Wig/weave etiquette


New Member
I know there are most likely similar thread & people are gonna be like "use the search button," but I'm wondering what you ladies consider to be weave or wig etiquette.

I work at a university. I teach & hold a pt office job. Today, I wore a lacefront. It's about BSL. My hair is full-shoulder length, but no one would know that because of shrinkage! & I haven't straightened my hair in almost a year.

So I come in with my lacefront & everyone's going gaga over it. Okay, mainly one person who I'll call chica (yes, chica is white). & she asks, how did you do it? And I didn't really go into detail, but just said that "it's just a temporary look I'm trying out" hoping she'd get the hint.

So my director, who is a sista, walks by as chica is asking me, "So is it like your hair or some added." & I have nothing to hide, so I say there's some added. Anyway, after chica leave, the director comes in & says, "You're not supposed to do that. I saw your face. She doesn't know the etiquette." :lachen:

I'm also nervous about going to my class later. I've never wore a wig in public (except once when I rocked a kinky-curly half wig that looked just like my texture) or a weave (unless if you count ponytails) & I wonder what my students will say. Probably nothing. I'm just paranoid.

Anyway, how do you handle these situations? I probably just need to grow some balls. lol
LOL I think you handled the situation perfectly. Most white people know about 'extensions' so whether I am wearing a a wig, weave, braids etc... I just say its extensions and keep it moving.

To be honest though, I try not to change up styles too often... It just confuses them and I hate having people looking up in my head. :lachen:
Chica knew it was extensions (in the broad sense of the word). I don't know why they act like we're the only ones who use them when they have actual KIOSKS in the mall pimping them!
I agree that you handled it perfectly. Once YOU are comfortable with the look, you will laugh or shrug off comments and questions.

I have a male in my office who is famous for saying "new do huh . . . ?" EVERY single time I change my hair (which is often) whether its braids, wig, extensions or my natural fro.

and I answer YES and keep it moving. My attitude is . . . It's mine, I paid for it . . . so you need not be concerned. The idea that my hair confuses them tickles me so I leave them confused.
To be honest though, I try not to change up styles too often... It just confuses them and I hate having people looking up in my head. :lachen:

LOL! I usually rock twists, a puff, or my fro, or some combination of those, but I wanna do some protective styling. Plus, I wanted to see why people get so hype over weave/lacefronts. I get it now. I'm feeling fabulous. :lol:

Don't get me wrong, my big hair is fabulous, too. I'm just feeling myself. :grin:
Chica knew it was extensions (in the broad sense of the word). I don't know why they act like we're the only ones who use them when they have actual KIOSKS in the mall pimping them!

Right! Jessica Simpsons has her own brand, so I'm not sure of the surprise. I think she just wanted to hear me say it... :ohwell:
I agree that you handled it perfectly. Once YOU are comfortable with the look, you will laugh or shrug off comments and questions.

I have a male in my office who is famous for saying "new do huh . . . ?" EVERY single time I change my hair (which is often) whether its braids, wig, extensions or my natural fro.

and I answer YES and keep it moving. My attitude is . . . It's mine, I paid for it . . . so you need not be concerned. The idea that my hair confuses them tickles me so I leave them confused.

Thank you! Some folks are just...extra!

I don't get my hair done at all, minus me making up some styles, so I think folks were just surprised, too.
I just say extensions. I work in an office where I am one of two people of color. The other lady is Dominican, but I don't even tell her what's going on on my head. I don't have the time or the patience to explain the world of weavery and wiggery.
Its so strange that females would be so interested. I wear a different wig everyday to go with the look. Its no different than jewelry, shoes and a handbag to me. Perhaps they wanted to compliment you and didnt know how. :look:

I know there are most likely similar thread & people are gonna be like "use the search button," but I'm wondering what you ladies consider to be weave or wig etiquette.

I work at a university. I teach & hold a pt office job. Today, I wore a lacefront. It's about BSL. My hair is full-shoulder length, but no one would know that because of shrinkage! & I haven't straightened my hair in almost a year.

So I come in with my lacefront & everyone's going gaga over it. Okay, mainly one person who I'll call chica (yes, chica is white). & she asks, how did you do it? And I didn't really go into detail, but just said that "it's just a temporary look I'm trying out" hoping she'd get the hint.

So my director, who is a sista, walks by as chica is asking me, "So is it like your hair or some added." & I have nothing to hide, so I say there's some added. Anyway, after chica leave, the director comes in & says, "You're not supposed to do that. I saw your face. She doesn't know the etiquette." :lachen:

I'm also nervous about going to my class later. I've never wore a wig in public (except once when I rocked a kinky-curly half wig that looked just like my texture) or a weave (unless if you count ponytails) & I wonder what my students will say. Probably nothing. I'm just paranoid.

Anyway, how do you handle these situations? I probably just need to grow some balls. lol
If you like the person, I'd tell them. But if I didn't then I really wouldn't waste energy on them. "Is that all you?" "WOW! Another new hair do!?" my response: "Yeah, I wish Kobe didn't cheat on his wife either, but oh well, we can't always get what we want'" then KIM :lachen:

Now...how do you handle nosey family members. (IE NOT the family members who remember your bdays and your christmas gifts, but the ones that attach themselves to your hip when you ONLY do good)...Hmm...:grin: