Wigs for the big head girls


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I am really interested to starting wearing wigs but when I try them on at a local beauty supply store, they're too small for my head. My circumference is about 22.5" - 23". Any suggestion on a good wig that can fit/adjust my big head?

I got a big ole apple head myself so I mainly stick with half wigs that I can blend my hair with.

I have Havana twists in right now so I can't give you the circumference of my dome but I have never run into a BSS wig that's been too big.

I've never tried this but it's the only suggestion on youtube for enlarging a wig cap on a bss wig.

Yeah, I guess for the 1/2 wig idea. What I really want is a super cute bob or really structured cut, a complete switch up from the monotony of this everlasting protective styling situation I have going on. Dang my genetics and my large beefy head!!! How did my mother ever give birth!!
I guess I figured that my last resort is to have someone professionally make me a wig. Just sucks to think about going that route.
I guess I figured that my last resort is to have someone professionally make me a wig. Just sucks to think about going that route.
I feel you!!! I'm kinda in love with the idea of having multiple options a veritable wig wardrobe so to speak. I think they are losing money because there are women out there with large domes who want to look cute too. I mean if I gotta have a big head it might as well be cute and dressed to the nines!!!
I have the saaaame problem here :(
That's why I go the half-wig route.
I just bought a wig on eBay that I am returning. Even though my dome is around 22.5-23 and the listing said it will accommodate that, well...it did not. That on top of it being a little thin means it is going back :(
I would just love to buy a wig just one time that will fit. I don't care at this point if it is a synthetic or human hair.
I think that I am just going to have to learn to make my own wig or have it professionally made. I really don't want to though :perplexed
Man!! I ain't got crafting skills like that. I guess I better get my game up and get some. Too bad cause like I said they are missing money on my plus sized head. I happen to think its a woman's prerogative to change her look as often as she feels and wigs are great for that.