Why won't fotki let me delete my photo's?


FKA Pokahontas
I'm so frustrated with fotki. I've been trying for weeks to clean up my albums but I can't delete select photo's, arghhh! I think I'm gonna give up my account this time. I'm gonna miss all my fotki friends though.:sad:

Is anyone else having this problem? If I could delete the pics I wanted to I would probably keep it up but I'm tired of trying now.
really? whenever i try to delete a fotki pic, it just gives me a message like are your sure you wanna delete it because this cant be undone, and then i click ok....what happens when you try to delete them?
really? whenever i try to delete a fotki pic, it just gives me a message like are your sure you wanna delete it because this cant be undone, and then i click ok....what happens when you try to delete them?
I just don't have the option to do it.....like on some of the albums I can't even see the box to select the picture I want to delete and some of the albums I can see the box but when I click it, it just takes me to the picture. I've tried like 100 times. It's like the page isn't lined up right or something. Some of the select boxes are hiding behind the picture.
have you tried just going to the actual pic and seeing if you can delete it from the sidebar? but based on the formatting problems it might be your browser...if you're using internet explorer can you switch too google chrome/safari/firefox or vice versa?
have you tried just going to the actual pic and seeing if you can delete it from the sidebar? but based on the formatting problems it might be your browser...if you're using internet explorer can you switch too google chrome/safari/firefox or vice versa?
I'm gonna try that now.
have you tried just going to the actual pic and seeing if you can delete it from the sidebar? but based on the formatting problems it might be your browser...if you're using internet explorer can you switch too google chrome/safari/firefox or vice versa?
So it's letting me go to the pic and delete from the sidebar.....I don't know why I hadn't been able to do that before. Thanks so much! You saved me from deleting my whole account.
So it's letting me go to the pic and delete from the sidebar.....I don't know why I hadn't been able to do that before. Thanks so much! You saved me from deleting my whole account.

you're welcome! im glad you didnt delete your account...i was kinda counting on it for when i start doing rollersets & silk wraps lol