I am already on the list I just need to find a nice LF or half wig. I will be back once I find one.....
Yesterday was day 01 for me. Washed out my o/n DC, moisturized, sealed put a silk scarf on and put on the wig. Didn't realise that ppl could see the scarf underneath -its multicolored :lol: oh well, my freind told me its only noticeable from up close. :look: I hope so. So I'm gonna baggie today and use a black du-rag. I also noticed that the cap is too tight so I stretched the heyull out of it and now its comfy :yep:
Im in if I get added to the list.

I wear wigs anyway. For crutch and lazy purposes. For me the thing is taking care of my hair under them. So hiding my hair wont be an issue.
Question: Can You Phony Pony or Phony Bun as Part of this Challenge? I didn't see it listed.:look:

That would be my 'Summer' Wig.:ohwell: So, I'd like to know before I commit.
Today is going to be a much better 'wig' day. Yesterday was kinda shaky (literally :lol:)
'cause I used the wrong hair pins and then couldn't figure out how to secure the pins properly withou tugging. But I got lots of help and now I think I got the hang of it. I also combed it a bit so it wouldn't look so prefect and I took out 50% of the bulk and trimmed it this morning. I love it even more now. It reminds me of the curly bob I was rocking when I was transitioning :yep:These 2 days of baggying underneath has my hair feeling soooo wonderful. My new growth is so soft and has stopped acting the fool.
About to PM you...I want in! After I take my sew-in out sometime in the next few days, I plan to be wigged up for the next year. Weaves haven't done my hair, especially my edges, a whole lot of good...so I'm trying something new!

Be back with my regimen. HHG, ladies!!
I may join this challenge from the sidelines .. I just joined the sew in challenge, but I be been leaning more towards using them both (wigs and sew ins) ... hmm
i decided to wear full human hair wigs instead of half wigs. I want to prect allof my hair in 2010. I also plan on perming twice next year while doing this challenge. I just brought this wig off hair sisters for 40.00 including shipping. I purchased it in #2.

I may join this challenge from the sidelines .. I just joined the sew in challenge, but I be been leaning more towards using them both (wigs and sew ins) ... hmm

Hi NaturallyVoguish,

You can do BOTH challenges - not strict about using only "wigs" for the entire year!

Today is going to be a much better 'wig' day. Yesterday was kinda shaky (literally :lol:)
'cause I used the wrong hair pins and then couldn't figure out how to secure the pins properly withou tugging. But I got lots of help and now I think I got the hang of it. I also combed it a bit so it wouldn't look so prefect and I took out 50% of the bulk and trimmed it this morning. I love it even more now. It reminds me of the curly bob I was rocking when I was transitioning :yep:These 2 days of baggying underneath has my hair feeling soooo wonderful. My new growth is so soft and has stopped acting the fool.

This is ONE of my favorite TRICKS for making a wig look more natural. Some of those wigs on online (not sure if it is just tiny-headed models or just big hair) are just "scream" fake hair to me.

My sister just told me a funny story about how her wig blew off (in a big gust) in a supermarket parking lot. She just thought her head was big enough to keep it on without any pins or combs! She just played It off and had to laugh at herself!:spinning:
^^^LOL I would have cried and not picked it up like it wasnt mines LOL.
I am finna go hair shopping on HS or CH.
Question: Can You Phony Pony or Phony Bun as Part of this Challenge? I didn't see it listed.:look:

That would be my 'Summer' Wig.:ohwell: So, I'd like to know before I commit.

Phoney Ponies or Phoney Buns (I think these are LHCF terms :rolleyes:) are "Falls" and are totally acceptable as part of the WIG challenge!
Hey, Im in... this wig im wearing now is called Indio by Bobbi boss... i plan on going shopping for another soon.. I took the path to healthy hair in Aug 09. Im sure being here will help me along my journey.


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About to PM you...I want in! After I take my sew-in out sometime in the next few days, I plan to be wigged up for the next year. Weaves haven't done my hair, especially my edges, a whole lot of good...so I'm trying something new!

Be back with my regimen. HHG, ladies!!

I know, I made the mistake of wearing sew in's all last year, i was totally neglecting my natural hair underneathe, but wearing the sew ins, tore out my edges and thinned my crown over the year.. sigh.
Hey, Im in... this wig im wearing now is called Indio by Bobbi boss... i plan on going shopping for another soon.. I took the path to healthy hair in Aug 09. Im sure being here will help me along my journey.

Hey Tif,

This wig looks great and very natural on you!

I'm going to switch up my regimen just a little to get thru a cold (and snowy) winter:

I just braided all of my hair into 19 cornrows and plan to keep them in for 6-8 weeks. This is a big deal for me, because I LOVE to play in my hair!

I will wash, deep con and moisturize/seal all while in the cornrows- since no one but me will see them its ok if they get messy.

I plan to STEAM every other day to combat wintertime dryness.

I'm trying to use up my products (so brands are unimportant to me) but I will keep my hair clean, moisturized and deep conditioned.

I will also take my vitamins and chorella daily.

I'm also itching for a new wig with color but just haven't had time to shop yet.
Hi Ladies,

Quick question...

So, I finally took out my sew-in, cornrowed, and wigged it today. (Apparently, everyone's fooled because my wig looks just like my weave. Yay!) BUT...here's the issue. I hate that bumpy feeling when I run my hands over my head. I tried to do my cornrows fairly small (there are only 7...) and close to my scalp, but it still feels so strange. And I can't just wrap my hair since I'm natural and trying to avoid unnecessary tangles.

Any ideas on how to combat the bumpiness? :ohwell:
Hey, Im in... this wig im wearing now is called Indio by Bobbi boss... i plan on going shopping for another soon.. I took the path to healthy hair in Aug 09. Im sure being here will help me along my journey.

That looks so good on you! :yep:
This is ONE of my favorite TRICKS for making a wig look more natural. Some of those wigs on online (not sure if it is just tiny-headed models or just big hair) are just "scream" fake hair to me.

My sister just told me a funny story about how her wig blew off (in a big gust) in a supermarket parking lot. She just thought her head was big enough to keep it on without any pins or combs! She just played It off and had to laugh at herself!:spinning:

OMG thats funny! I would have done the same thing :lol:
Still rocking my face farrah lace front over my baggy and my bonnet, lol My hair is a mess underneath but relaxer day is near, lol
and then back under the lacefront, with managability..