why u don't like CO WASHES?!, what they do to u?


New Member
Hey Girls...
I am a newbie to LCHF and I have noticed that many of you recommend CO WASHES. I have been incorporating them into my routine lately cause I signed up for the "WATER WORKS 07" challenge. I noticed on that thread and others that some of yall said that "CO WASHES don't work for me, or my hair doesn't like them." So my question is when you say it isn't working, what you mean it ain't workin? How did you know your hair didn't like it, did ya hair break off, what girl? Now you got me sked!!! (that's scared :eek: for the un-country folk). Cause it's like, conditioner, so, pretty please explain, cuz child I'm confused!

here is the WATER WORKS 2007 link...
I don't do co-washes anymore because they leave build up on my scalp. When I did a co-wash after going to the gym I noticed the build up was worse. So I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner and I don't have those probelms.
Co-washes left my hair too elastic. The last time I cowashed my hair looked funny..so I pulled it and kept pulling it til it tore off!:eek: I said hell no after that 2 cowashes.:nono: :perplexed
I do cowashes like twice a week and wash once but I have a relaxer. But before that i used to mix like 1/4 shampoo and the rest conditioner and my hair felt great. So, if it works for you then great but I also scrub my scalp while cowashing as if it was shampoo and I do this about two times, while in the shower.:)
Oh, yeah and to the poster above my last post. You have to be very careful with cowashing especially if you have a relaxer cause the moisture tends to be retained moreso in my personal experiences. So you have to make sure you don't over moisturize.
I run outside a lot and I dont feel like the conditioner cleans my scalp as well as I need it to. So I stick to washing my hair 2 a week w/ the whole Aveda Dr line. The shampoo isnt really harsh so I dont mind washing 2x
tt8 said:
Hey Girls...
I am a newbie to LCHF and I have noticed that many of you recommend CO WASHES. I have been incorporating them into my routine lately cause I signed up for the "WATER WORKS 07" challenge. I noticed on that thread and others that some of yall said that "CO WASHES don't work for me, or my hair doesn't like them." So my question is when you say it isn't working, what you mean it ain't workin? How did you know your hair didn't like it, did ya hair break off, what girl? Now you got me sked!!! (that's scared :eek: for the un-country folk). Cause it's like, conditioner, so, pretty please explain, cuz child I'm confused!

here is the WATER WORKS 2007 link...

I just want to say...."WELCOME" to LHCF!!!
bmoreflyygirl said:
They didn't work for me. They just didn't do anything for my hair. They didn't make a difference.

this was the case with me. i tried them when i was natural and now relaxed and they didnt give me that soft moisturized hair that everyone talks about.

or maybe it was the conditioner.
i agree with above posters, it just seems to make my hair mushy and too elastic and weak feeling. less washing in general is good for me, my hair responds best to plain ole shampoo and conditioner
I just co-washed yesterday and my scalp is flaky. My scalp is never flaky after I wash. I wanted to like it, but it doesn't work for me. I love the way my hair feels after a wash with shampoo so I'm sticking with that.
I tried it but did not like it. After doing it I felt like jumping back into the shower and washing with regular shampoo!

Well for me it just seems like my hair is not getting cleaned and it is leaving a film. Between my washes, I put a lot of hair lotion, oils, etc and I believe it causes a lot of build up. Call me paranoid :lol: but I think I would rather wash with regular shampoo or maybe even Cream of Nature Shampoo to give me an illusion that my hair is being cowashed? :lol: