why is it hard......

Loves Harmony

Well-Known Member
Why is it so hard to get man to attend church? Ive decided that i need to start back going to church. Ive been wanting to go but havent because my spouse wouldnt attend with me. Ive decided this year that i will attend even if he wont.... What should i do? I dont want to beg?
Just go, set the example. Don't beg or nag. Take the children if there are any. Be an example to him and don't diss the church folk when you get home.
Hmm, I've read a lot about this. Men don't like church b/c it's very women-focused. Everything is all touchy-feely and men don't get this. If you can find a church that has a good men's ministry, I would think they'd have more men-friendly activities and more male-ness incorporated into weekly church services.
Just go, set the example. Don't beg or nag. Take the children if there are any. Be an example to him and don't diss the church folk when you get home.

thats exactly what ive done them morning. Ive also prayed that one day he will attend with me. When i was getting dressed to go he ask, so your really going. I think he wanted to attend but i dont know whats stopping him.
Sooo funny you bring this up. This happened in my house this morning.

I have a brother 9 years younger than me he is 16. I've been going to church by myself since the age of 15 FAITHFULLY. My parents and all of us use to go up until I was like 12.

I'm 24 now. I've dragged my brother to church 2 times in 8 years. This fool is now dating some little 14 year old and her parent invited him to church. He got up early this morning got dress and caught the bus to their house a city a way to go to church with them. My other cousin a guy (18yrs) was light weight upset too because he goes to church every sunday and he and my brother are tight and my brother always complains that church starts to early blah blah so he can't go.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I've been trying to get him to go for years. lol. I say all this to vent, but to also say girl I don't know if there is much you can do. The craziest things will be set in motion and they will go at some point.

I know all along I have been praying for him to start going to church. So even if this little girl might be the reason I believe that the Lord will make the best out of this situation. KEEP PRAYING and setting the example..oh and inviting. That's all I've done.
My case is a bit of the reverse I used to go to church and tried to drag my husband to the Church i was going to. My children have always attended a local sunday school on sunday afternoons. One sunday they invited all parents for a prize-giving ceremony my husband attended and was impressed with the way it was handled and how the focus was on nuturing the youngsters mind and spirits to the Lord. By the next Sunday week my husband said thats the church he wants us to attend as a family considering this was not my church. Well to cut a long story short I changed churches and I have been blessed with a husband who now goes to church regularly even though he's not yet born again, I know it will happen in Gods own time. What put my husband off church initially was the drama that can sometimes be present in predominantly black churches, the church we attend now is predominantly white.
My case is a bit of the reverse I used to go to church and tried to drag my husband to the Church i was going to. My children have always attended a local sunday school on sunday afternoons. One sunday they invited all parents for a prize-giving ceremony my husband attended and was impressed with the way it was handled and how the focus was on nuturing the youngsters mind and spirits to the Lord. By the next Sunday week my husband said thats the church he wants us to attend as a family considering this was not my church. Well to cut a long story short I changed churches and I have been blessed with a husband who now goes to church regularly even though he's not yet born again, I know it will happen in Gods own time. What put my husband off church initially was the drama that can sometimes be present in predominantly black churches, the church we attend now is predominantly white.[/quote]

Right there... You said it... The crazy thing is i havent experience any problems at the church i attend now and its a mixed crowd.
A few friends have experienced this and when they began to pray things changed. The advice my 1stg lady gave them was pray, continue to invite him out and leave it at that. Also enlist the mens department. My husband calls and always seeks out the men who dont attend or rarely attend. God uses men to encourage men. When I 1st met my husband he was in grad school and not committed to anything @ church, Now he is a deacon, leader inmens dept, leader of the older youth, usher, and all this because I left it in Gods hand, kept him abreast of all the goings on he was missing in a non accusatory way and the other men who were grounded encouraged him no matter how little interest he showed in committing to anything. So wait on the Lord. He will come around. Also if you have children..once their performances and recitals begin..he will at least attend those.
My case is a bit of the reverse I used to go to church and tried to drag my husband to the Church i was going to. My children have always attended a local sunday school on sunday afternoons. One sunday they invited all parents for a prize-giving ceremony my husband attended and was impressed with the way it was handled and how the focus was on nuturing the youngsters mind and spirits to the Lord. By the next Sunday week my husband said thats the church he wants us to attend as a family considering this was not my church. Well to cut a long story short I changed churches and I have been blessed with a husband who now goes to church regularly even though he's not yet born again, I know it will happen in Gods own time. What put my husband off church initially was the drama that can sometimes be present in predominantly black churches, the church we attend now is predominantly white.

@the bolded, that's interesting. My husband and I are both black and he is born again, but I wondered why he likes going to this large pretty much all white church. There is only one other black family we see there on a regular basis. This is not our home town, but we have lived in this city for a few years. I've asked him about going to a more racially mixed church, it doesn't have to be all black. I don't have a problem at all being with white people, it's just the vibe I get sometimes from the white people there and this is the deep deep south I'm talking about here. Yes the services are good (orchestra, full choir, good Bible based teaching), but I still don't feel like I belong there. I was accustomed to being in a basically all black holiness church where I was very involved in ministry. This has been a culture shock for me. But the main thing that consoles me is the thourough Bible based teaching. That means alot. And honestly, I didn't always get that at some of the black churches I have attended regularly. I'm assuming that this same situation can happen at "white" churches.
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I had a Sunday school teacher when I was 7 or 8. She was faithful in teaching and also a member of the choir. She brought her 3 children to church with her every Sunday as well. She did this for years.....finally when her youngest got into high school, her husband showed up at church. He just walked in on his own. Now, it has been more than 10 years, and he is in the Men's Class, he is a Deacon, and a very faithful member of the church. It took many years, but the prayers of the righteous availeth much.