Why I Don't Let Family Mess With My Hair


New Member
Ok ladies...I visited my sister in San Francisco this weekend (1st time on the West Coast--loved it BTW) who is a stylist and decided to let her do my hair.

Let me back track...thanks to LHCF, my fine strands are the longest they have ever been (SL) and I can't be more excited!! Anyway, she first gets onto me about the overall texture of my hair (texlaxed, 6 weeks post) stating that I need to "pick a texture" and claiming that "underprocessed" hair leads to breakage. She then flipped out because I told her I stretch my relaxers minimum 12 weeks. Her response was "that's why it's so thin". She then tells me that I need to cut it off because the longer my hair gets, the thinner it's going to be.

I was so furious. My hair has always been FINE... not thin. My ends are not broken off or seethrough which is an indication that my hair is not damaged at all. I just felt like she was "hating" especially after another woman in the shop said I had beautiful hair (never heard that one...YAY!)

So anyway...even after all this, I decided to let her style my hair because I wanted it to look good for a special event we were attending. OH THE HORROR!!! She shampooed my hair with some mystery potion and did not DC!!!! She then puts a serum on my hair (which I thought was a heat protector, but it was like an anti frixx serum) and puts me under the dryer (did I mention she didn't DC?). After the dryer, she flat irons my hair with thes hella hot iron (so hot it was burning my scalp) then followed up by "bumping" the ends. I was horrified! I haven't had that much heat in my hair in so long. Outside of maybe an every 6 week maxiglide, I stay away from the heat. Oh yeah...here's the worst part!!! Before the infamous bump, she sprayed the SUPER STIFF SPRITZ on my hair!!! I could hear it crackling as she ran the iron through my hair. I haven't used spritz in YEARS!!

The finished look was pretty, but I know that I can get the same look using much healthier methods, and I could smell that dang burnt spritz smell for two days!! It's experiences like these that remind me why I swore off AFAM salons in the first place. I love my sister, but she will NEVER touch my hair again. I can't wait until she comes to the east coast for Christmas. Maybe I'll have unhealthy BSL thin hair by then. Whatever man. Thanks for letting me vent.
((((hugs))))) I'm glad you didn't go to her for a relaxer, she would have relaxed all of your hair bone bone straight. Hopefully your hair will recover from all of that heat. And I hope you do reach BSL the next time you see her:grin:.

ETA: I can't believe you did not get a deep conditioner! Did she condish your hair at all?
Girl, she's not gonna pay any attention to what you have to say. After all, SHE'S the professional, remember? She went to cosmetology school, she knows EVERYTHING :rolleyes:

You would think that after seeing your hair growing and healthy, she'd listen to what you had to say. Stylists think they know every dang thing and they hardly ever listen to their clients. Yet another reason why I'm anti-styist!! DIY all the way! :fistshake:
WOW... It's funny how other people especially 'stylist' think that they know your hair better than you do. I am floored that she didn't DC your hair.

But don't sweat it, I'm sure that she thought that she was helping, you know what to do to help your hair recover and you've learned that she may not be the person that you want to handle your hair.

Long as you can fix it and you've learned something
Girl, she's not gonna pay any attention to what you have to say. After all, SHE'S the professional, remember? She went to cosmetology school, she knows EVERYTHING :rolleyes:

You would think that after seeing your hair growing and healthy, she'd listen to what you had to say. Stylists think they know every dang thing and they hardly ever listen to their clients. Yet another reason why I'm anti-styist!! DIY all the way! :fistshake:

Co-sign with this entire post. I am one year STYLIST FREE!:grin:
Why didn't you speak up?? This is your sister of all people, not a stranger. You know your hair is supposed to be dc'd and if you didn't want the hair spray you should have just told her no thanks. I hope you haven't hindered your progress. When you wash your hair make sure you do a super dc :yep:
Girl, she's not gonna pay any attention to what you have to say. After all, SHE'S the professional, remember? She went to cosmetology school, she knows EVERYTHING :rolleyes:

You would think that after seeing your hair growing and healthy, she'd listen to what you had to say. Stylists think they know every dang thing and they hardly ever listen to their clients. Yet another reason why I'm anti-styist!! DIY all the way! :fistshake:

I agree even though i went to school for hair, and my mom and my twin sister but everyone doesn't practice good hair methods let alone LISTEN. they hear you talking but not LISTENing. a real difference. :yep:
Dang that's krazy!! I know she knows better than that!! Because she's your sister AND you love her, and would not want her to do that to any of her customers....I WOULD HAVE SNAPPED!
Ok ladies...I visited my sister in San Francisco this weekend (1st time on the West Coast--loved it BTW) who is a stylist and decided to let her do my hair.

Let me back track...thanks to LHCF, my fine strands are the longest they have ever been (SL) and I can't be more excited!! Anyway, she first gets onto me about the overall texture of my hair (texlaxed, 6 weeks post) stating that I need to "pick a texture" and claiming that "underprocessed" hair leads to breakage. She then flipped out because I told her I stretch my relaxers minimum 12 weeks. Her response was "that's why it's so thin". She then tells me that I need to cut it off because the longer my hair gets, the thinner it's going to be.

I was so furious. My hair has always been FINE... not thin. My ends are not broken off or seethrough which is an indication that my hair is not damaged at all. I just felt like she was "hating" especially after another woman in the shop said I had beautiful hair (never heard that one...YAY!)

So anyway...even after all this, I decided to let her style my hair because I wanted it to look good for a special event we were attending. OH THE HORROR!!! She shampooed my hair with some mystery potion and did not DC!!!! She then puts a serum on my hair (which I thought was a heat protector, but it was like an anti frixx serum) and puts me under the dryer (did I mention she didn't DC?). After the dryer, she flat irons my hair with thes hella hot iron (so hot it was burning my scalp) then followed up by "bumping" the ends. I was horrified! I haven't had that much heat in my hair in so long. Outside of maybe an every 6 week maxiglide, I stay away from the heat. Oh yeah...here's the worst part!!! Before the infamous bump, she sprayed the SUPER STIFF SPRITZ on my hair!!! I could hear it crackling as she ran the iron through my hair. I haven't used spritz in YEARS!!

The finished look was pretty, but I know that I can get the same look using much healthier methods, and I could smell that dang burnt spritz smell for two days!! It's experiences like these that remind me why I swore off AFAM salons in the first place. I love my sister, but she will NEVER touch my hair again. I can't wait until she comes to the east coast for Christmas. Maybe I'll have unhealthy BSL thin hair by then. Whatever man. Thanks for letting me vent.

Sorry you sat through that.
Why didn't you speak up?? This is your sister of all people, not a stranger. You know your hair is supposed to be dc'd and if you didn't want the hair spray you should have just told her no thanks. I hope you haven't hindered your progress. When you wash your hair make sure you do a super dc :yep:

This is what I'm thinking. Thanks for typing for me.
Why didn't you speak up?? This is your sister of all people, not a stranger. You know your hair is supposed to be dc'd and if you didn't want the hair spray you should have just told her no thanks. I hope you haven't hindered your progress. When you wash your hair make sure you do a super dc :yep:

My question exactly. I understand you probably didn't wanna hear her mouth anymore but skipping a DC when you know your hair needs it , or letting someone put something on your hair that you know is damaging...I don't get it. :perplexed