>>Why MMEEEE<<<Just a Rant


Well-Known Member
I believe you will find a post like this if you refer to history, about every 8-10 weeks, I go through this motion of deciding whether to home relax or go to a salon...

I recently prolonged the wait, becasue of another member saying wait some time before getting a perm and use of MTG... that was 2 weeks ago... I tried getting a perm last thursday, but discount didnt apply, so would have been paying 40 +dollars (where as mon -wed. = $25) AND both includes me bringing in my own Relaxer, Cons, Poos, I figure if I home relax, which I can do and pretty good at, I can save money, and if anything burn my OWN scalp... lol...

BUT, as posted in another thread I am lazy nowadays with my hair... I dont know what to do, it is like I have to complete difefrent people in head that are not giving in on there stance, and I NEEDS A PERM...

I'm confused.. Did you perm your hair last Thursday or are you thinking about perming this Thursday? If you have not already permed then I would say just wait it out (or should I say stretch :) ) and get it done on next Monday.
I was going perm last thursday, but was like o heck nah, becuase price was $40.... I was thinking I can wait till monday to get that discount(would be $25), but now like I can forgo the whole price and just do it myself...
AnjelLuvsUBabe said:
I was going perm last thursday, but was like o heck nah, becuase price was $40.... I was thinking I can wait till monday to get that discount(would be $25), but now like I can forgo the whole price and just do it myself...

Girl, you better pay the $25 and get your hair done professionally. If you are debating whether you will do it right, then it is better to be safe. I don't want to be consoling you 2 days from now because you over/under processed your hair. ;) Nah, you know I got love for you. But seriously, I don't think $25 is too much to spend to get your hair permed.
Rai, Girl I wass just about to listen to you until I called the place and they said $35 dollars, for a perm I can do at home, and I have the dryer, rollers and all, everything they use at the place I have a home, even the leave in... I am good I dont wanna spend that 35... for someone to do my hair, because I am bringing in all the stuff for the relaxer... I will stuck it up and drink a red bull...
Well i wish you good luck. There are lots of ladies on this site that successfully self-relax and get great results, even better than a salon. Me on the other hand....I was going to go back to self-relaxing but i know that it is extremely hard for someone to only apply relaxer to their newgrowth without overlapping. this is a hard feat, if u areen't feeling super confident, i would suggest to investigate prices at universal salons...my experience at Hair Cuttery in Charlotte is that 2 stylists ive tried, they relax WAAAAAAY better thanj going to a traditional black salon. check them out, JC penneys or any other international salon chain because they are cheaper.... again, good luck!
Yeh when I permed before I never really messed with the processed hair just new growth, and I have so much now that it really doesnt matter who does it because u would have to be blind not to notice where it stops....

Alot of people always talk about not hitting processed hair, but the places/salons I went to always went past it, so the way I figure I wont be losing out...

Of course I didnt go get my hair done last night... will be doing it myself tonight...LOL