Why Jesus Instituted The Eucharist (communion)


se ven las caras pero nunca el corazón

On-going work, lecture points 1 and 2 completed. There will be 10 total on this series. There are more on the website. Enjoy


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17. On the Eucharist

  1. Why Did Jesus Institute the Eucharist? (Mar. 2)
  2. The Eucharist and the Incarnation (Mar 9)
  3. Figures of Eucharistic Communion in the Old Testament (Mar. 16)
  4. Figures of the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Old Testament (Mar. 30)
  5. The Bread of Life Discourse (Apr. 6)
  6. Was the Last Supper a Passover Meal? (Apr. 13)
  7. Sacrificial Implications of the Words of Institution of the Eucharist (Apr 20)
  8. The Fathers of the Church on the Eucharist (Apr. 27)
  9. The Real Presence and Transubstantiation (May 4)
  10. Transubstantiation: Difficulties
I am so grateful to have the living presence of Christ on earth in the form of the Eucharist. What great love that Jesus no only died for us but that He continues to immolate Himself on the altar as our Daily Bread, literally. :yep: