Why is my natural hair frizzy on the ends when I straighten it?


Well-Known Member
I flat ironed my natural hair and even after I trimmed the ends were still frizzy. I used Sabino moisture block, but its something about the ends...they just were not as straight as the other part of my hair.

I used the Sedu on about 340-360 degrees
After trimming I like to drench my ends in moisture with a dab of SAA's. Sometimes I'll even baggy 'em.

As for them being frizzy after ironing...have you tried an anti-frizz serum?
Duh! Thank you guys soooo much. I thought my ends were just raggedy or something lol.

When I was natural, my hair used to do the same thing. Unfortunately, the chase method didn't FIX it. It HELPED a whole bunch, but my ends would still frizz. But ALL of my hair would frizz, no matter what.