Request Why don't you want to change the avatars?

mz tracy 25

New Member
If we are all women of color, who pay our yearly subscription to use this forum (Long Hair Care Forum: The Ultimate Hair & Beauty Resource for Women of Color), why should it be our job to "point" you to different freely available avatars on the Internet? Just as you found those in 2003, can’t you find different ones in 2011? I don’t see why you just shut down the idea without even trying to solve the problem.

Obviously no one uses the avatars on here because we don’t like them. Why not change the avatars? It doesn’t even have to be black women, just so it isn’t mostly white women on a black forum (which makes no sense at all). There are many other types of avatars you could use. Is it such an impossible task that we are requesting?
With all due respect, where did I state that "I do not want to change the avatars?" If I am mistaken please correct me, but I wrote that a member can upload their own avatar or select one from the stock. As for new ones, please point me to avatars that you like and I will upload them.

When does that translate to me not wanting to upload the avatars or shutting down the idea?

Since you (plural) are the content creators for this site, isn't it logical that you (plural) should be the ones to choose what you want to see as an avatar? In that case what was wrong with what I wrote?
On second thought, I have disabled the generic avatars.

You can now upload the avatar that you like.

This way, you can only use what you like.
You still didn't answer my question. I have already pointed you to the avatars..avatars other than white women. That's plenty for you to chose from. Obviously you don't want to change them because others have complained in the past and it seems as though you could care less.

If you want to disable the current avatars, that's your decision, but that's not what I requested nor does it solve the problem.

I'm not going to continue to go back and forth with you on the issue because it's ultimately up to you what you decide to do, and obviously your mind is made up. So there it is.
I have to agree. In a forum with 99.999% black women, why would there be predominantly generic Caucasian faces? If this was a 99%.999% Caucasian forum, there would hardly be any generic black faces.
As a web designer/developer I think Nikos is being more than fair. He even went as far as to ask for some avatar preferences since you didn't like the ones here. What people don't seem to understand is that the generic faces that come bundled with the site will not get him sued. In order to keep our costs down the graphics have to be relatively royalty free... and anyone that has looked at those know that they're pretty limited. When you copy random pics from somewhere else and use them as a mainstay on a website, it can become a liability issue because of copyrights/royalties/etc.

If I read correctly, he not once stated that he was against the idea. He just asked for a link and made the offer to make/accept changes. If it's really that serious an issue, why not provide viable options instead of making the same argument in multiple places?
You still didn't answer my question. I have already pointed you to the avatars..avatars other than white women. That's plenty for you to chose from. Obviously you don't want to change them because others have complained in the past and it seems as though you could care less.

If you want to disable the current avatars, that's your decision, but that's not what I requested nor does it solve the problem.

I'm not going to continue to go back and forth with you on the issue because it's ultimately up to you what you decide to do, and obviously your mind is made up. So there it is.

I have already answered the question. I have removed the generic avatars aka the non women of color ones. So with that I have addressed your request.

Where did you point me to the avatars you want? Saying that you want avatars of women of color restricts the search to a few billion results. Even if I had all the time in the world to upload everything that is royalty free and I have the permission of the person on the avatar to do such a thing, I would still not know which ones you like. It's like going to an Italian restaurant and ordering just pasta.

I agree, there is no point in going back and forth. I tried to be as accommodating as possible but I know that I cannot keep everyone happy.
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OP, this isn't the AVATAR CARE FORUM. Why do u care what the generic avatar selections are?? who frickin' cares?? Practically everyone uses their own.
Maybe I'm just one out a few more than happy to upload my own. Even though my current avatar is me, the fact that I'm on here means I have Internet access and could easily search for and find another photo of whomever or whatever I want.
Why do we have to fight over a subject so trivial!!


Thanks Nikos! I'm loving the iPhone app!!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
First of all, I already said what I had to say to him. I wasn't asking anyone's opinions, it was my (and some other members') issue; addressed to him. Why ya'll are even concerned with me uploading my own avatar, I don't know. If you had looked at my avatar you would see that I did upload my own, because I had no other choice but to.

And if it's not that serious to you, or that big of a "frickin" deal as someone said, then good for you. Obviously it was/is to me and that's why I said something about it.

It's sad that I'm getting attacked, and getting attitude, because I want avatars that represent us. Ya'll are acting like I'm asking such a crazy impossible request, and that I'm wrong for not wanting mostly white women avatars that we don't use, and he is right for not changing the avatars so that we can use them. Wow. Ya'll are a trip. But I'm not surprised.

And ya'll are right. If it's not such a big deal, why can't he change it? THAT, is the issue. He told me to point him in the direction. He's the tech savy guy, I'm SURE he knows where to find other avatars. They do not have to be black avatars as I stated. They can be cartoons, animals, nature; anything under the sun. That's thousands for him to chose from. I've never seen these avatars on any other forum. I'm sure he could take his pick of any other platform, but he won't change it.So the question shouldn't be, "why can't I upload my own" The question is "why doesn't he change them so I don't have to upload my own?" THAT was my question. What's wrong with having avatars that we actually use?

Do you think any majority non-black forum would have majority black avatars? No. Even if they were easy to find and free? No. But it's cool, we're black, we'll take whatever. No big deal.

I am by no means comparing myself to these outstanding men, I'm just trying to simply get avatars changed. I can only imagine the names black people; their own people, called Martin Luther King, or Malcolm X... just for trying to stand up for them and get them the respect that they deserved. I'm sure they said something like, "He just need to leave well enough alone, we comfortable at the back of the bus. I don't want to eat in their restaurants anyway. they can't cook."

Smh, It's a shame.
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I am really surprised on how this has gone south.

Some points:

mz tracy 25: First of all you have agreed by the rules of this forum once you signed up. A requirement of the rules is to be civil and respectful. From your posts (and topic title) you are anything but respectful to me. I will let this one go for the third time but consider yourself warned. You don't have to like me, you don't have to like what I type but you must be respectful as I am to you. For that, my name is Nikos - pleased to meet you (it says so in my signature).

I have tried to respond as I always respond, with respect and professionalism. I am sorry that you cannot see my point - I really am. I cannot satisfy everyone, that is a fact. I always try to use a middle route so as to keep as many people happy as possible.

A small history lesson, which I am sure that some of the members that have been here since 2004 or earlier can remember.

When I got involved in this forum, everything I did was for free. A lot of the things that I do even today are also free. Today I do get compensated - truth to be told - but the work vs. compensation ratio is not equal. Back in 2004 it was Beverly's credit card that was keeping this place running and my free work. For those that are knowledgeable about running a website, there are numerous costs like bandwidth, webspace etc.

At the time we could not afford people to upload avatars. It would require a lot of space and we just could not pay for the extra charge. This is why we used the stock ones. The ones that I uploaded had a lot of variety, from cartoons, actors, nature etc. Through the years the list was shortened because people were no longer using them and because people could upload their own.

The question about the avatars came up once more relatively recently. You can use the search engine and I am sure you will find the relevant post. The same thing was said again: point me to what you like and I will happily upload them. The OP at the time opted to upload her own.

The issue is not that I do not want to upload avatars. The issues are:
a) I do not know what you (plural) like so someone has to point me to the information,
b) the images must be royalty free and
c) it really is not my job to go and find content for the website.

This is a forum, and thus the content is generated by the users. My primary job is to technically administer the forum so that it runs as smoothly as possible for the users and to help with everyday queries.

If you did not know what my tasks are in this forum, now you do. The way you present your argument, it sounds that I do not want to upload any avatars. That is not true. Like I wrote, I can search for 'women of color' and look at images in Google and I will get a few billion results. I have a day job and I cannot devote all my time to upload the avatars that you perhaps like just to satisfy you. I am sorry but that is the naked truth.

You also mention in your last reply that I can upload other avatars. The whole argument started because 99% of the avatars here were not from women of color. If you state now "They do not have to be black avatars as I stated. They can be cartoons, animals, nature; anything under the sun." what was wrong with the ones already there? Your initial question did not address this.

The fact remains that we did have some avatars and we offered them for members to select from them in addition to the ability to upload your own. If you do not like them, don't use them. Simple as that.

Do you think any majority non-black forum would have majority black avatars? No. Even if they were easy to find and free? No. But it's cool, we're black, we'll take whatever. No big deal.

I am by no means comparing myself to these outstanding men, I'm just trying to simply get avatars changed. I can only imagine the names black people; their own people, called Martin Luther King, or Malcolm X... just for trying to stand up for them and get them the respect that they deserved. I'm sure they said something like, "He just need to leave well enough alone, we comfortable at the back of the bus. I don't want to eat in their restaurants anyway. they can't cook."

Smh, It's a shame.

As for the above, I would caution you again since racially motivated remarks like the above will get you banned.
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