd stop by and say what's that delicious smell! lol
I don't mind the smell but it straightens my new growth. It doesn't make my hair grow any faster, lol.
I also like to use it on my ends when doing wet (roller) sets.
Yeah, the smell isn't the greatest, but the stuff works as far as really smoothing my hairand helping with the detangling. Also, I found that if used on wet hair, the smell isn't nearly as pungent.
I really love this stuff. It reminds me of curry but my hair looks so nice and soft after it drys when I put WGO in my hair when it's wet. Done this way the smell isn't a problem for me.

Warning: You might end up with hand in hair disease due to using this stuff. This is one of the products I used when I took the "Hair Steamer Result" pics (see link below).
It dried my scalp out terribly, so I never had a chance to experience the "wild growth."

Not to mention, it stank.
I have never used this, but I use Renu Herbs Growth Oil (www.renuherbs.com). I love to use this oil and then jumpin a steamy shower. Renu herbs oil smells better and I think it aids in hair growth more than any other renu herbs product. The oil is very greasy if you apply like I do, but since I have braids now or usually wear a wig then I don't mind. My scalp absorbs the oil fairly fast and I put it on almost daily. The only thing is, don't rub your eyes after scratching in head or applying, it makes them burn for a minute (I have done that on accident).

To answer your question about the WGO, if I were to use an oil, I would do so while I have braids, the oil should be absorbed into the scalp within the day and it provides pretty good moisture for your exposed scalp.