Why is it . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
. . .that the day I'm going to get relaxed is the day that my scalp decides to start itching crazy?!!? I'm sitting her patting and rubbing my head like some sort of half-wit to prevent breaking the skin . . . .

I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! :yep: My touch up is scheduled for tomorrow morning and I already feel the itchies coming on! :drunk:
I don't have that problem. I wash before I relax. But I'll shut up and sit down now.....

Really? That's interesting (considering the whole thread the other day about NOT washing before relaxing). You are a blessed woman -- but you already knew that ;)
That happen to me two weeks ago. I gave in scratched my scalp big:nono:

My stylist asks,Did you scratch your scalp? I go yeah. She based my scalp my whole head was hurting afterwoods. It is straight next time will just pat it.
That happens to me as well and I be praying that my scalp don't start burning b/c I have some thick a#$ hair :blush:.
That happened to me the last time I relaxed and usually that NEVER happens. I had tried to base really good and I still burned a little :rolleyes:. Next time I'll base the night before and the day of my relaxer. Hope your relaxer turns out fine;)!
Dammit, I HATE when that happens. I could go weeks without itching, but 1-2 days before I relax--watch out!

I wonder if it's psychological....

. . .that the day I'm going to get relaxed is the day that my scalp decides to start itching crazy?!!? I'm sitting her patting and rubbing my head like some sort of half-wit to prevent breaking the skin . . . .
