Why is my hair soo soft while airdrying then dry & puffy once fully dried?

Humectants work well in humidity, not in warm places. So damp, wet England might be just the right condition for them to work--that is IF they work for you. There might be some people for whom they don't work.

Humectants pull moisture into themselves so as long as there's enough in the air, then they will draw it into your hair if you have them on. If you're indoors though and the air is dry and no humidifier around, humectants need their moisture still so guess where they get it from: your hair, leaving it dry.

Don't despair chicca, trial and error is how a lot of people found their staples. I would've been a PJ too if a friend wasn't treating me as her guinea pig/project and sending me samples. Then S Curl came along and I found Product Right and have never looked again.

I take it you're still using S Curl in the winter as well? What do you do differently so that you still get the same results? Compared to summer
what works for me is putting S-curl on dry hair, and then lightly sealing it all over with EVOO = major softness XD

I do that for the next two days after my wash.

This is what I've taught my DS, now 12 for his morning routine. He
wears an afro.

He mists his hair with water to make it damp. Then he applies the
S-Curl No Drip. After that he'll pour a little olive oil in his palm and
rub that all over.

Then it's shower time. When he gets out he puts on a plastic cap to
preserve the moisture. He'll get dressed, eat breakfast, brush his
teeth and then when it's time to style his hair, the pick goes through
pretty easily.

His hair seems to always look and feel really good and the dew point
here in New York has been below 30. I believe when the dew point
is more optimal (30 - 65 or so) I'll have him use the S-Curl fewer
times per week because, truthfully, S-Curl, like Nonie says, works
really well for days.

Hope this helps you ~
Ok, I read all the posts and I see you've tried S-Curl.

After checking for porosity issues as the ladies suggested, oil-rinsing is
another amazing option.

I do this for my and my DS's hair with olive oil. Very simple regimen with amazing
results. I've noticed our hair feels stronger and softer. S-Curl/olive oil for
maintenance keeps the softness until wash day.

I don't have the resources to try and fall in love with specialty products so this
regimen does it for us.
It may be a porosity issue then. Hair that is very porous will absorb moisture quickly but also release it leaving your hair dry. Have you ever done a porosity treatment? Also I rarely blowdry my hair anymore. I just hate the whole process my arms get tired and it takes so long. Plus I can get a similar look by airdrying in braids then combing my hair out. When I do blowdry I DC w/ Silk Elements Treatment. For my leave-in I use Knot Today. I then apply some type of serum/heat protectant. I do not blow dry wet hair. I towel dry and usually walk around for about 20 minutes to let my hair dry some before blowdrying.
I have (used porosity products). Porosity control leaves my hair more tangled though. It's because I have hard water.

I actually have pH strips and the sad thing is, it hasn't made a difference. I would rinse my hair out with filtered water, then use my ph balanced conditioner as a leave-in. No difference (in the appearance or feel of my fully dried hair).

At the same time, the last couple of inches of my hair is frizzy. I don't really know what to do about that. I'll add a few drops of acv to my final rinse water -that's literally what it takes according to the strips. I don't think it'll make a difference, since I used to use acv regularly, and it didn't do a thing.
Yep, I agree with hot oil treatments and curl activator gel.

I have been using worlds of curl gel for 4 years now and me and my hair are happy :)
to OP, test your hair for porosity (take shed hair from brush and put in a bowl full of water, after 5 min if the hair is still floating, then it's not a porosity issue).
i had a bad case of protein overload two weeks ago, i Dc several time, moisture on a daily basis but still nothing worked:nono:, my hair was crispy and just laughed at me!
this tuesday i tried the rhassoul clay, mixed it with coconut milk, few oil and left it on my hair for over an hour, then rince and conditioned my hair and bingo:drunk:, back to normal!!!
I will agree with Nonie, keep it simple and don't use to many product at once.
I am from coventry and my hair love glycerin, i always mix it with my deep condioner.
have tried bagging with oil?
You're from Coventry? We're quite close then. Do you add glycerin to any leave-ins at all? Can you actually leave it in your hair without it getting dry?

I actually have some of Anita Grant's rhassoul dc left over. I looove the smell, but I don't think I'll repurchase. As always, most products initially make my hair feel good, but when I last used it, my hair /NG wasn't soft when fully dry.

Do you mean baggying with oil, as in a hot oil treatment or prepoo? That's exactly what I did in the original post, when I thought my hair would turn around. I used ghee /olive oil /rice bran oil on wet hair -overnight.
Oil rinses are better to me than any shampoo or conditioner has ever been. I just tried them for the first time recently after battling dry/crispy hair for all my years as natural. Being fed up, and thinking of drastic measures, I was willing to try anything. My hair always airdried hard as a rock, even after trying acv rinses and "top of the line" products, (and mixing butters oils into conditioners or straight up--which do help but not like oil rinses). You obviously know what I mean then. Thanks!

Balancing your moisture/protein is really what will help with your porosity issues (since it sounds like this is the problem). Oil rinses, in particular can help you to hold and retain moisture better.

I do them with castor oil; and I'm still new to this, but you have to do trial and error on how much oil to use; and how much to rinse out. If you are straightening afterwards, then you may want to do a thorough rinse. That's what I do when I plan to straighten. I blowdry after almost every wash. Do you follow a particular tutorial? I'm gonna try this. I have no idea what I'm doing now (when blowdrying). I'll have to wait till I get more of an idea of how to do it. The oil rinses have given me the best flat iron job I ever had; and the most moist hair ever (whether airdrying or blowdrying). I could never say this from just throwing product on my hair after I wash. Its something about this process that gets in the cuticle and softens it...:yep:...You can go days w/o adding moisture. This is unheard of w/my 4b dry hair. That's great. I'm not gonna get my hopes up too much:lol:. I remember though,that when I used to prepoo with oil on dry hair -not overnight or anything.. maybe for like 1/2hr, my hair always felt nice after shampooing (not stripped). I want the long lasting results you're getting though. I've read through that thread a few times before.

I do the oil rinse after shampooing (which I may be giving up soon-since shampoo strips my hair); I do them before conditioning; or after conditioning. I may be trying them alone as I've heard some get good results from that. So you can do them before Or after. I might use ao gpb on dry hair then. Rinse it out. Then oil rinse. Would you recondition again after that?

Make sure u rinse the oil w/hot water. So far every way I've tried it has been great. I usually sit under the dryer for 10-15min when the oil is on my hair. I might start dc'ing with heat again and do this. I hope oil doesn't fry hair.. This has become my deep conditioner. That's cool. Other times I rinse it right off (like 30 sec to two min after I put it on). Its a really simple step that you can add into your wash/co-wash day regimin w/really any oil. you can easily try it and decide if this is for you! I do them everytime i wet my hair.

Note, you have to find the right oil that works for you though. Oh goshh. I have a few though. I'll try rice bran, olive, castor -just not together. I can't see anything being better than my beloved castor oil, though! Some love olive oil or grapeseed and other oils. I'm gonna mix some sesame seed oil w/my castor oil today for my rinse.

Wow, this is really getting long. I just love talking about oil rinses!

Here is the thread that helped me get started:
Read here: [URL]http://www.longhaircareforum.com/hair-care-tips-product-review-discussion/150965-dont-sleep-oil-rinses.html[/URL]
Well, thanks so much for typing this all out!:grin: I really hope I figure out what works for me (soon). I'll let u know if I do
This is what I've taught my DS, now 12 for his morning routine. He
wears an afro.

He mists his hair with water to make it damp. Then he applies the
S-Curl No Drip. After that he'll pour a little olive oil in his palm and
rub that all over.

Then it's shower time. When he gets out he puts on a plastic cap to
preserve the moisture. He'll get dressed, eat breakfast, brush his
teeth and then when it's time to style his hair, the pick goes through
pretty easily.

His hair seems to always look and feel really good and the dew point
here in New York has been below 30. I believe when the dew point
is more optimal (30 - 65 or so) I'll have him use the S-Curl fewer
times per week because, truthfully, S-Curl, like Nonie says, works
really well for days.

Hope this helps you ~
That regime sounds soo nice. Thanks for mentioning the dew points. I don't really know what below 30 means:look:, but I get what you're saying.

When there's less moisture in the air, your son mists his hair, uses the s curl then seals -daily. But when there's more moisture in the air, you'll plan to do that less?

Is New York weather like London then? I know you get snow in the Winter and it's warm in summer? (We have like 3 weeks of sun a year though lol). If I was natural, I'd definitely be more open to doing this now.
Ok, I read all the posts and I see you've tried S-Curl.

After checking for porosity issues as the ladies suggested, oil-rinsing is
another amazing option.

I do this for my and my DS's hair with olive oil. Very simple regimen with amazing
results. I've noticed our hair feels stronger and softer. S-Curl/olive oil for
maintenance keeps the softness until wash day.

I don't have the resources to try and fall in love with specialty products so this
regimen does it for us.
That's great. I think it's better to go by what works. I'll definitely be recommending the water /s curl regime to anyone who wants to hear it! I really think this'll [is that a word..] come in handy. I'll let my mum know.
Yep, I agree with hot oil treatments and curl activator gel.

I have been using worlds of curl gel for 4 years now and me and my hair are happy :)
Thanks! Is it hard like a gel? If I was natural, I'd be really on doing this now. Kiki0130 already convinced me weather-wise
And I'm actually washing my hair tonight or tomorrow. I won't be able to do a proper dc, but I'll probably bump this thread up, and let you know if it atleast dries soft
Thanks! Is it hard like a gel? If I was natural, I'd be really on doing this now. Kiki0130 already convinced me weather-wise

Naw, quite the opposite :grin:

It is a really effective moisturizer. It leaves my hair soft and shiny :lick:
You're from Coventry? We're quite close then. Do you add glycerin to any leave-ins at all? Can you actually leave it in your hair without it getting dry?

I actually have some of Anita Grant's rhassoul dc left over. I looove the smell, but I don't think I'll repurchase. As always, most products initially make my hair feel good, but when I last used it, my hair /NG wasn't soft when fully dry.

Do you mean baggying with oil, as in a hot oil treatment or prepoo? That's exactly what I did in the original post, when I thought my hair would turn around. I used ghee /olive oil /rice bran oil on wet hair -overnight.

Yep, from Cov:yep:.
yes i use glycerin and i put it in my moisturise spritz( aloe vera, glycerin distilled water).
i do baggy as a weekly treatment at least once a week! i will coat my hair with EVOO or castor oil, style the hair for bantu knot, put a plastic cap over, followed by a scarf than a bonnet and sleep with it! in the morning i will quickly dry the hair on cool and style as usual,my hair feels really soft after!
i bought the anita grant rhassoul (trial pack), i won't repurchase because i can buy the mud on its own (much cheaper) and mix with my favourite oil and coconut cream.
I really hope you find out something that will work for you! good luck:grin:
Originally Posted by virtuenow
Oil rinses are better to me than any shampoo or conditioner has ever been. I just tried them for the first time recently after battling dry/crispy hair for all my years as natural. Being fed up, and thinking of drastic measures, I was willing to try anything. My hair always airdried hard as a rock, even after trying acv rinses and "top of the line" products, (and mixing butters oils into conditioners or straight up--which do help but not like oil rinses). You obviously know what I mean then. Thanks!

Balancing your moisture/protein is really what will help with your porosity issues (since it sounds like this is the problem). Oil rinses, in particular can help you to hold and retain moisture better.

I do them with castor oil; and I'm still new to this, but you have to do trial and error on how much oil to use; and how much to rinse out. If you are straightening afterwards, then you may want to do a thorough rinse. That's what I do when I plan to straighten. I blowdry after almost every wash. Do you follow a particular tutorial? I'm gonna try this. I have no idea what I'm doing now (when blowdrying). I'll have to wait till I get more of an idea of how to do it. The oil rinses have given me the best flat iron job I ever had; and the most moist hair ever (whether airdrying or blowdrying). I could never say this from just throwing product on my hair after I wash. Its something about this process that gets in the cuticle and softens it...
...You can go days w/o adding moisture. This is unheard of w/my 4b dry hair. That's great. I'm not gonna get my hopes up too much
. I remember though,that when I used to prepoo with oil on dry hair -not overnight or anything.. maybe for like 1/2hr, my hair always felt nice after shampooing (not stripped). I want the long lasting results you're getting though. I've read through that thread a few times before.

I do the oil rinse after shampooing (which I may be giving up soon-since shampoo strips my hair); I do them before conditioning; or after conditioning. I may be trying them alone as I've heard some get good results from that. So you can do them before Or after. I might use ao gpb on dry hair then. Rinse it out. Then oil rinse. Would you recondition again after that?

Make sure u rinse the oil w/hot water. So far every way I've tried it has been great. I usually sit under the dryer for 10-15min when the oil is on my hair. I might start dc'ing with heat again and do this. I hope oil doesn't fry hair.. This has become my deep conditioner. That's cool. Other times I rinse it right off (like 30 sec to two min after I put it on). Its a really simple step that you can add into your wash/co-wash day regimin w/really any oil. you can easily try it and decide if this is for you! I do them everytime i wet my hair.

Note, you have to find the right oil that works for you though. Oh goshh. I have a few though. I'll try rice bran, olive, castor -just not together. I can't see anything being better than my beloved castor oil, though! Some love olive oil or grapeseed and other oils. I'm gonna mix some sesame seed oil w/my castor oil today for my rinse.

Well, thanks so much for typing this all out!:grin: I really hope I figure out what works for me (soon). I'll let u know if I do

I blowdry with a comb attachment or using the tension method. I have a regular conair ionic blowdryer-- cheap from walmart/kmart type stores. The comb attachment runs horizontal instead of the long tube nozzle blowdryer. I find these easier to handle. Saloncabelo (i think the name) has some good youtube videos on 2-3 different blowdry techniques.

Actually, I didn't need to moisturize my hair when I flatironed (after doing an oil rinse). I didn't get my hopes up either until I tried...b/c you never know if something is going to work, and things almost never work on my hair. I thought it would be an oily mess! Wrong; its the exact opposite, moist! I wanted to try the sesame seed oil b/c it is a ceramide. The oils you named are ceramides, so I would be interested to hear how it works out.

What is ao gpd (i'm not familiar)? If its a deep conditioner, I don't think you need another conditioner. But some people like to co-wash out the oil rinse.
I've only skimmed through this thread, so I apologize if this has already been recommended.

I went to Target to pick up my staple SheaMoisture restorative leave in conditioner, but they were sold out, so I got the Herbal Essences LTR leave-in instead (red bottle). I ALWAYS have to seal my hair with an oil after moisturizing; if I don't, it'll feel hard and dry as if I didn't apply anything in the first place. Not with this product. My hair is super soft to the touch, even without sealing. HE LTR has gotten rave reviews on the forum for a while. It's definitely worth trying.

Ok, airdrying before to me was like day and night. I washed my hair, and it's better -but still similar.. maybe day and evening now..:nono:

I did a ghee /olive oil /rice bran oil prepoo [I have to use it up], shampooed my hair with v v diluted shampoo, then oil rinsed with rice bran oil on the right side, and olive oil on the left. Did a vv diluted acv rinse. As a leave-in, I used a tiny bit of rice bran oil (I don't think this one works for me). My hair did feel nicer throughout the day, but the ponytail again felt dry as it dried (was looking frizzy /damaged looking as usual). I put a tiny bit of condish on top. I've moisturised it 2x now (faith in nature choc condish, ao hsr (had to dampen my hair for it), claudie's satin moisturiser -just a little bit each time).

To add further insult, I finger detangled my hair through this morning (I have only an inch of new growth). I took it out of the hairband and finger detangled again. Why is it though that within a few minutes, the roots needed another detangling:nono:.

I'm just too fed up with my hair. I can't Always keep it wet in order to moisturise it, can I? I just need some blowdrying threads now. I'm so fed up. Next, I'll try prepooing with my ao gpb (I'm running low..), then rinse and oil rinse with a bit of castor oil in the morning.
What is ao gpd. You mentioned that in another thred but I never heard back! This is going to be a trial and error thing. I was washing my hair everyday and coming here for advice until I found the right combination just 1month ago. I got good strings of advice and had to tweak it. I still prefer to moisturize daily--and my hair can hold alot of product. Right now I'm using the ktube leave in, aloevera juice/jojoba/castor oil/cond combo. But I have trouble jumping on the concept that you have to keep your hair wet to moisturize it daily. I am still doing test runs on that but I find it difficult to hold a style so far with the amount of shrinkage I have. This will be my first week attempting an out style w/wet-moist hair. I will spray with an aloe vera juice-jojoba/castor oil concoction. However, I prefer to blowdry, and use shea butter/coconut oil to moisturize or my new leave-in.

By the way, I find acv rinses to be very drying to my hair. The tricked me and appeareed to be working magic at first, but I ended up w/more dry and breaking ends after doing it a few times too many. so that may factor in on the outcome.
maybe the issue is the protein....and that rice oil..you seem to sue a lot of it... i'm with nonie. I'm, an Scurl lover. My hair loves ti on wet or dry hair. have you tried apllying that then braiding the length of your hair? that is what i do to recude frizz and dryness. I also found that using olive oil on wet hair also help....
I've only skimmed through this thread, so I apologize if this has already been recommended.

I went to Target to pick up my staple SheaMoisture restorative leave in conditioner, but they were sold out, so I got the Herbal Essences LTR leave-in instead (red bottle). I ALWAYS have to seal my hair with an oil after moisturizing; if I don't, it'll feel hard and dry as if I didn't apply anything in the first place. Not with this product. My hair is super soft to the touch, even without sealing. HE LTR has gotten rave reviews on the forum for a while. It's definitely worth trying.

Thank you. We have that here. I think it's called Beautiful Ends though. I'll pick some up when I can, since it won't be expensive
What is ao gpd. You mentioned that in another thred but I never heard back! This is going to be a trial and error thing. I was washing my hair everyday and coming here for advice until I found the right combination just 1month ago. I got good strings of advice and had to tweak it. I still prefer to moisturize daily--and my hair can hold alot of product. Right now I'm using the ktube leave in, aloevera juice/jojoba/castor oil/cond combo. But I have trouble jumping on the concept that you have to keep your hair wet to moisturize it daily. I am still doing test runs on that but I find it difficult to hold a style so far with the amount of shrinkage I have. This will be my first week attempting an out style w/wet-moist hair. I will spray with an aloe vera juice-jojoba/castor oil concoction. However, I prefer to blowdry, and use shea butter/coconut oil to moisturize or my new leave-in.

By the way, I find acv rinses to be very drying to my hair. The tricked me and appeareed to be working magic at first, but I ended up w/more dry and breaking ends after doing it a few times too many. so that may factor in on the outcome. Thanks for that. I was careful to use only a few drops (of ACV).

And soorry! Message me if I don't reply to something.. I'll get back to you!! It's aubrey organics glycoprotein conditioner. Well I DC'ed with it overnight (the ao gpb), then put some castor oil on top this morning.. I should have done that last night since it didn't really sink in. Then I rinsed my hair out with cool water.. I skipped the oil rinse, since I wasn't sure if doing one, then rinsing my hair with hot water would stop the effects of the conditioner?

I still don't know what's up with my ends :ohwell:.. why they are so frizzy even out of the shower. As a leave-in this time, I used joico silk result blowdry creme, then a bit of claudie's satin moisturiser. I always focus the moisturiser on my roots, yet my ends were kinda crunchy /not at all smooth.

I'll have to see what the rest of my hair's like tomorrow. I have a silk scarf on now
maybe the issue is the protein....and that rice oil..you seem to sue a lot of it... i'm with nonie. I'm, an Scurl lover. My hair loves ti on wet or dry hair. have you tried apllying that then braiding the length of your hair? that is what i do to recude frizz and dryness. I also found that using olive oil on wet hair also help....
It's a shame I'm gonna go home and get my hair 'done' this weekend, so that means no experimenting for as long as I can :lol:.

I think I mentioned it in this thread, but I've tried Wave Nouveau (and CFCG when I think about it). I'll have to really try it again in summer. I used the rice bran oil (and IA.. a lot) for only one of my washdays. I'm not gonna use it again though, since my roots were tangling, and my hair wasn't really moisturised.

I need to do something about my ponytail!! I'm tempted to just take a brush and brush it through. It's still damp though, and isn't tangled per se, just unsmooth and frizzy:ohwell:
Ok, airdrying before to me was like day and night. I washed my hair, and it's better -but still similar.. maybe day and evening now..:nono:

I did a ghee /olive oil /rice bran oil prepoo [I have to use it up], shampooed my hair with v v diluted shampoo, then oil rinsed with rice bran oil on the right side, and olive oil on the left. Did a vv diluted acv rinse. As a leave-in, I used a tiny bit of rice bran oil (I don't think this one works for me). Oil is not a leave in. The leave in is what will help keep your hair moisurized and soft as it is drying. If rice bran has protein properties in addition to a acv rinse and hard water the only result possible is hard hair.

My hair did feel nicer throughout the day, but the ponytail again felt dry as it dried (was looking frizzy /damaged looking as usual). I put a tiny bit of condish on top. I've moisturised it 2x now (faith in nature choc condish, ao hsr (had to dampen my hair for it), claudie's satin moisturiser -just a little bit each time).

To add further insult, I finger detangled my hair through this morning (I have only an inch of new growth). I took it out of the hairband and finger detangled again. Why is it though that within a few minutes, the roots needed another detangling:nono:.

I'm just too fed up with my hair. I can't Always keep it wet in order to moisturise it, can I? I just need some blowdrying threads now. I'm so fed up. Next, I'll try prepooing with my ao gpb (I'm running low..), then rinse and oil rinse with a bit of castor oil in the morning.

I think you also said that you did an over night dc with ao gbp. That is a protein. I am not seeing any moisturzing products in your regimen. I dont know if you are natural or relaxed but you still need more moisture and I would not recommend a protein for over night dc. Good luck.
I've only skimmed because I have a low attention span but how exactly do you air dry your hair? In braids? Twists? Wrap? Have you tried rollersetting?
I think you also said that you did an over night dc with ao gbp. That is a protein. I am not seeing any moisturzing products in your regimen. I dont know if you are natural or relaxed but you still need more moisture and I would not recommend a protein for over night dc. Good luck.
Thank you. Nothing 'moisturising' works for me though, honestly. I do normally use conditioners /leave-ins etc by default. They just don't give me lasting results.

I'll keep what you said in mind about dc'ing overnight with protein though. I'll try to rinse it out after an hr or 2 (it takes that long to sink in when I don't use heat). My hair's texlaxed.. I actually just posted a pic with my hair drying in the makeup section.

Oil is not a leave in. The leave in is what will help keep your hair moisurized and soft as it is drying. If rice bran has protein properties in addition to a acv rinse and hard water the only result possible is hard hair.

Thanks. I'm not gonna use rice bran oil again. I used filtered water though. My hair doesn't really feel "hard". I just can't wear it in a ponytail.. it fluffs out and gets big, but the last 4/5 inches just look v frizzy /puffy. It doesn't feel smooth like the rest of my hair.
I've only skimmed because I have a low attention span but how exactly do you air dry your hair? In braids? Twists? Wrap? Have you tried rollersetting?
Lol that's fine. I moisturise it straight out of the shower, then I airdry it in a hairband.. usually without the hairband if I'm at home. I put a silk scarf on top (covering the pony as well). It's still always the worst part.

I can't do braids or twists because they'll dry beautifully.. but once it's fully dry, my hair is just awful.

And rollersetting equals too much breakage for me. I used to have to almost rip my hair apart, just to do the parts. It stuck /sticks like velcro when wet. I would get it nicely on the roller, then as it dried, it'd come out soo puffy.. almost like I airdried it, so it's not worth it for me.
Didn't read through the whole thread (I should just go ahead and make that my tagline:look:) so I'm not sure if this has already been suggested but here's what I do...

I am convinced that I have the driest hair on the planet. It's spongy, meaning it soaks up water slowly and dries out fast, fast, fast. I read Chicoro's book and now absolutely LIVE by her moisturizing method. Namely, apply leave-in, then oil, then an emulsifier like shea butter. For example, my favorite combo right now is Darcy's Botanicals Daily Leave-In, followed by Darcy's Coconut & Hibiscus Oil, followed by Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade.

Let me just tell you, my hair has NEVER been more moisturized. :grin: It stays that way for a week, and maybe longer, but I don't go longer than a week between washes. Oh, and I always airdry, even though I have a PIBBS :perplexed
I can't thank posts again, but thanks everyone

I used the actual beautiful ends Conditioner on my pony yesterday, then rubbed water over my hair (less than a tbsp -I poured it in my hands) and tied it down with a scarf. My hair looks soo much better:grin:. So I think the pony just looks better when it has weight (or it'll just be v puffy /frizzy).

So I have on joico silk result blowdry creme /claudie's satin moisturiser /macadamia butter with glycerin -all 3 did nothing for me -& now the beautiful ends condish on top.

I'll have to see what my hair's like later, and at some point experiment with using the condish alone. Or find a leave-in I can leave in my hair as it dries, then use some condish on damp but closer to dry hair.