Why Women Feel More Attached after Sex than Men


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Why Women Feel More Attached after Sex than Men
By Sarah Carrillo

Many of us have been in a relationship with someone who was all wrong for us, yet we stayed because we “felt a connection.” It can be tough to figure out what’s going through our heads when this happens, but what if it was actually beyond our control?

There is a little-talked-about hormone, oxytocin—nicknamed the “cuddle hormone”—which is released during sex and could be effecting our relationships and sex lives and relationships in ways we’ve never thought of.

What is oxytocin?
Basically, it’s one of our many hormones. Both men and women have it, and while its exact purpose is still unclear, it increases in our systems during orgasm (for men and women) and during childbirth (it’s what bonds mothers to their babies). It’s released into our bloodstreams in response to breast or vaginal stimulation as well says Dr. Beverly Whipple, Secretary General of the World Association for Sexual Health.

Is it him or the oxytocin that I’m attracted to?
Oxytocin has been found to increase our levels of trust and make us feel more connected with people. But what if that oxytocin released during sex makes us feel connected with someone who’s wrong for us?

“A year ago, a friend flipped for a guy whom, when I met him, I didn’t quite ‘get.’ He wasn’t all that nice. Just what did she see in him, I wondered. But I started to understand, because whenever his name came up in conversation, so did great sex ... with him,” says blogger Kat Wilder. She adds: “I wouldn’t doubt all that lovin’ triggers that oxytocin bonding.”

“Oxytocin bonding” doesn’t only occur in flawed relationships though, sometimes it can emphasize feelings you have out of bed as well.

“Sometimes you just look at [your partner], and think, he makes me so happy. With [my boyfriend], it’s more like that after [sex]. It feels like a level of elation, but to a greater extreme—all I want to do is tell him how much I love him,” Tara* says.
While we’d like to think that this post-coital love surge is simply how we feel, the truth is it may have more to do with the orgasm-induced rush of oxytocin.

Why is this happening?
Susan Kuchinskas, who writes a blog about oxytocin and has a book, Love Chemistry: How Oxytocin Lets us Trust, Love and Mate, due early in 2008, offers some insight:

“Oxytocin seems to have been ‘designed’ by nature to make a man and woman feel bonded after sex, so they would stay together and raise children,” she says. “Today, the physiology of men and women still plays out according to this pattern. But estrogen seems to increase the calming and bonding effects of oxytocin, while testosterone seems to mute them. That's why women tend to feel more attached after sex than men do.”

The website oxytocin.org sites a study that found oxytocin can also be released in response to intense emotions. In the study, women were asked to recall positive and negative relationship memories.

Most had only small increases or decreases in their oxytocin levels, but women whose levels rose significantly while remembering a positive relationship also reported having healthier relationships in general. Women whose levels fell dramatically while remembering a negative relationship also reported anxiety in their relationships. More research needs to be done, but this could indicate that oxytocin plays a part in whether we form healthy relationships or not.

Should we second-guess our relationships?
Yes and no. While we should always take a step back and make sure we’re with a person for the right reasons, we shouldn’t assume that just because we’re enjoying our sex lives that that is the only reason we’re with him.

“The oxytocin response is unconscious; it takes place within the autonomic nervous system, so it's hard to change it. But we definitely should be aware of what's going on when we feel this. Say you sleep with a man who's a jerk but a great lover. The next morning, part of you is going, ‘This guy is a prick.’ But another part of you says, ‘Oh, I feel this incredible connection with him.’ Well, that incredible connection is just your oxytocin talking. Remind yourself, he's not really The One—and keep looking until you find someone who's nice out of bed, too,” Kuchinskas says.

This explains my last relationship to a T. I knew he wasn't right for me, but I kept hanging in there. Even now that I'm with a great guy, I still think about him. I've been trying my hardest to not respond to his messages. It's funny because although he was all wrong for me when I think about him/contacting him, I only think about all the good s*xing, and not what a true jerk he was.
The science behind this is amazing. I was always raised not to have sex before marriage and was well taught about the concept of a "soul tie" - which is basically the same thing outlined in the article but from a spiritual perspective. But this makes so much sense - even from the heavy petting aspect (which is what I did with my highschool boyfriend). I was attached to him for too long and for no reason at all.
IDK? I'd like to ask my friends if that's been their own experience. Is a man w/ bad sex easier to let go?
Interesting article, but I always had trouble with understanding how a woman can have sex with a guy she doesn't love (or one night stands). Because I always thought as women we will be more emotionally attached than men after sex.

BTW, I get the whole physical aspects of sex. I always focused more on the EMOTIONAL side of sex, which I think gets ignored alot.
NOPE! I think its the emotional connection to the person.

Are they establishing an emotional connection absent of sex? Because according to the article the emotional floodgate opens after you have sex...and especially GOOD sex.

Sex=Connection for a woman (more true if good sex/experience)
This is why I can't bring myself to have a FWB; I fear that I'd develop an attachment that was totally one-sided and get my feelings hurt.

I know that some of the good feelings I have toward my ex are due to sex. He has so many issues that caused problems during the relationship, but I remember how great the sex was and have the urge to spend more 'quality time' with him :look:.
Are they establishing an emotional connection absent of sex? Because according to the article the emotional floodgate opens after you have sex...and especially GOOD sex.

Sex=Connection for a woman (more true if good sex/experience)

Well let me backtrack. I already had an emotional connection with my ex prior to us having sex. Which was awful each and every time for me.

But the more I think about it; the emotional aspect did decrease (but there were alot of other factors involved as well).

The best way I can explain it was that I still FELT a connection to him that I couldn't break. Although, the emotional aspect did decrease.

I don't know if I make sense or not. This is the best way I can explain it.
I've always made a conscious effort to tell everyone interested in dating me--almost verbatim-- that I don't intend on having sex with anyone I'm not in a purposeful relationship because women produce oxytocin. I've found presenting that type of knowledge to potentials a good self-preservation method and a way to weed out the good men/women from the bad.

Oxytocin is also the reason why I don't believe in, have not, and never will have a one night stand, jumpoff or f*ckbuddy. I refuse to be prematurely bonded to someone I don't at least feel is potentially worth the long-term investment.

Besides sex is the best when both people love each other anyway.