why won't my sides grow back :*(******Crying***


New Member
why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

What's up with this? My hair just wont cooperate with me it wont grow back my flakes won't go away
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

Dont cry YuNg. I feel your pain...my temples have been thin for years and Im tired of it. So Im gonna try the Nioxin Follicle Booster....lets try it together and post results. We can be "Thin" buddies!
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***


Do you relax your hair?
Are you wearing your hair in styles that may cause traction alopecia? i.e. braids...too tight ponytail?
Do you use Shampoo?
Have you tried adding rosemary oil to your leave in conditioner?
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

YuNg- have you gotten a scalp biosy to see if your follicles are still alive ? Do you have seborrhagic dermatitis? I beleive (and I could be wrong) that sever untreated cases can lead to hair loss.
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

I dont perm my hair i havent permed my hair in 3 and half years. I want braids i havent been able to get them because of the thinness. I had a scalp biosy done and they said nothing was wrong with my follicles. Then a few months later i got the seborrhea. First it started on my scalp then my hairline and eyebrows now my nose and i even get some flakes on my mustache. I do believe once i get rid of these flakes my hair will grow back because my scalp is really read and unhealthy.
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

they got me on nizoral shampoo which isnt doing crap for me.
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

Isn't that over the counter ? Call and ask for Loprox or Capex, tell him/her that it is not working and insist that he/she prescribe you something.
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

She said she dont want to start me on Capex because it has a steriod in it
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

YuNg, of the natural remedies, what have you tried? I am a big believer in the slow-but-sure way of non-chemical remedies. Finding your solution may involve dealing with one thing at a time. For instance, focussing on the flake problem without worrying too much about your hair length. Then once you find out what solves that one thing, you then move onto the next issue, hair texture or length.

On Keiron's thread about flakes, I found it interesting that NYCchild used to have a dandruff problem that was solved by a gluten-free/dairy-free diet -- which is very similar to the diet I am on, due to a slightly different problem. I had a skin condition that looked like eczema (not on my scalp though) but it itched like crazy and bled when scratched, like your scalp does. None of the hydrocortisone (steroid!) creams that usually solve eczema/psoriasis/dermatitis problems worked for my problem. But the application of tea tree oil and pure aloe vera gel; a diet devoid of refined sugar, dairy, gluten, any fermented foods, yeast; regular taking of allergy multi-vits, garlic, etc...and that skin condition is a thing of the past for me; just like NYCchild's problem.

It wasn't a quick fix, and it got worse briefly before it started to get better. (They call that "cleansing" period the "die-off" period when every toxin seems to come to the surface seemingly trying to get away from the war you're starting from the inside -- or is it the baddies arming themselves to try and defeat you.

I keep hearing great things about Aloe Vera gel and Rosemary EO. Delightful has actually seen thin hair fill out from her own concoction of the two. And I've heard Rosemary mentioned in conjuction with dandruff and itchy scalp. And I know Aloe Vera helped me. Even though none of these conditions may be related, it doesn't hurt to try them, esp Aloe Vera since I'm yet to hear anything negative about it. www.mountainroseherbs.com has a rosemary oil that you wash off and I would assume it would be gentler than rosemary EO -- since too high a concentration of any EO could burn your skin, if you aren't sure what you're doing.

The thing you'd have to keep in mind is none of these natural remedies work overnight. So patience and perseverence are a must.

Oh and if you're wondering if you have to use them for life, I discontinued the application of tea tree oil and aloe vera on the areas that had a rash more than two years ago and it has never returned. So there will probably be an end to the treatment, eventually. A lot of times we get "incurable" ailments because we are doing something to our bodies that weakens its ability to heal itself. Once we strengthen it enough by avoiding "the enemy" and arming ourselves, we can usually get to a point where we can withstand whatever made us ill in the the first place.

Best wishes for a healthier scalp crowded with hair
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

I don't think that Loprox shampoo has steroids in it. Try asking her for that. How old are you?
Re: why won\'t my sides grow back :*(******Crying***

Maybe that is why she didn't want to give you a product with steroids but seriously if Nizorol is not working she has to give you something that does, you went there to be treated and yet you weren't. Happy B-day if I forget to say it on Saturday.