Why My Hair Do This.......


New Member
The past month I have noticed that my texture is changing. The coils are getting tighter and I actually have curls. I have been co-washing alot and using my oils and aloe vera gel to maintain my bun that I have been rocking. Last night I decided to clarify with Baking Soda and then wash my Hair with Aubrey GPB. I then rinsed with honey and warm water, afterwards it was really hard to detangle my hair:ohwell:. I could hair snaps as I was using my comb:sad:, I even used my nature's Blessing pomade on my ends to help me detangle :perplexed, I lost (about the size of a large strawberry) some hair.
I guess my questions after explaining this is why did thsi happen. Was it because of the bun that I wore for weeks straight eventhough I co-washed during that time? Do I need a trim? Is it a shedding phase? What am I doing wrong? How can I get my hair now that the curls are coiling tightly at the ends to behave when I comb it from time to time?

I really could use all the help I can get now..........I am soooo sad:cry3:
Okay you said you wore the bun for weeks straight. That would mean that you had weeks of shedding. Did you remove the shedded hairs before washing? I know that when I get matting and tangling it is usually because I didn't take the time to remove my shedded hair before relaxing or washing.
I think that is why then...:perplexedbecause each time during those weeks that I washed I did not take the time to detangle I was trying to do the Low manipulation thing. But that is not working for me as I can see now.....
Today I am rocking twists and I will keep these till Sunday I think.
Thanks for the help....
It sounds like a shedding phase to me.
I've been seeing many threads lately where many of us are experiencing shedding & growth spurts. I think the season has a great deal of influence on our hair too. Springtime / Mother Nature is pruning & rejuvenating the foliage outside and our hair too.

Maybe some intense Deep Conditioning treatments will help with the snapping hair.
Do you normally use Baking Soda to Clarify?
Do you use many proteins? If you do maybe it is time to lay off of those for a while.
Did you try anything new that might have adjusted the way your hair reacted?

Don't be discouraged. Hair is very resilient! That amount of shedding is not too extreme especially spread throughout your whole head.
It sounds like a shedding phase to me.
I've been seeing many threads lately where many of us are experiencing shedding & growth spurts. I think the season has a great deal of influence on our hair too. Springtime / Mother Nature is pruning & rejuvenating the foliage outside and our hair too.

Maybe some intense Deep Conditioning treatments will help with the snapping hair.
Do you normally use Baking Soda to Clarify?
Do you use many proteins? If you do maybe it is time to lay off of those for a while.
Did you try anything new that might have adjusted the way your hair reacted?

Don't be discouraged. Hair is very resilient! That amount of shedding is not too extreme especially spread throughout your whole head.

:yep::yep::yep::yep: this is my shedding phase and I noticed in the Fall is my spurt.
I'm probably biased but I'm not a friend of baking soda. If you don't normally use it, I'd say this is what caused the tangling. Baking soda, an alkaline, opens up hair cuticles so the hair strands are no longer smooth and no longer slide easily against each other. This leads to tangling. Perhaps if you'd followed the BS with an ACV rinse to close the cuticles you might've had less tangling? *shrug*
Nonie, thanks I never thought about following the baking soda with ACV. Maybe cuz I don't know how touse ACV:perplexed. Thanks....
The first time I saw any coils on my head was last year when I washed several times without detangling. I was doing a braided roots wash and go then. After a few washes, my hair started to make coils. By the end of it, I had quite a few, well, for a cnapp. They generally only were on the last 2-3" of my hair, the base was still cotton, like coils randomly sprinkled over an afro base. When I got ready to detangle, it was BAD. Them suckers did not want to come apart. I have a feeling that a lot of the coiling was due to forced clumping, where hairs clumped around a central shed hair and that was what made them clump where normally my hair wouldn't. Anyway, though I thought they were kinda cute, I recognize too many of them now as a warning sign for me.
I had the same problem w/major tangling after I used a Baking Soda (just BS mixed with water) paste as shampoo. I found that it works best on my hair mixed w/conditoner...
Nefertit0906 thanks for that info, I may need to try that. I did notice that had some residue on my scalp, that was the whole purpose of me doing the Baking Soda Rinse......:perplexed
Nonie, thanks I never thought about following the baking soda with ACV. Maybe cuz I don't know how touse ACV:perplexed. Thanks....

I just put about a 1/4 cup ACV in a basin/bucket of water (maybe 2 gallons of water). The measurements are not a science. Just as long as the water has some acidity; better a dilute solution than a very concentrated one. I usually add about 20 drops of EOs of lavender and about the same of rosemary but this isn't necessary. Most people pour this over their heads but I dunk my head into the solution and massage my scalp while letting my hair soak up the goodness of the solution. The ACV massage not only helps remove conditioner residue from my scalp that could cause itches but also I get the benefit of improved circulation from the massage, enhanced by holding my head down in the submerged position.
Nonie thanks for clarifying for me about how to do the ACV rinse thingamajig. I will try it before I go to Vegas, I may wash again on Monday to give my hair a chance to recover:spinning:.
I think that it was definitely the baking soda. I notice that baking soda brings the life back to my coils after using it. After using it though, I use a moisturizing shampoo with a PH of about 4.5-5.5 and then I DC as I normally do. I dont have any problem detangling after that.

Im mostly 4a and I actually consider the tightening of my coils a benefit of baking soda but if thats not the effect you are looking for then I would eliminate it from your regi and just use a regular clarifying poo.
I'm probably biased but I'm not a friend of baking soda. If you don't normally use it, I'd say this is what caused the tangling. Baking soda, an alkaline, opens up hair cuticles so the hair strands are no longer smooth and no longer slide easily against each other. This leads to tangling. Perhaps if you'd followed the BS with an ACV rinse to close the cuticles you might've had less tangling? *shrug*

When I tried to do the baking soda rinses as a natural I also felt that it tangled my hair more than anything else. I love baking soda on my face but as for my hair :nono:
Yeah im thinking it is the baking soda...
Im just realizing the main reason why i had so many tangles was because of the baking soda....Had i known that was the problem I would have never flat iron my hair to avoid tangles when i was doing just fine with shampoo....im still learning.