
Well-Known Member
is the left side of my head STILL so much thinner then the right????? i stopped wrapping my hair a long time ago, i do all the conditioning and moisturizing ( sitting here here right now with a jojoba prepoo), i make sure not to over power that side while combing infact im VERY delicate on that side. I mean it does grow the tiniest bit slower ( i can tell from my ng) but the real problem is in retaining the length...it just keeps breaking ONLY ON THE LEFT SIDE!! Its so weak on that side!! So what is the problem?

Anybody else have this problem and get past it? How?
I'm glad u post this cuz it brought back a memory: When I wrapped my hair to the left: my right side looked bad compared to my left: I just wrapped my hair the opposite way: Give it a try and if ur bad side doesn't look close to or similar the way ur good side use to look wen u wrapped it the 1st way then: I guess I didn't help. ~HTH~
Do you find yourself waking up on your side where your hair is breaking? Also, is your left side the side being processed longer than the right while relaxing? That may have something to do with it.
anky said:
Do you find yourself waking up on your side where your hair is breaking? Also, is your left side the side being processed longer than the right while relaxing? That may have something to do with it.

yes i used to be let that side process longer by accident...but i havent relaxed on 4months. but im having new breakage and shedding. i find myself waking up on the other side more. I figured ok...lots of ladies have more breakge when they transition......but on one side???
A long time ago, a stylist told me that my hair was thinner on my left side because I was right-handed and that combing the left side with my right hand breaks it off. She said it was because of the bad angles of the comb. I wasn't combing straight but at an angle that broke my hair off. I don't know if that's true or not.
Brownie518 said:
A long time ago, a stylist told me that my hair was thinner on my left side because I was right-handed and that combing the left side with my right hand breaks it off. She said it was because of the bad angles of the comb. I wasn't combing straight but at an angle that broke my hair off. I don't know if that's true or not.

Im actually a lefty though lol. i comb left side with left hand and right with right hand....but i started to think that maybe since i was lefty and lossing hair on the left side its was because that hand was stronger? im tryin to be delicate with it in case thats what it is.

hmm....i was just thinkin something... How bout when i put my hair in a ponytail?. i hold the hair with my left hand since thats my stronger hand i can grab it tighter....could that be it? or am i really reaching here...