You are not alone girl! I have been through so much in the last year and a half. To me it seems like there was one thing after another (you get through one thing and then here comes something else). I have felt this way many times throughout my walk. The important thing is not to stay in that frame of mind for too long. Sometimes things can seem so tough that we forget to use our faith and we doubt God. Often times through praying about a situation, I am reminded of the things that He's already brought me through. He's done it before and He'll do it again!
A couple of weeks ago, I found myself getting down about something. I had to come to myself. Finally, I said, "God that is your business, you handle it". When I said that out aloud something stirred within me. As long as I know I've done all that He's said to do, it's His business. A lot of times God wants us in that place where do solely depend and trust in Him, not in our loved ones or our jobs but solely on Him. If I had time I would give my testimony of how faithful God has been to me even in those times when I doubted Him.
I'm sorry for the long post.