Widow's Peak And Thin Edges


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! So, my edges aren't quite as thin and they were when I first had my son (thanks castor oil!). But I still hate how thin they are on my left side. And coupled with my widow's peak, I feel like in pictures, it looks like I'm balding in the front. :-/

Any suggestions? Also, I can't take biotin or any supplements due to my PCOS.
Toppix (to camouflage the area) I got mine for Sally's 2 years ago.

I've had this stuff on hand for about 2 years, and couldn't figure out how to best use it. About a week ago I stumbled across this guy's video and became inspired!!!!

Funny but today I decided to try an approach inspired by him on my pressed hair; I have a very thin crown. I used one of those White-wedge shaped makeup sponges to pat the fibers into place. It worked! I felt confident enough to wear my hair down, as opposed to the usual pony-tail.

:bump: to add my pictures

The before and after Toppix application, along with the sponge I used to pat the fibers into place. When applying the Toppix I applied the fibers to both sides of the part (sparingly on the top part); and also made a part about 1" down and applied the fibers there too. This part is just left of the crown of my head :

20181226_151420_resized.jpg 20181226_151656_resized.jpg 20181226_152038_resized.jpg

I hope this helps someone else.