Wig wearers: looking good at home


Well-Known Member
I know alot of ladies here like to wear wigs as a protective style for the convenience of being able to easily care for hair. I understand alot of you "snatch" the wig of when you get in from outside.

I was just wondering how you then have your hair for the evening/ until you next go out. I was thinking of trying out wigs again, but I hated being at home with ugly canerows or silly looking plaits. With weaves, I like that I can look put together at all times.

I guess if you live alone it isn't too bad but those who don't, how do you feel about it?
LOL! I live alone so celie plaits don't bother me while sitting around the house. However I'm getting close with a guy friend and spent the whole day at his house yesterday and it was hell not being able to snatch my wig off. I wouldn't want to be seen in celie plaits unless I was long time married. I dont know what im going to do if we hit it off! LOL
....satin scarf over it lol
I'm still in college and have 4 roomies,so I just scarf it up at the end of the day
I was natural for 4 years. I texlaxed last week and still rock Celie plaits and all of dat!
There really is no way to be sexy with the celie plaits. Sorry. I agree at least with a weave you could still bring sexy back if you needed too.
I have a husband and know exactly how you feel!...I wear two strand twists under my wigs (that i redo every 4-6 weeks)....that way my hair isnt "too bad" when the wig is off... because celie braids wont cut it for me :lol:.
I let my head breathe so my hair is every where until i tie it up to go to bed. My hair is really to short to do anything else with.
I wear my cornrows at home. The hubby has seen me in every style possible and he really doesn't have a preference. Funny enough, he loves my cornrows even when they are fuzzy and all grown out. I know this may sound bad to some but I really don't care what anybody thinks (including hubby) about my hair. That space is completely my own and I feel comfortable with my hair when the wigs and hats come off. Even when it is time for a do over. My style is more laid back so my hair doesn't have to look perfect all of the time.
But for those who like a more together look even when at home, I suggest crochet style braids. Your hair is still protected, your scalp gets air, and you can still take care of your hair as usual. You have a style that is always looks good so no worrying about cornrows or Celie braids. Here are some that I like:

Another option would be to wear a hat at home (like a beanie). The only thing about that is that you want to let your scalp get some air so if you go from wearing a wig while out to putting a hat on at home that may be too much.
LOL my hubby and my dad ( lives with us) have issues with me wearing my cornrows around the house... It's a ongoing topic at home. My dad Christmas wish was for me to get my hair flat ironed and for me to wear my hair out for the holidays. I did it and he was so happy. My hubby does not say anything but he has commented jokingly to my SIL about them.

I personally, don't feel attractive with my cornrows. I wear a satin cap or head wrap at home and on the weekends, if we don't have plans with others.
My boyfriend knows the deal I simply make the announcement before I do my "snatch" so that he can prep himself for my "Set It Off" cornrows/Celie Braids! We have been together forever so I am passed the suffering for cuteness stage, and now he even understands the importance of the "snatch" after a long day. In the past while staying at his house, I have used scarves, my bonnet, and maybe even just put it up in a ponytail to get a little air action going on. A weave is definitely just easier.
I don't think I ever worried about my hair looking crazy. Hubby sees me in a scarf, Saran wrap, plastic bag, you name it. @KCcurly is on the same page as I am.

In fact, even when we were dating, if he came to visit while I'm just chilling, he found me in my Celie braids or whatever crazy thing I have on my hair. It never seemed to bother him or me at all. If we were going out, then I'd try to look presentable. Heck, I've shared how I once woke up to find my hubby braiding my braids coz I went to bed with them loose and they were bugging him every time they ended up on his face. He braided them atop my head like a horn just to keep them out of the way. *shrug*

ETA: In fact, if I do my hair on a day we're just chilling at home, his first question is "Where are you going?" :giggle: coz it just isn't normal for me to bother with my hair if we're staying home.
I have my hair in two strand twists braided back into a single braid. It doesn't look bad...just not as fab as my wig, but whatever. I feel good in that style anyways but DH doesn't complain.
That braiding story is funny Nonie LOL!

SO never mentioned anything about my hair and hasn't seen it blowdried since our first date where it was a bad straightening job. I remember the first time he saw me in twists but he liked them and now sees it ALL...I mean ALL!

But what are these wigs folks are rocking. I would love to wear some wigs but I haven't seen one that I really like yet. (I checked out the Marion wig thread.)
I mostly wear my hair in 2 strand twist or cornrows under my wig. When I 1st started wearing wigs on the regular, my bf would joke about how rough I looked around the house. I would wear wife beater, basketball short, hair conrowed with a stocking cap on around the house. His jokes started getting to me when he started saying I looked....(I'm trying to think of a PC word), like I'm not attracted to males. After that I decided to change it up a bit. I still keep my hair the same, but I wear cute scarves or a little beanie cap over my head. I also changed my house clothes to more cutesy lounge wear.
That's one thing about being in a long distance relationship. I can look like crap inside my home all I want, but when it comes time for a visit, I'm all done up. My mirror be like, "who dat?"
My husband is the one who encourages me to take my wig off. He'll say " don't want to let your head breathe"? Every time he see's me in braids he comments how much he likes them.
My SO prefers my hair straight. I haven't flat ironed in almost a year but I was consistently in braids or wigging it. I've been wearing a pixie cut wig which I sometimes sleep with it on. If I take it off, my own hair is neatly corn rowed. That man can't stand messy hair.