Why yes I AM about to put vaginal ointment on my head. [MN Question]


New Member
Lol yesterday I went with my roommate to walmart, and I decided to take the plunge and buy the generic brand of MN to try out. We were dying laughing when I was trying to find the cheap brand in the feminine aisle, and some women definitely gave me a funny look as I was comparing 2% over 4% :lachen:

I've read alot of the threads on the board, but I still have some questions before I decide to use it.

1) Do you mix the cream with something in order to reduce the risk of headaches? Would mixing it with water suffice?

2) Can you mix it with any type of hair moisturizer, or would something like evoo or jojoba oil be better? (I've never mixed additives into my hair products so I'm confused about this)

3) Do you rinse the cream off? Does it leave any sort of odor in your hair?

4) How often should I apply? I was thinking 3 times a week, but I see many members use it daily.

Thanks for your help! I'm going to take accurate measurements of my hair in order to compare my length before and after MN. Hopefully I achieve new growth.
I was a BIG MN user lol. I mixed it with Sulphur 8. But headaches were never an issue for me regardless. I suggest an oil as compared to a moisturizer.

No, you don't rinse it off. No odor, unless you mix it with something that actually has an odor. I used it every other day.
big MN user as well. i mix with castor oil. however i could apply the MN straight and still not have any headaches.... so yea....

HTH and I hope it works for u!
Bumping for more responses. I've been using MN for about 2 weeks mixed w EVOO. I want to put it on 2x a day but I thought it would be overkill. I also don't get headaches but I'm only using 2%, people using 4 have reported headaches.
I bought it this week also. I used it twice - Tues & Thurs. I do have a headache today, but I really didn't drink water yesterday - so I don't know..........
I'm currently using MN. I dont mix it with anything but I *may* consider mixing it with an argan/olive/lavender oil mix to make it easier to apply with an applicator bottle.

I use it straight and have never gotten a headache. I want to try the 4% because I'm curious....I do worry if I will get a headache, though. But I'm the person who never gets the tingly feeling from serums/creams/scalp oils, etc. that you're supposed to typically get it from (or people claim they've gotten it from). Maybe my scalp is just tough :P

p.s. I use it every night when I'm not being lazy.