
New Member
Good morning Ladies! I haven't heard much about wild growth hair oil on this board and I'm curious to know how many use it and what did you like/dislike and your results.
I use it and have gotten good reasults, it does have a little smell, but you can cut that by mixing it with another oil. I'm used to it now.
do a search
"wild growth oil"
"wildgrowth oil
"wild growth hair oil"

i don't think it has a smell . It works great thought on wet hair
I like it. I am on my second bottle. My daughter is mid back natural and I am well past shoulder thick relaxed. Works well for both. It doesn't have a smell so much as an herbal fragrance. It does work well on shine and improving texture.
I like it alot use it on wet hair and when it dries you don't have stinky smelling hair. I also like that it's really affordable. I use it on my hair and my lil sis' hair whenever I wash hers.
Does it work because it's sealing in the moisture or is there something more about Wild Growth oil?
It stank and dried out my scalp. I will never use it again.
Karonica said:
It stank and dried out my scalp. I will never use it again.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is quite...not good smelling. At least imo. But for me, it works wonderfully for what it's supposed to do. Haven't used it in a while, though, because the scent just bugs me.
I think it absorbs well so for me its a keeper. The smell is a little annoying but adding a few drops of some other oils sounds like a good idea.
This oil smells like rotten in your hair if u dont wash it often. If u wash more than once a wk. maybe u will be ok. I personally cant stand the smell of it, nor can my mom or my boyfriend
It smells like a bunch of multi-vitamins to me...

However, I get good results when I use it and it lasts a long time. It helps your hair to dry faster. I've recently added it to my haircare regimen again.
ChocoKitty said:
It smells like a bunch of multi-vitamins to me...

However, I get good results when I use it and it lasts a long time. It helps your hair to dry faster. I've recently added it to my haircare regimen again.

[/ QUOTE ]

How does WGO help your hair to dry faster? I would really like that!
I love how it softens my new growth and makes combing out a breeze -- however, it smells hella a bad to me so I only use it in the winter as the heat and sun "enhances" the smell in the summer time.