Why is He Still Around Drama Girl?

Junebug D

Well-Known Member
A typical scenario:

Guy meets girl. Guy asks girl out. Girl accepts. They go out. Guy says he doesn't want a relationship right now because he's in this bad thing with his ex whom he's "separated" from. Girl is innocent and naive, doesn't get it. Girl enters a sexual relationship with guy. Guy calls multiple times per day for a while. Guy is going through a rough time with being separated, finances are hard so he can't take her out again although he *really* wants to take her out. :rolleyes: Guy says he likes being around girl but doesn't want the drama of a relationship because things are so difficult for him, but their friendship is so valuable to him. :rolleyes: They never go out again. Girl is irritated, but patient & understanding, and still naive. Girl starts getting attached anyway.

Long story short... Guy starts pulling away, meets 4 new female "friends", and only calls or comes around when he wants to have sex. Girl is no longer naive, is fed up and starts making it known. Guy doesn't like "drama" & starts pulling away even more & becoming even more of an ***. Girl attempts to stop the sexual side of the non-relationship while retaining the "friendship". Guy keeps telling girl that he's not "ready" for a relationship, and that he would uphold his one promise of telling her if he sleeps with one of the other women he is "friends" with, and that he hasn't done it yet so he doesn't know why girl is upset with him. Girl rationalizes and continues having sex with him.

Girl makes last ditch effort and is there by his side when he falls ill in the middle of the night. Guy still doesn't change. Girl breaks it off again, only this time she truly means it and tosses out the "friendship" part too. And calls him out on every little nasty thing he's done to her, blames him for every problem in her life, and calls him every name in the book. Sweet girl has become Drama Girl, just what guy doesn't like.

Through his actions, guy has already made it painfully obvious that he doesn't have feelings for Drama girl, and has other female "friends" in line already. Guy is good-looking, charismatic, ladies man, meets women everywhere he goes, well-endowed, has skills, still in this limbo with his wife, doesn't NEED any added drama in his life... WHY is he still bothering with Drama Girl after she snapped on him and said so many awful things about him? He doesn't love her. He doesn't want to hang out with her or go out. He has male friends he hangs out with and his other female "friends".

The obvious answer is that he wants her around to have sex with, but WHY when he has other women lined up, and has women wanting to do whatever whenever he steps out? Guy would NOT have a difficult time whatsoever finding someone else to fulfill that base need. A warm bed is a warm bed, right? Why does guy not even seem to be mad about Drama Girl snapping on him and blaming him for everything? Why is guy still talking about their "friendship" when he never wanted to actually be friends?

Why is guy still trying to be "friends" with Drama Girl who has made it clear that she wants a relationship, which he does not want? Why is guy still around? While Drama Girl is holding out and trying to mend her broken heart, he can be out there sparking up a sexual "friendship" with almost any woman of his choosing and Drama Girl can be yesterday's news already. Drama Girl's sex can't be THAT good, can it? :rolleyes:

Is this just guy's idea of fun? :nono:
Guy is obviously waiting for one of the other women to become a "pro" in bed. He also likes the energetic charge of the "angry sex" and the chemistry. Girl needs to just stop answering the phone or changing number; obviously, she's responding to him to let him think he can keep trying, even if it's to be nasty. Guy will only leave girl alone when she stops making any effort to acknowledge him.
Drama girl needs to read: "The Rules" and "Why men love b*tches" to truly understand how men think and why they act the way they do. They truly are contradictory creatures. They say one thing and then do something completely different. *sigh*
Who knows maybe the sex was good and it is free sex without the attachment.

Maybe he likes drama.

Maybe it is because he is having fun and enjoys the thrill of having many women around and continue to go back to wife.

Why would any woman want to be involved seriously with this man?

Drama Girl was crazy for sleeping with him in the first place knowing what he was about.:nono:
There can be many reasons she can give as to why she went into this after he said he didn't want a relationship, but at the end of the day she was just naive. :nono: Yes, there are still "green" girls out there, believe it or not. In fact, that was one of the things he said he liked about her. :rolleyes:
WHY when he has other women lined up, and has women wanting to do whatever whenever he steps out?

Why is guy still trying to be "friends" with Drama Girl who has made it clear that she wants a relationship, which he does not want? Why is guy still around?

Is this just guy's idea of fun? :nono:

Oh boy have I been there, done that. I have spent countless hours talking to girlfriends about this very scenario. The answer is rather simple:

Guy likes to have his cake and eat it too, with the icing of his choice.
guys love the thrill of the chase, maybe he just wants to prove to himself he can get drama girl whenever he wants cause he got it like that, drama girl shouldnt beat herself up too much though almost every woman goes thru something like this to lose the L plates, drama girl should now just learn from this and NEVER do it again.
"Guy" knows that "Drama Girl" is sitting around trying to make sense of all of this and asking herself rationalization questions like, "why would he continue to speak to me when he can easily find a warm bed with his other women?"

"Guy" is well aware that if he waits her out, "Drama Girl" will be just confused enough to spread those legs again. Think of it as....a social experiment.

"Drama Girl" should really stop asking herself these questions and focus on the facts and move on from there. Wondering why a man still wants you around to sex when he also has four other women to sex can only lead to prolonged heartbreak and diminished feelings of self-worth.

Oh...btw, the whole "we have a friendship" thing when you are ******...and he's not committed exclusively to you in a monogamous relationship....that's a playa move. Let the notion of "friendship" go. This guy's slime.
Guy doesn't like the nagging and extra of the drama, but likes the message: it shows girl still cares.
Girl should stop caring.
Guy must not be as "all that" as the circle of girl-types think he is. Guy just sounds like a regular stupid negro trying to have his cake and eat it too.
*lights up a newport one hunnit*

If I understand this correctly, as I had to read it like 4x to clearly understand with Girl this and Drama that...lemme see if I can explain

If the guy told you off the breaks that he did not want a relationship, then why try to make him pursue one, especially if he told Girl about the issues he's having with this ex wife, etc. Any man that clearly tells you he does not want a relationship really do not want a relationship. Stop trying to figure him out and make him something he does not want to be...your man. He definitely has Girl figured out which is why he carries things and tells Girl about other women, etc. Girl played herself on this one.

So if I understand correctly, Drama Girl, or Girl went on and had sex with him anyway, he obviously turned her out, and now she that she can't have him the way she wants, she's upset and causes drama. Not a good move. If all you wanted to do was to phuk him, then you should have done that ...fed him beans..kept it movin. If the sex is all you wanted, then you shoulda been the playa, not da playee. I don't care what goes on in life, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way of doing things.

Here is the part I like..he tells Girl that his finances aren't right, etc....then he gets broke down and sick and Girl comes to rescue and wants to play nurse.....so classic. He got Girl right where he wants her.

Girl needs to get it together and leave ole boy alone cuz it ain't neva gonna work. Plain and simple. A brotha should always be tryna figure u out, not da otha way around. Let's not get it twisted. He only did what Girl allowed him to do. Girl should chalk it up to a loss, learn from it, and keep it pimpin.

If I'm wrong, then I stand to be corrected.

My $.02

Disclaimer - I understand.....cuz good dykk will getcha caught up....:ohwell:
Girl, you are a mess!!! (*lights up a newport one hunnit*) :lol:

This is an exact replica of a situation my cousin is in forever and a day. She falls for the okie-doke, every-single-time :nono:

You can't get mad at him for him showing you who he is AND is telling you all at the same time.

There are plenty others to get involved with :wallbash:
Sounds like chapter out of WMLB. . .sounds like he has Drama Girl right where he wants her. He knows she ain't going no where.
I love your Newport Rants. :lachen: Everything you said is on point.

This, right here...so elementary...and yet...sooo many women do not understand this simple point...

Any man that clearly tells you he does not want a relationship really do not want a relationship.

*lights up a newport one hunnit*

If I understand this correctly, as I had to read it like 4x to clearly understand with Girl this and Drama that...lemme see if I can explain

If the guy told you off the breaks that he did not want a relationship, then why try to make him pursue one, especially if he told Girl about the issues he's having with this ex wife, etc. Any man that clearly tells you he does not want a relationship really do not want a relationship. Stop trying to figure him out and make him something he does not want to be...your man. He definitely has Girl figured out which is why he carries things and tells Girl about other women, etc. Girl played herself on this one.

So if I understand correctly, Drama Girl, or Girl went on and had sex with him anyway, he obviously turned her out, and now she that she can't have him the way she wants, she's upset and causes drama. Not a good move. If all you wanted to do was to phuk him, then you should have done that ...fed him beans..kept it movin. If the sex is all you wanted, then you shoulda been the playa, not da playee. I don't care what goes on in life, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way of doing things.

Here is the part I like..he tells Girl that his finances aren't right, etc....then he gets broke down and sick and Girl comes to rescue and wants to play nurse.....so classic. He got Girl right where he wants her.

Girl needs to get it together and leave ole boy alone cuz it ain't neva gonna work. Plain and simple. A brotha should always be tryna figure u out, not da otha way around. Let's not get it twisted. He only did what Girl allowed him to do. Girl should chalk it up to a loss, learn from it, and keep it pimpin.

If I'm wrong, then I stand to be corrected.

My $.02

Disclaimer - I understand.....cuz good dykk will getcha caught up....:ohwell:
*lights up a newport one hunnit*

If I understand this correctly, as I had to read it like 4x to clearly understand with Girl this and Drama that...lemme see if I can explain

If the guy told you off the breaks that he did not want a relationship, then why try to make him pursue one, especially if he told Girl about the issues he's having with this ex wife, etc. Any man that clearly tells you he does not want a relationship really do not want a relationship. Stop trying to figure him out and make him something he does not want to be...your man. He definitely has Girl figured out which is why he carries things and tells Girl about other women, etc. Girl played herself on this one.

So if I understand correctly, Drama Girl, or Girl went on and had sex with him anyway, he obviously turned her out, and now she that she can't have him the way she wants, she's upset and causes drama. Not a good move. If all you wanted to do was to phuk him, then you should have done that ...fed him beans..kept it movin. If the sex is all you wanted, then you shoulda been the playa, not da playee. I don't care what goes on in life, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way of doing things.

Here is the part I like..he tells Girl that his finances aren't right, etc....then he gets broke down and sick and Girl comes to rescue and wants to play nurse.....so classic. He got Girl right where he wants her.

Girl needs to get it together and leave ole boy alone cuz it ain't neva gonna work. Plain and simple. A brotha should always be tryna figure u out, not da otha way around. Let's not get it twisted. He only did what Girl allowed him to do. Girl should chalk it up to a loss, learn from it, and keep it pimpin.

If I'm wrong, then I stand to be corrected.

My $.02

Disclaimer - I understand.....cuz good dykk will getcha caught up....:ohwell:

THANK YOU....:lachen:

Best laugh I've had in a few...:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
WHY is he still bothering with Drama Girl after she snapped on him and said so many awful things about him?
She gives him whatever he wants. He wants her to be there when he needs a "friend" when he's sick or nobody else is given up the goods. He knows she is only mad at herself because she played/plays herself and he gets all the benefits. Win/Win for him.

The obvious answer is that he wants her around to have sex with, but WHY when he has other women lined up, and has women wanting to do whatever whenever he steps out? Guy would NOT have a difficult time whatsoever finding someone else to fulfill that base need. A warm bed is a warm bed, right? Why does guy not even seem to be mad about Drama Girl snapping on him and blaming him for everything? Why is guy still talking about their "friendship" when he never wanted to actually be friends?
Please reference the previous response.

Why is guy still trying to be "friends" with Drama Girl who has made it clear that she wants a relationship, which he does not want? Why is guy still around? While Drama Girl is holding out and trying to mend her broken heart, he can be out there sparking up a sexual "friendship" with almost any woman of his choosing and Drama Girl can be yesterday's news already. Drama Girl's sex can't be THAT good, can it? :rolleyes:
It might be but for a player who likes to cover all his bases there is nothing sweeter than a women who consistently settles for less than she wants and/or deserves. Sometimes the dogs wants to play fetch and chase and sometimes he just wants to go to that place where he is guaranteed to get a yummy treat and his belly rubbed.

Is this just guy's idea of fun? :nono:
Pretty much

Yes, there are still "green" girls out there, believe it or not. In fact, that was one of the things he said he liked about her. :rolleyes:
Translation: "Ooh baby, when I saw you I just knew you were gonna be my sucker."

You can't get mad at him for him showing you who he is AND is telling you all at the same time.

Exactly. She is mad at herself because he didn't do anything but tell her the truth but she still allowed herself to be deceived.

Cliche#1: When someone tells you about themselves...believe it.
Cliche#2: Generally speaking, a man can only do to you what you let him do to you.

I used to do this to but I had to accept that I was going to have to live with the consequences of my actions. I also had to learn what my lessons were trying to teach me to not have to go through this type of thing over and over again.

Cliche#3: You reap what you sow.
Exactly. She is mad at herself because he didn't do anything but tell her the truth but she still allowed herself to be deceived.

So you're saying he was HONEST through all of that "We're going to be friends, we're going to go out and have fun together?" :ohwell:

I see I actually breezed through that part, but yeah... guy was NOT honest. Starting with the "we're separated" thing.

If all you wanted to do was to phuk him, then you should have done that ...fed him beans..kept it movin. If the sex is all you wanted, then you shoulda been the playa, not da playee.
That is so not all what she wanted, lol.
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guys are not that great at lying so while he was running game he told you all you needed to know to zip it up and move on, he told u he was separated (first of all i wouldnt try and date a man who is separated but that it just me :ohwell:) he told you he doesnt want a relationship and that he has no money to take you out,

he may have lied about everything else but he told you he doesnt want a relationship so u cant then blame him when you offered yourself on a plate and he took it because he had already told you what he wants, by sleeping with him after he told u this you also letting him know that the conditions are favorable to u, then why exactly did you want more or expect him to give you more when he has told you this??? did you think by having sex with him u will turn him out so much that he will fall in love with u?? girl no, even with men (especially with men) you have to use your common sense and listen to what they tell you, not what you want to hear
A bird in the hand is worth 4 in the bush. Until he can catch another bird, he's gonna stay with drama girl.
Isn't guy still 'married'? Separated or not that should have been a good indication to not go down that road.
It's simple...he's just doing what he can do...mess with everybody. Why exclude anyone, including you OP from the fun?