Why is it hard to recognize the value in your OWN life...?


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A story was once told of a small girl who lived in a high-rise building in the inner city of a large metropolis. The girl’s family was poor, but she wanted for only one thing. Each and every afternoon, the girl would sit at her bedroom window and look out at the most beautiful building she had ever seen. The sun reflected off the many windows of the building like a shiny, golden piece of jewelry. "Wow!" the girl thought, "If I could only live in that beautiful building, then I would be happy." One evening the girl left her bedroom and set out to search for a closer look at the beautiful building. However, as she neared it location, amidst all the other tall buildings that surrounded her, she lost sight of her goal. She searched and searched for the building to no avail. "It has to be right here," she thought to herself. Finally, exhausted from her search, she found a young boy about her age. She asked the boy, "Do you know where I can find the beautiful, shiny, golden building?" The boy replied, "Oh, yes! I know the building that you are speaking of. I look at it every day." The boy then pointed over her shoulder. Upon turning around, the little girl spotted something that amazed her. It was the building in which she lived, reflecting a beautiful golden glimmer from the sun. While the girl had longed for what she believed that she did not have, she had failed to see the value of what she did have.