Why I think the way I do


Well-Known Member
I know that many of us have all these misconceptions about hair and its been brought up here on several occasions. Well last nite I was at my moms house and I was talkin with my mom and little sister and told them I was gonna stop getting perms. They asked the who's and the why's and I told them. They were actin like it would be hard to manage their hair without a perm. My little sister had pretty, long wavy hair as a child and I tried to explain that's more than likely how her hair would be. But she thinks its easier to get perms and get her hair done every two weeks and she likes her hair straight. Neway. I asked my mom if she remembered how my hair was when I was little so I could get an idea of how it may be without a perm. She couldn't really remember so we pulled out old photo albums. In those pictures my hair was either pressed or blow dryed back in ponytails. The best I could get from her was that it was a mixture of "good hair and bad hair" and "kinda thin". I had also shared with her that I did not want perm my future kids hair. Today i saw a little girl walking with pretty hair pulled back in a ponytail but it was big and pretty in sort of an afro puff. I was like see, that's why I don't want to perm their hair. Then she say's "well that girl is mixed". I wasn't thinking of it like that. But I know I had those same misconceptions and still find myself using the good hair bad hair terms but I am trying to be more aware of that thanks to lhcf
Good for you. There's nothing wrong with being relaxed in my opinion, but I hate for people to see it as their ONLY option.

I too remember asking my mom how my hair used to be before I went natural and she couldn't remember either. I looked at old photos too, but in most of them I had my hair French braided.

Fast forward to today, and now me and my mom are both natural. You never know, you could inspire them to follow behind you on your natural journey. ;)