Why I will not be doing business with Mehndiskinart.com any longer....

wow thats pretty darn sad! The fact that you even wanted to buy that much and kept in contact with him should have told him you were being serious. I get all kinds of questions from potential customers and I answer them all because I want to get their business! I don't care how "stupid" I may personally think the question is, I'll answer because that very often equals a signed contract and money in my pocket.

His loss though. Give your business to someone who really wants it because he very obviously didn't.

SohoHair said:
You should send him a link to this thread and let him know that your "friends" belong to a forum with thousands of members since it appears he gives a 10% discount if you mention his Jamila sale on your favorite forum or blog. He obviously cares about and is aware of what being mentioned on a forum can do for his bottom line.

I like this idea too. He has no idea how many on this board love henna and have used that site for ordering. He needs a wake up call. :mad:
Unbelieveable, what a jerk!!:( I'm sorry this happened to you. To think I was considering placing an order with them at some point. Well that won't be happening. I agree you should let him know who your "friends" are, and he can sit there and ponder over the spam and business he won't be receiving.

I just ordered some henna from FNWL anyway, and their service and products are great.
Kimberly said:
Girl! He emailed you about the sale! If anyone was sending "spam", it was him! What nerve! :mad:

Exactly. What an a**.:mad:

WomanlyCharm said:
You know, we really need to create a sticky with companies that do not appreciate our business, or have owners that act as condescending as this man did. :mad: Especially since so many people get ripped off or suffer through bad service. Would that be possible mods?

I order quite a bit of henna, from different distributors. Mehndiskinart will not be one of them. What a pompous ass. :angry2:

Vendor Review Forum. It's one of the forums I would always forget to look at until a problem I had recently made me run there to warn others. We all need to post there more often.
I have ordered henna from this vendor and want it to be known that I will never do so again. I certainly do not wish to "spam" him by asking a question or placing an order. I hope he learns a valuable lesson about customer service from this one.
Hey I was considering ordering from him since I heard such great reviews. Well not after that rude and unprofessional email. I will be getting my Henna elsewhere and tell everyone I know that uses it to go elsewhere too. What nerve!
There's a comment form on the site to ask questions. I let him know he really messed up and has lost 100's of customers due to his rudeness and ignorance. I suggest we ALL send him a note letting his a$$ know. You can do so anonoymously. I dont even use henna but this pisses me off.
That is really bad customer service. I had planned on ordering from there but won't be doing so at all and when I get home that is going right out of my favorites.

His bottom line is going to turn red and hurt after this. It's a shame he had to do that. He doesn't deserve our money.
He forwarded me a copy of an email, Spring. It may have been yours.

He then sent another email to me and said basically I got the last laugh, and thanks for putting him out of business(for $40 profit). It seems like he's been reading this thread.

Anyone in business knows that a dissatisfied customer will tell everyone. With the accessibility of the internet, a dissatisfied customer has the potential to reach thousands.

I wish him no harm, I just wish he had better customer service.:(

Oh well, I'll gladly pay more to take my business where someone appreciates it.:)

sprungonhairboards said:
There's a comment form on the site to ask questions. I let him know he really messed up and has lost 100's of customers due to his rudeness and ignorance. I suggest we ALL send him a note letting his a$$ know. You can do so anonoymously. I dont even use henna but this pisses me off.
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I have had wonderful experiences getting my henna and indigo from Catherine of www.mehandi.com

She's quick, courteous, and professional. Her product is packaged beautifully as well. I highly recommend her.
I'm copying and posting this thread on THLC, The Long Hair Community if you don't mind.

What an idiot, perhaps he doesn't realize that most of us belong to multiple forums...
alexstin said:
He forwarded me a copy of an email, Spring. It may have been yours.

He then sent another email to me and said basically I got the last laugh, He'll start looking for a job and thanks for putting him out of business(for $40 profit). It seems like he's been reading this thread.

Anyone in business knows that a dissatisfied customer will tell everyone. With the accessibility of the internet, a dissatisfied customer has the potential to reach thousands.

I wish him no harm, I just wish he had better customer service.:(

Oh well, I'll gladly pay more to take my business where someone appreciates it.:)
Who cares about having the last laugh? Why didn't he just apologize and offer you free shipping or something? :confused:
alexstin said:
He forwarded me a copy of an email, Spring. It may have been yours.

He then sent another email to me and said basically I got the last laugh, He'll start looking for a job and thanks for putting him out of business(for $40 profit). It seems like he's been reading this thread.

Anyone in business knows that a dissatisfied customer will tell everyone. With the accessibility of the internet, a dissatisfied customer has the potential to reach thousands.

I wish him no harm, I just wish he had better customer service.:(

Oh well, I'll gladly pay more to take my business where someone appreciates it.:)

I dont even feel sorry for him. He really should have known better.
alexstin said:
He forwarded me a copy of an email, Spring. It may have been yours.

He then sent another email to me and said basically I got the last laugh, He'll start looking for a job and thanks for putting him out of business(for $40 profit). It seems like he's been reading this thread.

Ah....so he's gonna try an' make you feel guilty now??? What a D***! (Im sorry ladies)
CantBeCopied said:
Ah....so he's gonna try an' make you feel guilty now??? What a D***! (Im sorry ladies)

I am not reading his comments that way. It seems as though he was being facetious.
alexstin said:
He forwarded me a copy of an email, Spring. It may have been yours.

He then sent another email to me and said basically I got the last laugh, He'll start looking for a job and thanks for putting him out of business(for $40 profit). It seems like he's been reading this thread.

Anyone in business knows that a dissatisfied customer will tell everyone. With the accessibility of the internet, a dissatisfied customer has the potential to reach thousands.

I wish him no harm, I just wish he had better customer service.:(

Oh well, I'll gladly pay more to take my business where someone appreciates it.:)

If he goes out of business, then it is his own fault and not yours. Maybe in the future he will be more aware of the benefits of good customer service, and the peril of poor service.
I have not hopped on the henna bandwagon yet BUT I have friends who have. I will be sure to make certain he does not get their business as he has shown he does not care about his customers enough to put them first. Maybe he'll get it when he is losing more than a $40 profit.
I think he's being a bit too dramatic here, but if this is true, it serves his dumb ass right! :lol: :mad:

alexstin said:
He forwarded me a copy of an email, Spring. It may have been yours.

He then sent another email to me and said basically I got the last laugh, He'll start looking for a job and thanks for putting him out of business(for $40 profit). It seems like he's been reading this thread.

Anyone in business knows that a dissatisfied customer will tell everyone. With the accessibility of the internet, a dissatisfied customer has the potential to reach thousands.

I wish him no harm, I just wish he had better customer service.:(

Oh well, I'll gladly pay more to take my business where someone appreciates it.:)