Why is it so difficult sometimes...

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to believe God will work things out in your life,but when other people have issues, you can encourage them and really believe God will move in their life? Am I the only one who experiences this sometimes? In certain areas of my life, I find it so hard to encourage myself, but others can have the same issue and I can really believe for them!
I used to feel this way sometimes. I think some of that doubt stems from the mere fact that we know all the details of our situation, and we may be overwhelmed with how complicated or unfavorable our situation is. In another's distress, it's much easier to say "God will" and believe he will. But when you know all the ins and outs of the situation and how sticky it
*really* is, you may start to doubt too.

But you know faith without works is dead...and my dad always says to choose prayer or worrying, but not to do both b/c it's a waste. If you're gonna worry, don't bother praying, and if you're taking it to God in prayer, then worry needs to be cast aside.

And you know the definition of faith...that's a challenge in itself for humans to comprehend, but you know what faith will do for you.

Oh Bubblin you know God is merciful and spreads his grace throughout. I cannot say I have felt that way b4. When in doubt Psalms 23 and prayer. You can encourage self even when you feel low. You got to look outside of yourself. Concentrate on what is real an true. :)
latia said:
Oh Bubblin you know God is merciful and spreads his grace throughout. I cannot say I have felt that way b4. When in doubt Psalms 23 and prayer. You can encourage self even when you feel low. You got to look outside of yourself. Concentrate on what is real an true. :)
Excellent advice.
No, you're not alone. I deal with this a lot too! God always brings me through it though, so when I get exhausted I just take peace in knowing that the matter is out of my control and in the hands of the Almighty.
I think we have all been there at some point. I think after you have had a number of experiences with God you can start to say "well if God delivered me from homelessness I know he will not leave me now. He will make a way for me to pay my bills." Or " If God made a way for me to attend this prestigious school he will not let me flunk out". Or "If God gave me this man to marry he will desert us now in our time of need". Whatever the case may be in your life remember that God has done great things for you before and he will not leave you. Pray for strength and faith. I just learned to truly have faith in God. He always delivers. It really used to bother me that my mother was so optimistic when everything was falling apart but now I understand that she had faith. I thought I had to worry about it, I thought I had to cry about it. Now I know that I don't have to. Not saying that I never cry anymore, but honestly I would have to say usually when I cry now it has to do with God's goodness and no longer fear, or hurt or worries. SO, be encouraged. Prayer changes things.
I wanna pop the person who said being a Christian was easy:lol: Lord have mercy, it is so much easier said than done. I am re-reading Joyce Meyer's book, 'Battlefield of the Mind.' I tend to put down this book when I 'think' I have it together, but out of the blue comes the doubt, fear, etc, requiring me to ask God for help in this area and pulling out this book, one mo'gin!:lol:
Remember--Jesus told us to come unto Him who are heavy laden and He will give us rest. Remember--He took all our burdens on the cross.:)
I am exactly like that. The trial I am in is soooooooo fiery that I am useless. I try to stop worrying and crying because I know that God has something much better up ahead for me.
You are not alone girl! I have been through so much in the last year and a half. To me it seems like there was one thing after another (you get through one thing and then here comes something else). I have felt this way many times throughout my walk. The important thing is not to stay in that frame of mind for too long. Sometimes things can seem so tough that we forget to use our faith and we doubt God. Often times through praying about a situation, I am reminded of the things that He's already brought me through. He's done it before and He'll do it again!

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself getting down about something. I had to come to myself. Finally, I said, "God that is your business, you handle it". When I said that out aloud something stirred within me. As long as I know I've done all that He's said to do, it's His business. A lot of times God wants us in that place where do solely depend and trust in Him, not in our loved ones or our jobs but solely on Him. If I had time I would give my testimony of how faithful God has been to me even in those times when I doubted Him.

I'm sorry for the long post.
No, don't apologize for your long post. It was encouraging. You know, it is so amazing how God can move in your life in an instant. There have been several occassions where I've been very anxious about something and as soon as I spoke scripture (without a second thought) the anxiety would leave!

divinefavor said:
You are not alone girl! I have been through so much in the last year and a half. To me it seems like there was one thing after another (you get through one thing and then here comes something else). I have felt this way many times throughout my walk. The important thing is not to stay in that frame of mind for too long. Sometimes things can seem so tough that we forget to use our faith and we doubt God. Often times through praying about a situation, I am reminded of the things that He's already brought me through. He's done it before and He'll do it again!

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself getting down about something. I had to come to myself. Finally, I said, "God that is your business, you handle it". When I said that out aloud something stirred within me. As long as I know I've done all that He's said to do, it's His business. A lot of times God wants us in that place where do solely depend and trust in Him, not in our loved ones or our jobs but solely on Him. If I had time I would give my testimony of how faithful God has been to me even in those times when I doubted Him.

I'm sorry for the long post.
Amen! Yes, I just told a friend this morning in a second our situations can change. God can blink an eye and the situation can turn around for the better! Hallelujah, that's such an encouragement!:)

Bublnbrnsuga said:
No, don't apologize for your long post. It was encouraging. You know, it is so amazing how God can move in your life in an instant. There have been several occassions where I've been very anxious about something and as soon as I spoke scripture (without a second thought) the anxiety would leave!