Wigging if for the Winter?


New Member
Can someone point me to a thread where women are wearing wigs throughout the fall/winter for a PS?

Is there a thread/challenge?

I haven't been to the site in a bit and navigating it is crossing my eyes lol. I did a search for wigs and got threads on Eddie Long LOL

Any assistance is welcomed

This is my newest wig. I'm new to wig-wearing. I'm not, in any way, shape, or form, trying to pass these off as my own hair, so all that work most women put into them isnt for me. I dont have the attention span, hence the wigs lol

There is a wig challenge for 2010 as well as one that uses a moisturizing method and uses wigs as a ps. To do a search, click on advanced search and then put wigs in the search box.

I'm not tech savvy so I'm sure someone who knows how to post links will chime in with the info!!!