Question Why was my thread closed??


New Member
Why was my thread informing posters about the importance of doing research before posting about celebrity death and other hoaxes closed?? Did it violate a rule? Or is it better to allow poster to set themselves up to be put through the ringer for posting false info?
I'm thinking because you could've posted your comment in the "Eddie Murphy Died" thread instead of starting a whole new thread about it. Just a thought. Not for sure though.
My theory is based on the history of this site, the thread would have within the first 2 pages led to some type of bashing which would soon spin out of control.
It was unnecessary (lol) People post information from bad sources (MTO) all the time. No need to get into a frenzy.

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My theory is based on the history of this site, the thread would have within the first 2 pages led to some type of bashing which would soon spin out of control.

Then it should have been made a sticky. I don't need anyone to reply, I just want them to see it. The bashing will go on in the thread that contains the false info. The poster will be called all kinds of dumb and irresponsible.

But hey if that's how you all prefer it, then whatev. :yawn:
Then it should have been made a sticky. I don't need anyone to reply, I just want them to see it. The bashing will go on in the thread that contains the false info. The poster will be called all kinds of dumb and irresponsible.

But hey if that's how you all prefer it, then whatev. :yawn:

sorry thought it was a question you wanted a reply to.

They will probably closed this thread as well. But you probably already know that.
sorry thought it was a question you wanted a reply to.

They will probably closed this thread as well. But you probably already know that.

No you misunderstood. My thread was a public announcement, not a discussion. It didn't ask a question.

This thread asks a question to the Mods. I thought this was where we ask them questions.
No you misunderstood. My thread was a public announcement, not a discussion. It didn't ask a question.

This thread asks a question to the Mods. I thought this was where we ask them questions.

You are right, I did misunderstand. I did not know you were directing it to the Mods. And you are probably right. This is probably the area you reach them. I saw the title and thought it was question in general.
I assumed your question was directed at the MODS vs LHCF posters. However, I would have just sent a PM to a MOD for a direct reply.